Mr. Taylor to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, January 9, 1894.
(Received January 22.)
No. 100.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your No. 73, of December 26, 1893, touching the Caroline
incident, in which you instruct me to notify the minister of state of my
readiness to accept the sum of $17,500 as indemnity for certain
ascertained losses, subject to conditions which you may very clearly
define. Inclosed please find a copy of my note to the minister of state,
in which I have been careful to reiterate his promise to permit the
return of the missionaries at a date to be hereafter indicated, along
with the conditions annexed by you to
[Page 594]
the receipt of the money indemnity. Those
conditions I have stated in your own language as nearly as possible.
* * * * * * *
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 100.]
Mr. Taylor to
Mr. Moret.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, January 9, 1894.
Excellency: Under instructions recently
received from my Government, I now have the honor to reply to your
note of the 12th of October, 1893, touching the Caroline incident.
In that note, after stating that “the Government of His Majesty,
ratifying what it has already promised, will be specially careful,
as soon as the reports from the superior authorities of the
Philippines (who have been again consulted) permit it, to announce
to the Washington Government the date at which the missionaries may
effect their return to Ponape without any risk,” you express a
desire to pay to the proper authority the sum of $17,500, the
certain indemnity already agreed upon. I am instructed by my
Government to notify you of my readiness to receive the tendered
amount, and at the same time to inform you that it does not thereby
waive, either expressly or by implication, its coincident demand for
the return of the despoiled American citizens to the spot where they
have established vested and recognized rights through half a century
of residence and tenure, that question being inseparable from the
matter of reparation for certain ascertained losses.
I avail, etc.