No. 110.
Mr. Reinberg to Mr. Porter.

No. 125.]

Sir: Since my last dispatch, No. 124, I have again had an interview with the governor of this province relative to the question of having the prisoner Santos liberated and allowing his departure for the United States. This time he replied that in answer to the telegram of the Hon. Antonio Flores, minister of Ecuador at Washington, requesting the release of Mr. Santos and his departure to the United States, the Quito Government had telegraphed him to transmit to Mr. Flores the following:

That before Mr. Santos could be released the guarantee of Mr. Flores for the prisoner’s bail must be sent in a proper legal form.

This new action on the part of the Ecuadorian Government demonstrates a new prolongation of Mr. Santos’s case and the determination to still keep him prisoner and not to recognize his rights as an American citizen, which is now fully established before the State Department.

I am, &c.,

United States Vice-Consul-General.