Fourth International Sanitary Convention.
San Jose, Costa
Rica, December 25, 1909–January 2, 191012
1. The transactions of the Fourth International Sanitary Conference of the American Republics were published and distributed under the auspices of the Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C.
2. Third International Sanitary Convention, Mexico City, Dec. 2–7, 1907. See Foreign Relations, 1907, p. 840.
[612] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Merry.
Department of State,
Washington, July 2, 1909.
Washington, July 2, 1909.
File No. 20272/1.
[613] The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Officers of the United States.
Department of State,
Washington, July 3, 1909.
Washington, July 3, 1909.
File No. 20272/2–3.
[614] The Costa Rican Minister to the Secretary of State.
Rican Legation,
Washington, July 24, 1909.
Washington, July 24, 1909.
File No. 20272/2–3.
[615] Consul Lee to the Secretary of State.
American Consulate,
San Jose, December 28, 1909.
San Jose, December 28, 1909.
File No. 20272/28.