The Whangpoo River conservancy scheme

[87] Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571.

[88] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Rockhill.

File No. 1571.

[89] Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/1.

[90] Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/3–5.

[91] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/10–12.

[92] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 1571/10–12.

[93] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/19–21.

[94] The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 1571/19–21.

[95] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/22–23.

[96] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/24–25.

[97] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 1571/22–23.

[98] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/26.

[99] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 1571/24–25.

[100] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/27.

[101] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 1571/26.

[102] Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

File No. 1571/28.

[103] The Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.

File No. 1571/27.