File No. 5315/383a.

The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Fletcher.2


Mr. Wilson informs Mr. Fletcher that Mr. Rockhill has to-day handed to the department the following telegram, dated 24th, addressed to him by Liang Tun-yen through the Chinese legation here.3

Directs that he immediately convey to the Wai-wu Pu the department’s acknowledgment of the receipt of this outlined suggestion and explain that before giving it consideration this Government must have from Mr. Fletcher full information as to its actual effect, and [Page 188] especially as to the method of providing for complete proportional participation in all those particulars which the policy of the United States compels it to regard as of such paramount importance and which are of the essence of a real quarter share.

  1. Same to London, Paris, and Berlin.
  2. See inclosure to note of July 24 from Chinese chargé to Mr. Rockhill.