No. 34.
Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard.


Sir: * * * I have the honor to inform you that on the 29th ultimo I received a telegram from Mr. Leavitt, our consul at Managua, stating that President Cardenas had gained positive information that two vessels, with troops and arms, were in the Gulf of Fonseca preparing to invade Nicaragua. This report was confirmed the next day by a telegram from Honduras.* * * I have since learned that the expedition effected a landing in Nicaraguan territory, and is now in the department of Chinandega; that Nicaragua is again under martial law, but that thus [Page 49] far there had been no general uprising in the country in favor of the revolution, as the invaders expected. There is little doubt, however, that unless the Government should succeed in suppressing the movement promptly, the country will have entered into a long period of convulsion and bloodshed.

I have, &c.,