Mr. Taylor to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, January 24,
1894. (Received February 6.)
No. 113.]
Sir: On the 9th instant I inclosed to you in my
No. 100 a copy of my note of that date to the minister of state
informing him of my readiness to accept the indemnity of $17,500 in the
Caroline matter, subject to the condition stated by you. I have to-day
received his reply, a copy of which I inclose herein, with
* * * * * * *
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Valera to
Mr. Taylor.
Ministry of
Palace, January 19,
My Dear Sir: I have the honor to inform
your excellency, in reply to your note of the 9th instant, touching
the indemnity awarded on behalf of the Methodist missionaries of
Ponape (Eastern Carolines), that the minister of ultramar informs me
that he has given the proper
[Page 595]
orders to the end that, with the greatest dispatch possible,
maybe prepared the measure for the extraordinary credit of $17,500.
When these indispensable requisites have ended, the said department
will advise, and I will hasten to announce to your excellency the
date on which you may take charge of the said amount, thereby
definitively ending the differences of a pecuniary character.
In regard to the other point to which your excellency refers in your
note, I beg to refer to what I have already said upon the subject,
and I avail myself, etc.,
By authorization,