Alphabetical Index.


  • Alcoholic liquors: international conference at the Hague to regulate sale of, to North Sea fishermen 752
  • Annexation of the Marshall, Brown, and Providence Islands by Germany 333
  • Argentine Republic: assault on President of 1
    • extradition law of 4
    • opening of Congress; message of President Roca; imports and exports; back assets; post-office and telegraph returns; public improvements; finances; education 1
  • Arresures, Francisco. (See Mexico.)
  • Asylum, right of, in United States offices in Hayti 530
  • Austria-Hungary: citizenship case of Friedrich de Bourry 7, 12
    • citizenship case of Albert Landau 10, 11
  • Authors, Belgian law concerning rights of 23


  • Belgium: agitation of universal suffrage in 39
    • citizenship case of A. C. A. Cranz 27
    • claim of D. W. Ostrander to an estate in 30, 38
    • labor troubles in 28
    • demonstrations in favor of granting amnesty to participants in riots at Charleroi and Liege 39
    • labor commission appointed 30
    • labor commission, proposed proceedings of 37
    • law concerning inheritance 38
    • law concerning rights of authors 23
    • pardons granted participants in labor riots 40
    • report of the governor of the National Bank of 34
    • treaty of commerce and friendship with Liberia 34
  • Bourry, Friedrich de. (See Citizenship.)
  • Brazil: claim of James C. Jewett against, for guano discoveries; claim pronounced unjust 42, 46
  • Bureau of nationality in Turkey, law regulating 863
  • Burmeister, C. H. G. J. F. (See Germany.)


  • Caroline Islands: claims of Germany and Spain to sovereignty; decision of the Pope as mediator, and protocol between Germany and Spain 776
  • Central America: election of President and Vice-President in Guatemala 50
    • invasion of Nicaragua 48, 49
    • martial law proclaimed in Salvador 50
    • neutrality of United States, alleged violation of, by filibustering expeditions against Honduras and Salvador 56
    • report on the mining industry of Honduras 60
    • settlement of differences between Nicaragua and Guatemala 46
    • treaty of peace between Nicaragua and Salvador 58, 60
    • union of; causes of dissolution of original confederacy and attempts made to restore union 63
  • China: attack on Chinese at Rock Springs, Wyoming; claim of China for indemnity 101, 158
    • excitement at Shanghai caused by reported refusal of President to entertain claim 77
    • measures taken to suppress 81
    • attacks upon Chinese on Pacific coast 154158
    • dredging of the Woosung bar to be resumed 91
    • floods in the province of Chihli 100
    • imposition of full duty on damaged tea exported from Foochow 73, 76, 83, 94
    • likin stations, lists of, to be published 76
    • likin tax, history of 66
    • missionary trouble at Chinkiang 74
    • modification of likin tax and duties on foreign goods under transit passes 75
    • monetary history of 78
    • obstructions to navigation in the Canton River 90, 95
    • rights of missionaries in 96
    • system of duty drawbacks 93
    • treaty of commerce with France 85
    • trade of Shanghai; removal of hindrances to; interview between chamber of commerce and British minister 93, 94
  • Chinese immigration: Hawaiian regulations concerning 528
  • Citizenship: case of Friedrich de Bourry in Austria-Hungary 7, 12
    • case of A. C. A. Cranz in Belgium 27
    • case of Charles L. George in Germany 317, 325, 327
    • case of Victor Labrone in France 301, 303
    • case of Albert Landau in Austria-Hungary 10, 11
    • certification of, in Turkey 863
  • City of Mexico: American steamer, suspected of intent to violate neutrality laws 51
  • Claim of James C. Jewett v. Brazil 42, 46
    • D. W. Ostrander to an estate in Belgium 30, 38
  • Claims for damages suffered during conflict between France and Madagascar: notice of France to present 308
  • Colombia: adoption and text of new constitution 176, 179
    • suppression of the Star and Herald and La Estrella de Panama, newspapers owned by Americans at Panama 168, 171, 175
  • Commerce: claim of Italy that shipping act of June 26, 1884, discriminates against Italian ships and goods 556, 557
    • claim of Holland that United States discriminate against Sumatra tobacco 746, 749, 751, 760, 761
    • customs acts of Canada 431
    • declaration concerning reciprocal freedom of, between German and English possessions in West Pacific Ocean 329
    • duties on food products of the United States in Mexico 567, 568
    • duties on foreign goods under transit passes in China, modification of 75
    • duties on damaged goods in China 73, 76, 83, 94
    • imports and exports of the Argentine Republic 2
    • petroleum trade of Hayti with the United States 542
    • proposed increase of duty on petroleum in the Dutch colonies 734, 737, 740, 741, 748
    • proposed modification of the customs tariff of the Netherlands 741, 749
    • restrictions and burdens to, in Hayti 531543
    • system of duty drawbacks in China 93
    • tariff agitation in Sweden, and Norway 838
    • trade of the Netherlands with the United States 734, 738
    • trade of Shanghai, hindrances to; conference of chamber of commerce with British minister 93, 95
    • trade relations and statistics of Japan 558, 560, 561
    • trade statistics of the Netherlands 741
  • Commercial agreement between Spain and Great Britain 797
  • Commercial agreement with Spain. (See Spain.)
  • Congo: Independent Free State of the; decree regulating shipping 23
    • extradition of criminals 33
    • judicial system of; organization of the Government of; ordinance regulating occupancy of lands in 15
    • loan of 100,000,000 francs and plan for reimbursement 20
    • postal service and registry of births and deaths to be established 13, 14, 15
    • provisions concerning real property 30
    • schedule of export duties 23
    • syndicate for the construction of a railroad around the Congo Falls 14.
  • Constitution (new) of Colombia 176, 179
  • Copyright Convention, International, at Berne 852, 860, 861
    • law of Belgium 23
  • Corea: affairs in; transmission of slavery and guilds for furnishing slave labor abolished 214
    • attack upon Corean customs officers by Chinese 210
    • completion of telegraph line with Peking 207
    • foreign settlement at Chemulpho; difficulties in the way of its organization and establishment 207, 219
    • gold product of 221
    • mineral products of 215, 221
    • report on ginseng 14
  • Cranz, A. C. A. (See Citizenship.)
  • Crawford, Capt. Emmet. (See Mexico.)
  • Customs acts of Canada 431
    • analytical index 461
  • Cutting, A. K. (See Mexico.)


  • Dahomey: protectorate established over, by Portugal 771, 772
  • Dalton estate in England: has no existence 334
  • Desertions from Belgian vessels in United States ports; no law to punish complicity 40, 41
  • Duties on damaged goods in China 73, 76, 83, 94
    • on food products of the United States in Mexico 567, 568
    • on goods under transit passes in China 75
  • Duty drawbacks, system of, in China 93


  • Earthquake in the United States: telegram of sympathy from Queen of Great Britain 412
    • telegram of sympathy from King of Hawaii 529
  • Ecuador: arrest and imprisonment of Julio R. Santos, an American citizen 224297
  • Estates in Belgium: law concerning inheritance 38
    • (unclaimed) in England 334
  • Expulsion of foreigners from Germany: case of C. H. G. J. F. Burmeister 322, 323, 324, 326
    • case of Knud N. Knudson 323
    • cases of fifteen Americans expelled from the island of Föhr 310, 311
    • construction of Bancroft treaty of 1868 315, 317
    • speech of Austrian premier admitting Germany’s right of expulsion 309
  • Extradition: from the Independent Free State of the Congo 33
    • law of the Argentine Republic 4
    • treaty with Japan; Japanese sentiment 564


  • Fisheries. (See Great Britain.)
  • France: citizenship status of Victor Labroue; born in France of a naturalized American of French origin 301, 303
    • claims for damages suffered during conflict between France and Madagascar; notice to present 308
    • negotiation of treaties by commander of French gunboat with native Liberian chiefs 298, 304, 305
    • treaty with Madagascar, assuming protectorate over that island 290


  • George, Charles L. (See Germany.)
  • Germany: annexation of the Marshall, Brown, and Providence Islands 333
    • citizenship case of Charles L. George 317, 325, 327
    • declaration concerning reciprocal freedom of trade between German and English possessions in West Pacific Ocean 329
    • declaration concerning boundaries of English and German possessions in West Pacific Ocean 330
    • expulsion of foreigners: cases of fifteen Americans expelled from the Island of Föhr 310, 311
  • Germany:
    • case of C. H. G. J. F. Burmeister 322, 323, 324, 326
    • case of Knud N. Knudson 323
    • construction of treaty of 1868 315, 317
    • speech, of Austrian premier admitting Germany’s right of 309
    • law concerning nationality 318
    • ordinance against settlement of foreigners in North Schleswig 311
    • speech of Emperor on opening of Reichstag 331
  • Ginseng: report on 214
  • Gold product of Corea 221
  • Great Britain: customs acts of Canada 431
    • estates in England 334
    • fisheries: seizure and detentions of American vessels by Canada; act pending in Canadian Parliament for forcible search, seizure, and forfeiture of foreign vessels 340, 380
    • views of Canada thereon 405
    • Canadian act relating to fishing by foreign vessels 387
    • amendments thereto 389
    • Canadian customs circular for the search, seizure, and forfeiture of American vessels 407
    • Canadian acts relating to the fisheries 384
    • case of the David J. Adams 334, 335, 340, 373, 377, 395, 396, 493, 497, 505
    • report of privy council for Canada 396
    • views of Great Britain 395
    • case of the Molly Adams 413, 428
    • case of the Thomas: F. Bayard 355, 357, 393, 394, 412, 516, 517, 518
    • case of the Eliza Boynton 383
    • case of the Martha A. Bradley 383
    • case of the City Point 390, 411, 507, 522
    • case of the A. R. Crittenden 361, 414, 415
    • case of the George W. Gushing 507, 511, 513
    • case of the Ella M. Doughty 351
    • case of the Golden Hind 410, 414, 521
    • case of the Marion Grimes 362, 371, 491
    • case of the Marion Grimes; regret of Canada at action of commander of Canadian cotter in hauling down flag 491
    • case of the Hereward 518
    • case of the Jennie and Julia 498, 499
    • case of the Annie M. Jordan 382, 500, 503, 504
    • case of the Julia and Ellen; report of Canadian minister of marine and fisheries 404
    • case of the Mascot 356, 357, 393, 394, 485, 516, 517
    • case of the Mascot; report of acting, governor of Nova Scotia 485
    • case of the Novelty 391, 392, 416
    • case of the Pearl Nelson 421, 423, 487, 522, 525
    • case of the Pioneer 383
    • case of the Rattler 383, 409, 423, 487, 519
    • case of the Laura Say ward 425, 426
    • case of the Jeannie Seaverns 425, 426
    • case of the Everett Steele 362, 419, 423, 427
    • case of the Joseph Story 334, 373, 395
    • case of the Joseph Story; views of Great Britain 395
    • cases of the Rattler, Shiloh, and Julia and Ellen; report of the acting governor of Nova Scotia 487
    • construction of treaty of 1818 341, 362, 374, 380, 393, 419
    • hostile and outrageous misbehavior of Captain Quigley, of the Canadian cruiser Terror, complained of 411, 412
    • list of American vessels seized and detained by Canada in 1886 351
    • issuing of notice to American fishermen that they are precluded from fishing in Canadian waters requested and refused 372
    • President’s message relative to seizures and detention of American vessels 349
    • Proposed resistance to seizure by the James A. Garfield discountenanced 500
    • relations of American fisheries with Great Britain and her provinces and retaliation discussed 501, 504
    • reversed administration of Canadian laws affecting purchase of bait 507, 514
    • refusal to allow Stephen R. Balkam to purchase herring caught in Canadian weirs for canning 393, 424, 515
    • refusal to allow United States vessels to fish in places where right to fish is granted by treaty of 1818 393
    • action taken by Great Britain; warning notices discontinued 413
  • Great Britain:
    • rights of American fishermen in Canadian waters 362, 419
    • sale and exportation of fresh herring from Grand Manan Island 423, 430, 526, 527
    • customs laws of Canada relative to 430
    • seizure and detention of United States fishing vessels; representations made to Great Britain 341, 357
    • shipping of crews by American vessels at Canadian ports 493
    • threatened seizure of American vessels if they purchase herring caught in Dominion weirs for canning 381, 391, 392, 513, 514
    • denied by Canada 418
    • warnings to American vessels not to approach coast of Nova Scotia 346
    • warnings to American vessels to keep outside of imaginary lines 347, 383, 406, 408
    • denial of collector at Canso that he issued such warnings to American vessels 415


  • Hawaii: fiftieth anniversary of the birth of King Kalakaua; felicitations 528
    • regulations concerning Chinese emigration 528
  • Hayti: decree forbidding clearance of vessels unless all duties are paid 541
    • excessive charges on American sailing vessels 531, 535, 536
    • law fixing dues for sanitary visits 539
    • law fixing tonnage dues on steamers 541
    • law relative to administration and direction of custom-houses 539
    • law relative to payment of duties and fiscal revenues 540
    • pilotage, fountain, and signal dues 537
    • prohibition of the importation of petroleum 541
    • prohibition applies only to kerosene under 150° test 543
    • right of asylum in United States officers in 530
  • Hebrews: Foreign Hebrews in Russia must have permits of residence 773, 774


  • Iglesias: overthrow of, in Peru 762
  • Indemnity asked by China for attack upon Chinese at Rock Springs, Wyoming 101, 158
  • International Prison Congress to be held at St. Petersburg in 1890 775, 776
  • Italy: claim of, that Italian goods and ships are discriminated against by shipping act of June 26, 1884 556
    • denial by United States 557
    • protection of industrial property; conference at Rome 546, 547
    • convention of March 20, 1883 548


  • Japan: extradition treaty with United States; sentiment in Japan 564
    • trade relations with United States 558, 560
    • trade statistics 561
  • Jewett, James C. (See Brazil).
  • Judicial system of the Independent State of the Congo 15


  • Killing of Francisco Arresures. (See Mexico.)
  • Killing of Captain Crawford. (See Mexico.)
  • Knudson, Knud N. (See Germany.)


  • Labor system of the Netherlands; inquiries to be made regarding 759
  • Labor troubles in Belgium 28
    • commission appointed to inquire into 32
    • proposed proceedings of and opposition to commission 37
    • demonstration in favor of granting amnesty to participants in riots at Charleroi and Liege 39
    • pardons and reductions of penalties granted participants in riots 40
  • Lahroue, Victor. (See Citizenship.)
  • Landau, Albert. (See Citizenship.)
  • Lands: ordinance regulating occupancy of, in the Independent Free State of the Congo 15
  • Likin tax of China: history of 66
    • lists of stations to be published 76


  • Mexico: arrest and imprisonment of A. K. Cutting, an American citizen; facts reported 691
    • representations to Mexican Government 699
    • release demanded 700
    • jurisdiction of Mexico denied 700, 706
    • release refused; reasons stated 702, 703
    • law regarding release on bail 705
    • law regarding offenses committed against Mexicans in foreign countries 707
    • import duties on food products of the United States 567, 568
    • killing of Francisco Arresures, extradited by Texan judge, by Mexican authorities; representations made to Mexican Government 708
    • investigation to be made by Mexico 709
    • claimed to be a Mexican citizen 709
    • citizenship immaterial; extradition illegal 713
    • statement of facts by consul at Piedras Negras 713
    • case one of kidnapping 718
    • statement of facts by consul at Piedras Negras contradicted by Mexico 718
    • semi-official Mexican statement 720
    • killing of Captain Crawford, and attack upon United States troops while pursuing hostile Indians in Mexico by Mexicans 570
    • relation of facts by Lieutenant Maus 571
    • representations made to Mexican Government 573, 585
    • investigation to be made by Mexico 574
    • detailed report of Lieutenant Maus 575
    • statements of witnesses 580
    • testimony produced by Mexico 587
    • additional testimony produced by Mexico to prove depredations by Captain Crawford’s Indian scouts 657
    • message of Mexican President to Congress 724, 725
    • representations made by Mexico 726, 728
    • replies to 727, 731
    • law offering rewards for the killing or capture of hostile Indians 731
    • law concerning foreigners and naturalization 652
    • matriculation of foreigners 723
    • repeal of law 731, 732
  • Mineral products of Corea 215, 221
  • Mines and mining in Honduras, report on 60
  • Missionaries: rights of, in China 96
    • schools and hospitals established by, in Corea 222, 223
    • trouble growing out of contract to build a house at Chinkiang 74
  • Money of China: history of 78
  • Mormon emissaries in Switzerland 846
    • passports may be refused them 847, 850, 851


  • National Bank of Belgium: report of governor of 21
  • Nationality: German law concerning 318
  • Naturalization: case of Friedrich de Bourry 7, 12
    • case of A. C. A. Cranz 27
    • case of Charles L. George 317, 325, 327
    • case of Albert Landau 10, 11
    • French law holding a person born in France of a father of French origin who has become a citizen of another country, as a French citizen 301, 302, 303
    • Mexican law concerning 652
    • status in Turkey of naturalized Americans of Turkish origin 862
  • Navigation: obstructions to, in the Canton River 90, 95
  • Navy of China 83
  • Netherlands: foreign relations of 733
    • imposition of duty on cereals refused 752
  • Netherlands:
    • international conference at the Hague to regulate sale of alcoholic liquors to North Sea fishermen 752
    • labor system of, to he inquired into 759
    • matters discussed in the States General 757
    • proposed increase of duty on petroleum in the Dutch colonies 734, 737, 740, 741, 748
    • proposed modification of the customs tariff 741, 749
    • riots growing out of the suppression of the game of “eel drawing 757
    • Sumatra tobacco trade 736, 743
    • tariff on tobacco in the United States, claim of Holland that it discriminates against Sumatra tobacco 749, 751
    • trade statistics 741
    • trade with the United States 734, 738
  • Neutrality: alleged violation of, by filibustering expeditions against Honduras and Salvador 56
    • case of the steamer City of Mexico 51


  • Ostrandor, D. W. (See Claim.)


  • Passports may be refused Mormon emissaries 846, 847, 850, 851
    • refused to Friedrich de Bourry, claiming as American citizen, in Austria-Hungary 7, 12
    • refused to A. C. A. Cranz, claiming as American citizen, in Belgium 27
    • refused to Albert Landau, claiming as American citizen in Austria-Hungary 10, 11
  • Paupers: deportation of, from Sweden and Norway to United States 840, 841, 842, 843
  • Peru: revolution in; overthrow of the Iglesias and establishment of a provisional government 762, 769
    • election of President and Vice-President 770
    • organization of new government 771
  • Petroleum in Egypt 869
    • the Caspian region 865
    • prohibition of its importation into Hayti 541
    • prohibition applies only to kerosene under 150° Fahrenheit test 543
    • proposed increase on, in the Dutch colonies 734, 737, 740, 741, 748
    • reported discovery of, in Java and Sumatra 759
    • trade of Hayti with the United States 542
  • Portugal: protectorate established over Dahomey 771, 772
  • Proprietary rights conference at Rome 546, 547
    • convention of March 20, 1883 548


  • Railroad: syndicate for the construction of, around the Congo Falls 14
  • Russia: International Prison Congress to be held at St. Petersburg in 1890 775, 776
    • residence of foreign Hebrews in 773, 774


  • Santos, Julio R. (See Ecuador.)
  • Schools and hospitals established by American missionaries in Corea 222, 223
  • Shanghai: trade of; removal of hindrances to; conference of chamber of commerce with British minister 9395
  • Shipping: decree of the Independent State of the Congo regulating 23
  • Slavery: abolishment of transmission of slavery and guilds for furnishing slave labor in Corea 213
  • Socialism: in Sweden and Norway; increase of 844
  • Spain: commercial agreement for Cuba and Porto Rico; failure of Spain to enforce its provisions; discriminations against American vessels in Cuba and Porto Rico 778, 781, 791
    • representations made to Spanish Government 795, 803
    • Spain promises to remove discriminations 798
    • Spanish order for equalization of flags 798
    • no discrimination against Spanish vessels in United States 800
    • delay in enforcement of order for equalization of flags 801
  • Spain:
    • only natural products of United-States to be admitted under third column 802
    • withdrawal by United States of suspension of discriminating duties against Spain 806, 807, 808, 813
    • discrimination against United States will continue 808811
    • propositions made by Spain 810, 811, 813, 814
    • arrangement of difficulties desired by Spain 814, 836
    • if discrimination against United States is removed, retaliation will not be resorted to 814, 818
    • foreign goods must be included in any new agreement 815
    • efforts made to secure equalization of tonnage dues 815
    • agreement reached with Spanish minister 18, 819, 825
    • agreement reached with Spanish minister signed 823
    • discussion of agreement of 1884 819, 824, 827
    • second proclamation of President suspending discriminating duties against Spain 825
    • memorandum of agreement 826
    • proclamation of President revoking first suspension of discriminating duties against Spain 834
    • its temporary suspension asked for 837
    • commercial agreement with Great Britain 797
    • sovereignty over the Caroline Islands; contention of Germany and Spain; decision of the Pope as mediator, and protocol between Germany and Spain 776
    • rights of Americans 831, 832, 833, 834
  • Sumatra tobacco: claim of Netherlands that it is discriminated against by United States 746, 749, 751, 760, 761
  • Sumatra tobacco trade 736, 743
  • Sweden and Norway: deportation of paupers and criminals to United States 849, 841, 842, 843
    • increase of socialism in 844
    • tariff agitation in 838
  • Switzerland: Federal Assembly of 847
    • International Copyright Convention at Berne 852, 860, 861
    • Mormon emissaries in 846
    • Mormon emissaries in, passports may be refused them 847, 850, 851


  • Tariff agitation in Sweden and Norway 838
  • Telegraph line between Seoul and Peking completed 207
  • Trade. (See Commerce.)
  • Treaties: construction of Article 44 of treaty of Tientsin, providing for reduction of duty on damaged goods 73, 76
    • construction of Bancroft treaty of 1868 with Prussia 315, 317
    • construction of most-favored nation clause of treaty with Italy of February 26, 1871, in connection with shipping act of June 26, 1884 556, 557
    • construction of treaty of 1818 with Great Britain 341362, 374, 380, 393, 419
    • construction of treaty stipulations with China 161
    • construction of two years’ residence provision 251
    • negotiation of, by commander of French gunboat with native Liberian chiefs 298, 304, 305
  • Treaty between France and Madagascar, by Which France assumes a protectorate of that island 299
    • of commerce between China and France 85
    • of commerce and friendship between Belgium and Liberia 34
    • of extradition with Japan; Japanese sentiment 564
    • of peace between Nicaragua and Salvador 58, 60
  • Turkey: bureau of nationality; law regulating certification of American citizenship 863
    • report on the petroleum trade 865


  • Union of Central American States; causes of dissolution of original confederacy, and attempts made to restore union 63