Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 7, 1909

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 7, 1909
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President, annual
- List of papers with subjects of correspondence
- Circulars (Documents 1–7)
- Conservation of Natural Resources (Document 1)
- World’s Conservation Congress (Document 2)
- Registration of American Citizens (Document 3)
- Fourth Pan-American Sanitary Conference (Document 4)
- International Opium Conference (Document 5)
- The American Red Cross (Document 6)
- International Prison Congress (Document 7)
- Conservation of Natural Resources (Document 1)
- Argentine Republic (Documents 8–28)
- Severing of diplomatic relations between Argentina and Bolivia and good
offices of United States (Documents 8–19)
- Extradition of Vito Damiano from the Argentine Republic (Documents 20–28)
- Extradition Procedure. (Documents 20–28)
- Extradition Procedure. (Documents 20–28)
- Severing of diplomatic relations between Argentina and Bolivia and good
offices of United States (Documents 8–19)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 29–39)
- Application of the administrative provisions of the commercial agreement
between the United States and Germany to Austria-Hungary (Documents 29–33)
- Form of certificate to be used by subjects of Austria-Hungary becoming
naturalized American citizens (Documents 34–37)
- Arbitration Convention between the United States and
Austria-Hungary (Document 38)
- Abuse of naturalization papers (Document 39)
- Application of the administrative provisions of the commercial agreement
between the United States and Germany to Austria-Hungary (Documents 29–33)
- Belgium (Documents 40–46)
- Bolivia (Documents 47–49)
- Election of President and Vice-Presidents of Bolivia (Documents 47–49)
- Election of President and Vice-Presidents of Bolivia (Documents 47–49)
- Brazil (Documents 50–59)
- Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products (Documents 50–53)
- Arrest and imprisonment of American seamen by police authorities of Rio de
Janeiro (Documents 54–55)
- Jurisdiction Over Offenses Committed on Board Ship in Foreign
Ports. (Documents 54–55)
- Jurisdiction Over Offenses Committed on Board Ship in Foreign
Ports. (Documents 54–55)
- Death of President Penna of Brazil (Documents 56–59)
- Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products (Documents 50–53)
- Bulgaria (Documents 60–66)
- Recognition of independence of Bulgaria (Documents 60–64)
- Termination of commercial agreement between the United States and
Bulgaria (Documents 65–66)
- Recognition of independence of Bulgaria (Documents 60–64)
- Chile (Documents 67–73)
- Protection of Chinese in Chile (Documents 67–73)
- Protection of Chinese in Chile (Documents 67–73)
- China (Documents 74–218)
- Right of American citizens to buy and sell real estate inside walls of
Nanking City (Documents 74–75)
- Functions and status of the United States Court for China (Documents 76–80)
- Proceedings had in the De Menil Case. (Documents 76–80)
- Proceedings had in the De Menil Case. (Documents 76–80)
- Protection of corporations organized under laws of the United States and operating in China (Documents 81–84)
- Jurisdiction of treaty powers over citizens of nontreaty nations (Documents 85–86)
- Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. (Documents 85–86)
- Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. (Documents 85–86)
- The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme (Documents 87–103)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and China (Document 104)
- Joint International Commission for the Investigation of the Opium Question
in the Far East (Documents 105–131)
- Agreement between China and Japan relative to Chientao, and concerning the
mines and railways in Manchuria (Documents 132–141)
- Political reforms in China (Documents 142–146)
- The Hukuang loan (Documents 147–213)
- Funeral of the Emperor of China (Documents 214–218)
- Appointment of Minister Rockhill as Special Ambassador to Attend
Ceremonies. (Documents 214–218)
- Appointment of Minister Rockhill as Special Ambassador to Attend
Ceremonies. (Documents 214–218)
- Right of American citizens to buy and sell real estate inside walls of
Nanking City (Documents 74–75)
- Colombia (Documents 219–223)
- Arbitration treaty with Great Britain (Document 219)
- Status of American immigrants in Colombia (Documents 220–222)
- Protection Against Compulsory Military Service. (Documents 220–222)
- Protection Against Compulsory Military Service. (Documents 220–222)
- Treaties between the United States and the Republics of Panama and
Colombia relating to the Panama Canal, bath signed January 9, 1909 (Document 223)
- Arbitration treaty with Great Britain (Document 219)
- Costa Rica (Document 224)
- Cuba (Documents 225–229)
- Ownership of wrecks of the Maine and Spanish warships in Cuban
waters (Documents 225–227)
- Employment of counsel by diplomatic officers (Documents 228–229)
- Diplomatic Immunities. (Documents 228–229)
- Diplomatic Immunities. (Documents 228–229)
- Ownership of wrecks of the Maine and Spanish warships in Cuban
waters (Documents 225–227)
- Denmark (Document 230)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Denmark (Document 230)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Denmark (Document 230)
- Dominican Republic (Document 231)
- Ecuador (Documents 232–235)
- Protection of Wong Koon Hou, a Chinese citizen of Hawaii (Documents 232–233)
- Protection of American missionaries in Ecuador (Document 234)
- Compensation for diplomatic officers acting in arbitration cases (Document 235)
- Protection of Wong Koon Hou, a Chinese citizen of Hawaii (Documents 232–233)
- France (Documents 236–251)
- Termination of commercial agreements between the United States and
France (Documents 236–244)
- Continued enjoyment by France of administrative provisions of commercial
agreement between the United States and Germany (Documents 245–247)
- Readmission of French citizens to the United States on return from
military service in France (Documents 248–251)
- Previous Residence not Conclusive as to Right of Readmission. (Documents 248–251)
- Previous Residence not Conclusive as to Right of Readmission. (Documents 248–251)
- Termination of commercial agreements between the United States and
France (Documents 236–244)
- Germany (Documents 252–267)
- Patents convention between the United States and Germany (Document 252)
- Prohibition against acceptance of foreign appointments by American
consular officers (Documents 253–257)
- No Precedent For Asking Congress To Waive. (Documents 253–257)
- No Precedent For Asking Congress To Waive. (Documents 253–257)
- Information necessary for presentation of military-service cases to the
German Government (Documents 258–260)
- Termination of commercial agreement between the United States and
Germany (Documents 261–265)
- Citizenship of Mrs. I. Mathias (Documents 266–267)
- Patents convention between the United States and Germany (Document 252)
- Great Britain (Documents 268–298)
- Special agreement between the United States and Great Britain relating to
North Atlantic coast fisheries (Documents 268–273)
- Agreement effected by exchange of notes between United States and Great
Britain—Newfoundland fisheries (Documents 274–275)
- Payment of income taxes by American consular officers in Great
Britain (Documents 276–277)
- Extension of provisions of extradition treaties between the United States
and Great Britain to British protectorates (Documents 278–279)
- Termination of commercial agreement between the United States and Great
Britain (Documents 280–282)
- Exemption of Colombian warships from payment of tolls on Panama
Canal (Documents 283–284)
- International naval conference (Documents 285–298)
- Special agreement between the United States and Great Britain relating to
North Atlantic coast fisheries (Documents 268–273)
- Greece (Documents 299–304)
- Use of the American flag for advertising purposes (Documents 299–300)
- Political affairs in Crete (Documents 301–304)
- Use of the American flag for advertising purposes (Documents 299–300)
- Guatemala (Documents 305–321)
- Application to American citizens of Guatemalan decree providing for
imprisonment, in case of fire, of beneficiary of insurance policy (Documents 305–308)
- Jurisdiction of American consular officers over estates of American
citizens dying abroad (Document 309)
- Murder of William Wright, an American citizen, in Guatemala (Documents 310–321)
- Application to American citizens of Guatemalan decree providing for
imprisonment, in case of fire, of beneficiary of insurance policy (Documents 305–308)
- Haiti (Document 322)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Haiti (Document 322)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Haiti (Document 322)
- Honduras (Documents 323–351)
- Honduranean law respecting registration of foreigners (Documents 323–324)
- Naturalization convention between the United States and Honduras (Document 325)
- Application of Hondurenean navigation laws, reregistration, to foreign
vessels (Documents 326–332)
- Detention of the American tug Puerto Perlas by
Honduras (Documents 333–341)
- First Central American Congress.
Tegucigalpa, January 1–20, 1909 (Documents 342–351)
- Honduranean law respecting registration of foreigners (Documents 323–324)
- Italy (Documents 352–363)
- Supplementary commercial agreement between the United States and
Italy (Document 352)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Italy (Document 353)
- Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by city council of
Richmond, Va (Documents 354–356)
- Termination of commercial agreements between the United States and
Italy (Documents 357–359)
- Alleged discrimination against Italian subjects by courts of
Pennsylvania (Documents 360–361)
- Use of the American flag for advertising purposes (Documents 362–363)
- Supplementary commercial agreement between the United States and
Italy (Document 352)
- Japan (Documents 364–369)
- Extraterritoriality in the leased territory of Kwang-Tung Province (Documents 364–365)
- Administration of affairs in Korea (Documents 366–369)
- Extraterritoriality in the leased territory of Kwang-Tung Province (Documents 364–365)
- Kongo (Documents 370–372)
- Investigation of affairs in the Kongo (Documents 370–372)
- Investigation of affairs in the Kongo (Documents 370–372)
- Mexico (Documents 373–390)
- Extradition of Juan de Dios Rodriguez from Mexico (Documents 373–384)
- Arrest of Fugitive After Expiration of 40 days’ Provisional Detention
Period. (Documents 373–384)
- Arrest of Fugitive After Expiration of 40 days’ Provisional Detention
Period. (Documents 373–384)
- Meeting of President Taft and President Diaz on border between the United
States and Mexico (Documents 385–389)
- Extradition of Teodosa Jiminez, a Mexican citizen, from Mexico (Document 390)
- Rendition by a Country of its Own Citizens. (Document 390)
- Rendition by a Country of its Own Citizens. (Document 390)
- Extradition of Juan de Dios Rodriguez from Mexico (Documents 373–384)
- Morocco (Documents 391–400)
- Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco (Document 391)
- Acquisition of property for American missionaries in Morocco and rental of
a house in Moorish quarter of Mequinez (Documents 392–396)
- Execution of provisions of the act of Algeciras (Documents 397–400)
- Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco (Document 391)
- Netherlands (Documents 401–404)
- Nicaragua (Documents 405–431)
- Execution of Leonard Groce and Le Roy Cannon in Nicaragua (Documents 405–412)
- Revolution in Nicaragua and severing of diplomatic relations between the
United States and Nicaragua (Documents 413–428)
- Claim of the George D. Emery Co., an American corporation v. Nicaragua (Documents 429–431)
- Execution of Leonard Groce and Le Roy Cannon in Nicaragua (Documents 405–412)
- Panama (Documents 432–459)
- Attitude of the United States toward revolutionists in Panama (Documents 432–434)
- Protest of the Minister of Panama against certain utterances made in the
House of Representatives of the United States (Documents 435–436)
- Tripartite treaties—United States, Colombia, Panama
- Assault upon certain members of the crew of the U. S. S. Buffalo (Documents 437–459)
- Attitude of the United States toward revolutionists in Panama (Documents 432–434)
- Persia (Documents 460–465)
- Peru (Documents 466–469)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Peru (Document 466)
- Naturalization convention between the United States and Peru (Document 467)
- Boundary dispute between Bolivia and Peru (Document 468)
- Protocol signed by Peru and Colombia providing for settlement of disorders
in the Putumayo, and other questions (Document 469)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Peru (Document 466)
- Portugal (Documents 470–475)
- Termination of commercial agreements between the United States and
Portugal (Documents 470–475)
- Termination of commercial agreements between the United States and
Portugal (Documents 470–475)
- Russia (Documents 476–494)
- Agreement between the United States and Russia regulating the position of
corporations and other commercial associations (Document 476)
- Application for the extradition of Jan Janov Pouren to Russia (Documents 477–489)
- Legalization of papers in extradition cases (Documents 490–491)
- Restriction on travel in Russian possessions in Central Asia (Documents 492–494)
- Agreement between the United States and Russia regulating the position of
corporations and other commercial associations (Document 476)
- Salvador (Documents 495–497)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Salvador (Document 495)
- Commercial treaty with Germany (Documents 496–497)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Salvador (Document 495)
- Siam (Documents 498–504)
- Treaty with Great Britain (Document 498)
- Diplomatic officers acting as executors in administration of
estates (Documents 499–500)
- Decorations conferred upon American diplomatic officers (Documents 501–504)
- Treaty with Great Britain (Document 498)
- Spain (Documents 505–514)
- Supplemental commercial agreement effected by exchange of notes between
the United States and Spain (Documents 505–507)
- Extension to Spain of benefits of Article IV of the treaty of Paris (Documents 508–510)
- Termination of commercial agreement between the United States and
Spain (Documents 511–514)
- Supplemental commercial agreement effected by exchange of notes between
the United States and Spain (Documents 505–507)
- Sweden (Document 515)
- Law relating to exemption from military service in Sweden (Document 515)
- Law relating to exemption from military service in Sweden (Document 515)
- Switzerland (Documents 516–519)
- Termination of commercial agreement between the United States and
Switzerland (Documents 516–519)
- Termination of commercial agreement between the United States and
Switzerland (Documents 516–519)
- Turkey (Documents 520–579)
- Intervention in behalf of the Armenians (Document 520)
- Removal of restrictions on freedom of travel of former Ottoman subjects
returning to Turkey (Documents 521–526)
- Revolution in Turkey (Documents 527–557)
- Deposition of Sultan Abdul Hamid and accession to the throne of Mohammed
V (Documents 558–564)
- Constitution of the Ottoman Empire (Document 565)
- Assistance given American citizens seeking concessions in Turkey (Document 566)
- Extradition of Memar Rizk from Egypt (Documents 567–579)
- Intervention in behalf of the Armenians (Document 520)
- Uruguay and Paraguay (Documents 580–581)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Paraguay (Document 580)
- Naturalization convention between the United States and Uruguay (Document 581)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Paraguay (Document 580)
- Venezuela (Documents 582–610)
- Resumption of diplomatic relations between the United States and
Venezuela (Documents 582–596)
- Decision and adjustment of certain claims—Protocol of an agreement and
exchange of notes between the United States and Venezuela (Documents 597–599)
- Settlement of the claim of the United States and Venezuela Co.—Protocol
between the United States and Venezuela (Document 600)
- Settlement of the claim of the Orinoco Corporation—Protocol and exchange
of notes between the United States and Venezuela (Documents 601–603)
- Agreement between the United States and Venezuela for the settlement of
the claim of A. F. Jaurett (Document 604)
- Diplomatic relations between Venezuela and the Netherlands (Documents 605–610)
- Resumption of diplomatic relations between the United States and
Venezuela (Documents 582–596)
- International conferences and conventions (Documents 611–619)
- Sanitary convention between the United States and other powers (Document 611)
- Fourth International Sanitary Convention.
San Jose, Costa Rica, December 25, 1909–January 2, 1910 (Documents 612–615) - Third International Conference on Maritime Law,
Brussels, September 28–October 8, 1909 (Documents 616–619) - International Opium Conference
- International Naval Conference
- First Central American Conference,
Tegucigalpa, January 1–20, 1909
- Sanitary convention between the United States and other powers (Document 611)
- Index