References are to document numbers
- Abdul Salam Jalloud, 74
- ABMs (anti-ballistic missiles). See SALT .
- Abrams, Gen. Creighton, 38, 102, 111, 144, 147, 151, 153, 183, 191, 192, 204
- Africa, 30
- Agnew, Spiro, 126, 142, 204, 209, 245, 250
- Albert, Carl, 2
- Alexandrov-Agentov, Andrey, 39, 134, 139, 159, 259, 262, 263, 265, 271, 284, 299, 300
- Algeria, 12, 74
- Alkhimov, V. S., 268
- Allen, Richard V., 1
- Alon, Yigal, 198
- Alsop, Joseph, 82, 225
- Alsop, Stuart, 228, 237
- Aluminum, 12
- American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 11
- American Society of Newspaper Editors, 142
- Anderson, Adm. George, 197
- Andrews, John, 237, 251
- Antonov, Gen. Alexei, 288
- Arab-Israeli dispute:
- Brezhnev-Sadat meetings, 43
- Congress (U.S.), Nixon’s annual (third) report on foreign affairs to, 47
- Demilitarization, 62
- Diplomatic activity, Soviet, 74
- Haig-Rabin meetings, 77
- Hussein (King) trip to U.S., 84
- Israeli elections, 46
- Jarring mission, 45
- Kissinger-Alon meetings, 198
Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings:
- Border issues, 4, 10, 13, 51, 54, 62, 84
- Demilitarization, 62
- Egypt, Soviet troop withdrawals from, 4
- Egyptian settlement separate from others, 10
- Hussein’s (King) trip to U.S., 84
- Interim settlement, possibilities of, 45, 46, 51
- Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 150
- Meir’s trip to U.S., 13
- Military presence in Arab world, Soviet, 62
- Negotiations, reviewing progress of, 10
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 4
- Paper, Soviet, 239, 243
- Sharm El-Sheik, 13, 62
- Sisco, concerns about, 4, 8, 41
- Solution, different views on, 8, 13
- Soviet Summit (proposed), 239
- Soviet–U.S. relations, 39
- Talks between Egypt and Israel, 45
- Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 4
- Kissinger-Hussein (King) meetings, 84
- Kissinger-Rabin meetings, 77
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual):
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 125
- Military equipment/presence, Soviet, 5
- NIE 11–72, 133
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 4, 6, 39, 72
- Nixon-Hussein (King) meetings, 84, 150
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 5
- Nixon-Meir meetings, 16, 150
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 44, 178
- Roger’s assessments, 178
- Sadat’s trip to Soviet Union, 5, 43
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 33, 74, 75
- Sonnenfeldt’s Soviet Union trip, 29
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- UN Security Council Resolution 242, 150
- Vietnam War and, parallels between, 113
- Arends, Les, 2
- Arms control (see also SALT ), 129
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 51, 279
- Armstrong, Willis C., 268, 285
- Asia, stability in South (see also Vietnam War), 122, 130
- Atherton, Alfred L., 217
- Bahr, Egon, 139, 172, 206
- Baibakov, Nikolai, 276, 300
- Baker, William, 197
- Ballistic missiles. See SALT .
- Baltimore News, 142
- Barzel, Rainer, 86, 172
- Batitskiy, P. F., 115, 117
Beam, Jacob D., 300
- Brezhnev-Butz meetings, 101
- Brezhnev’s hostility to Nixon, 123
- Chou En-lai’s visit to North Vietnam, 115
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 108, 109, 114
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual), 160
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 7
- Soviet protests against Haiphong bombing, 108, 114
- Soviet Summit (actual), 259
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 115
- U.S.–Soviet Exchange Agreement, 93
- Before the Fall (Safire), 125
- Belgium, 29
- Belousovitch, Igor N., 90
- Bergus, Donald, 62
- Beria, Lavrenti, 7
- Bilateral issues. See Environmental issues; Lend-Lease talks; Maritime/incidents at sea issues; Scientific/technical cooperation; Space cooperation; Trade, U.S.-Soviet.
- Blee, David, 48
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S. See under Vietnam War.
- Boggs, Hale, 2
- Bowden, Lewis, 268
- Brandt, Willy, 139, 167, 172, 206, 207, 253
- Bratchikov, A., 277, 281, 288, 292, 293, 295
Brezhnev, Leonid I.:
- Arab-Israeli dispute:
- Asia, collective security in, 122
- Beam’s assessments, 123
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- Czechoslovakia, Soviet military intervention in, 163
- European security arrangements, 7, 39
- India-Pakistan War (1971):
Kissinger’s secret trip to
Moscow (actual):
- Announcement of the trip, 139, 159, 160, 163
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 141, 159
- China, 134, 141
- European security arrangements, 139
- Kissinger, meetings with, 134, 139, 141, 148, 159, 163
- Nixon, communications with, 170
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 128
- Nuclear non-aggression pact, 159
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 134, 139, 169
- SALT negotiations, 139, 148
- Soviet Summit, preparations for, 141, 159
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 134, 139, 141, 148, 159, 163
- Summary memorandum of trip, Kissinger’s, 169
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet, 139, 141, 148, 159
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 126
- SALT negotiations (see also Soviet Summit (actual) below), 65, 72
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 56
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments of letter written by, 75
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments of Soviet behavior, 33
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 256, 257, 284
- Bureaucratic coordination, 259
- China, 286, 299
- Communiqué, joint U.S.-Soviet, 299
- Economic Commission, Joint, 276
- European security arrangements, 257, 265
- Exit after signing ceremony, 269
- Hostilities between U.S. and Soviet sides, 271
- Kissinger, meetings with, 262, 284, 286
- Kissinger’s assessments, 254, 255
- Last formal meeting, 300
- Lend-Lease talks, 299
- Nixon, meetings with, 257, 259, 262, 263, 265, 269, 271, 284, 286, 299, 300
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 253, 296
- Nuclear weapons, 299
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 257, 299
- Russian people, Nixon’s televised address to, 294
- Sadat, communications with, 256
- SALT negotiations, 257, 259, 262, 263, 284, 286
- Space cooperation, 269
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet, 259, 265, 299
- Vietnam War, 271, 299
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Statements from the U.S., Soviet concerns over, 53
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet:
- United States trip (proposed), 46
- Vietnam War (see also Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S. and Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above), 6, 16, 40, 46
- Brosio, Manlio, 15, 29, 45, 136
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 37
- Buckley, William F., Jr., 87
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 111, 147, 153, 162
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 65, 210
- 42, 90
- Burke, Gerald, 197
- Butz, Earl, 51, 75, 91, 92, 123
- Cambodia, 29, 186
- Canada, 4
- Carson, James, 222
- Carver, George, 118, 122, 172, 199, 216
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Ceylon, 32
- Chancellor, John, 209
- Chapin, Dwight, 60, 135, 141, 146
- China:
- Airspace, U.S. violating Chinese, 123
- Chou En-lai’s negotiation style, 232
- Chou En-lai/Xuan Thuy meetings, 225
- Haig-Huang Hua meetings, 167
- India-Pakistan War (1971):
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 54, 56, 88, 141
- Kissinger-Huang Hua meetings, 97, 116, 123
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual), 134, 141
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 116, 125
- Kissinger’s visit (actual), 8, 52, 88
- Kissinger’s visit (proposed), 1
- Mansfield’s visit, 96, 116
- NIE 11–72, 133
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 96
- Nixon’s visit (actual), 52, 87
- Nixon’s visit (proposed):
- Ping-Pong diplomacy, 121
- SALT negotiations, 13
- Scott’s (Hugh) visit, 96, 116
- Shanghai Communiqué, 54
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Vietnam War (see also Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above):
- Chou En-lai:
- Chrone, Melvin, 225
- CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency.
- CIA’s Analysis of the Soviet Union 1947–1991: A Documentary Collection (Haines & Leggett), 133
- Clift, Dennis, 48
- Cline, Ray, 158
- Colson, Charles W., 1, 144, 302
- Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation, 48
- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 45, 240, 253, 288
- Computers, 12
- Conference on European Security (CES), 11, 15, 29, 125, 172
- Congress, U.S., 2, 47, 52, 208, 225, 248, 264, 294, 297, 302
- Connally, John, 102, 126, 128, 143
- Cox, Ed, 168
- Cuba, 4, 30, 33, 91, 186
- Cuban missile crisis, 66
- Current Digest of the Soviet Press, 5, 118, 120, 125, 134
- Cyprus, 51, 74
- Czechoslovakia, 150, 153, 163
- David, Edward, 48, 57, 173, 244
- Davies, Richard, 45, 91, 211, 222
- Davis, Jeanne, 173, 216
- Deane, Gen. John R., 222
- Disarmament (see also SALT ), 129
- Dobrynin, Anatoli:
- Arab-Israeli dispute (see also Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings under Arab-Israeli dispute):
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- China:
- Communiqué, joint U.S.-Soviet, 56, 62
- Cuba, 4
- European security arrangements, 39, 45, 46
- Germany, West, 172
- Greece and Cyprus, conflict between, 51
- India-Pakistan War (1971), 4, 13, 39
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual):
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 13, 97, 126
- Lend-Lease talks, 123
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues:
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 44
- Nixon’s China visit (proposed), 8, 52
- Nuclear weapons, U.S.-Soviet treaty (proposed) renouncing, 221, 223
- Poland, Nixon’s desire to visit, 76, 77
- Rogers, meetings with, 46, 67
- SALT negotiations (see also Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings under SALT ):
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 173
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 293
- Communiqué, joint U.S.–Soviet, 283, 295
- Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 273, 277, 281, 283, 292, 293, 295
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 292
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 259, 265, 284, 300
- Nixon-Kosygin meetings, 276
- Rogers-Gromyko meetings, 298
- SALT negotiations, 277
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet, 39, 41, 45, 46, 51, 56, 62
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Announcements, joint, 59
- Bureaucratic coordination, 57, 182
- Kissinger, meetings with, 4, 39, 41, 45, 46, 62, 119, 214, 220, 224, 239, 243
- McCloskey, communications with, 56
- Nixon, meetings with, 62, 242
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 6
- Peterson, meetings with, 70
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 220
- Public statements, keeping a lid on, 223
- Space cooperation, 51
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet:
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 39
- Vietnam War (see also Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S. and Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above):
- Wedding anniversary, 30 th, 56
- Dobrynin, Irina, 95
- Dominick, Peter, 250
- Doyle, James H., 48
- Eagleburger, Lawrence, 48, 91
- Economic Commission, Joint, 276
- Economic issues concerning Soviet Union (see also Lend-Lease talks; Trade, U.S.–Soviet), 34
- Egeberg, Roger, 57
- Egypt (see also Arab-Israeli dispute), 74
- Ehrlichman, John D., 1, 302
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 125, 126, 183, 196
- Eliot, Theodore, 61, 65, 173, 222
- Ellender, Allen, 2
- Environmental issues:
- European security arrangements:
- Brezhnev’s assessments, 7
- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 45, 240, 253, 288
- Conference on European Security, 11, 15, 29, 125, 172
- Congress (U.S.), Nixon’s annual (third) report on foreign affairs to, 47
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 39, 45, 46
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual):
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 125, 126
- Most Favored Nation Status, 125, 139
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions in Europe, 11, 15, 29, 45, 93, 125, 172, 240, 253
- National Security Council, 15
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 39
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 15
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 44
- Nixon-Rogers meetings, 15
- Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (1971), 6, 15, 39, 50, 239, 253
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 75, 93, 125
- Sonnenfeldt’s Soviet Union trip, 29
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet, 12
- Washington Special Actions Group, 172
- West German treaties with Soviet Union/Poland, 238, 253
- Evans, Rowland, 93
- Export-Import Bank, 12, 29, 56, 75, 125, 141, 150, 169, 265, 276
- Farley, Philip J., 229
- Fiat Company, 276
- First Circle, The (Solzhenitsyn), 225
- Flanigan, Peter M., 1
- Ford, Gerald, 2, 95
- Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 197
- Formation of the Soviet Union (Pipes), 225
- France, 4, 56, 298
- Fulbright, J. William, 2
- Furtseva, Ekaterina A., 38
- Gallagher, Neil, 216
- Gandhi, Indira, 24, 50
- Garment, Leonard, 1
- Garthoff, Raymond, 167, 284
- Gas, natural, 12, 70, 276
- Gavilov, 284
- General Advisory Committee On Arms Control and Disarmament, 66
- Geneva Accords in 1954, 271, 292
- Germany, East, 92, 253
- Germany, Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (1971) and East/West, 6, 15, 39, 50, 239, 253
- Germany, West:
- Gibson, Andrew E., 91
- Gold, 12
- Goldwater, Barry, 87, 250
- Gorky Auto Plant, 276
- Gray, Gordon, 191, 197
- Great Britain, 25, 26
- Grechko, Andrei, 74, 210, 226
- Greece, 51
- Green, 114
- Grinevsky, Oleg, 284
Gromyko, Andrei A.:
- Arab-Israeli dispute:
- Johnson (Lyndon)-Kosygin meeting, 56
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 39
Kissinger’s secret trip to
Moscow (actual):
- Announcement of the trip, 150
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 150, 152
- Kissinger, meetings with, 129, 150, 152, 160, 163
- Kissinger-Brezhnev meetings, 134, 139, 141, 159
- Lend-Lease talks, 150
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 128
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 150
- SALT negotiations, 150, 160, 163
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 150, 160
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet, 150
- Nixon, meetings with, 126, 150
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 293, 295, 298
- Communiqué, joint U.S.-Soviet, 283, 288, 292, 295
- European security arrangements, 265, 288
- Kissinger, meetings with, 273, 277, 281, 283, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 295
- Lend-Lease talks, 276, 292
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 292
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 284, 300
- Nixon-Kosygin meetings, 276
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 293, 299
- Rogers, meetings with, 298
- SALT negotiations, 273, 277, 281, 288, 292
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 291
- Vietnam War, 290, 292
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Vietnam War, meeting with Nixon on, 40
- Guay, George, 103, 162
- Gventsadze, German, 259
- Hague Convention on Mining of 1907, 216
Haig, Alexander M., Jr.:
- Arab-Israeli dispute:
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- Brezhnev’s concerns over statements made by U.S. officials, 53
- Chou En-lai, meeting with, 35
- Germany, West, 172
- India-Pakistan War (1971):
Kissinger’s secret trip to
Moscow (actual):
- Announcement of the trip, 147, 149
- Asia, stability in South, 130
- Bunker, communications with, 153
- Communication outage, 135, 136, 138
- Huang Hua, meeting with, 167
- Kissinger, communications with, 130, 132, 136, 138, 140, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 154, 156, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167
- Nixon, communications with, 131, 137, 142, 145, 153, 168
- Nixon, meetings with, 128, 158, 168
- Rogers, communications with, 143
- SALT negotiations, 153, 156, 165, 166, 167
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 137, 151
- Tan Hoa operation, 138
- Troop withdrawals, American, 153
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 97
- Lend-Lease talks, 83
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 7
- SALT negotiations:
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Bureaucratic coordination, 69, 146
- Cancellation of, discussions on, 183, 184, 186, 195
- Instructions from Nixon while he is away, 250
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 6, 181
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 11
- Nixon’s concerns about impact of Summit, 162
- Rogers-Haldeman communications, 60
- SALT negotiations, 250
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 93
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 12
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- B-52 strikes, 138, 142, 144
- Contingency plans for U.S. military operations, 85
- Domino theory, 186
- Haldeman, meetings with, 154
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 109, 137, 186, 271
- Kissinger, communications with, 162
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), cancellation of, 103
- Kissinger-Xuan Thuy/Le Duc Tho private meetings in Paris, 183, 185
- Nixon, communications with, 186
- Nixon, meetings with, 126, 158
- Nixon and Kissinger/Haldeman, meetings with, 195
- Protest against the war, American, 144
- Saigon trip to prepare assessment, 111, 113
- Soviet protests against Haiphong bombing, 109
- Soviet Summit’s importance vs. honorable conclusion of the war, 144
- Troop withdrawals, American, 147
- Washington Special Actions Group, 92, 99
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet:
- Vietnam War (see also Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S. and Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above), 4
Haldeman, H.R. (Bob):
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- Butz trip to Soviet Union, 123
- Kissinger and Rogers, lack of communication between, 36
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual):
- Ottawa address, Nixon’s, 100
- Poland, Nixon’s desire to visit, 68
- Rogers, concerns about actions of, 42
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Congress, Nixon’s post-summit address to, 294, 302
- Exit after signing ceremony, Nixon-Brezhnev, 269
- Hawks in the Senate, Nixon’s concerns about the, 264
- Kissinger and Smith, hostilities between, 286
- Leaving the Soviet Union, 301
- Leaving Washington, 251
- Leningrad, Nixon’s trip to, 287
- Listening devices, 301
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 257
- Rogers, Nixon’s/Kissinger’s lack of trust in, 260
- Russian people, Nixon’s televised address to, 294
- SALT negotiations, 286
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Bureaucratic coordination, 71, 145, 147, 182
- Cancellation of, discussions on, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 192, 195, 205, 212, 217, 221
- Kissinger, communications with, 60
- Nixon, communications with, 64
- Nixon-Cabinet meetings, 3
- Press, dealings with the, 225, 245
- Protests on Vietnam War, American, 217
- Rogers, communications with, 60
- Rogers, Nixon’s/Kissinger’s lack of trust in, 55, 64
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 176
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Haig, meetings with, 154
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 185
- Kissinger, communications with, 101, 188
- Kissinger-Xuan Thuy/Le Duc Tho private meetings in Paris, 185
- Nixon, meetings with, 126, 154, 192
- Nixon and Kissinger/Haig, meetings with, 195
- Soviet protests against Haiphong bombing, 109
- Soviet Summit (proposed), 176
- Toughness, need for, 192
- Vietnam War (See Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.; Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above)
- Haldeman Diaries (Haldeman), 51, 102, 128, 145, 154, 158, 168, 176, 188, 269, 287, 294, 301
- Health cooperation, 67, 227
- Heath, Edward, 207
- Hebert, Eddie, 250
- Helms, Richard, 92, 99, 118, 122, 158, 204, 217, 225
- Henkin, Daniel Z., 216
- Henry, David, 115
- Hicks, Sander, 83
- Hillenbrand, Martin, 48, 60, 67, 227, 259, 265, 288, 298, 300
- Hinton, Deane, 48, 268
- Hirohito (Emperor), 1
- Hodgson, James, 67
- Holdridge, John, 122, 199, 216
- Home, Alec, 217
- Honecker, Eric, 92
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 191, 192
- Howe, Jonathan T., 126, 199
- Howe, William, 106
- Huang Hua, 24, 97, 116, 123, 167
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 1, 191, 196
- Hungary, 12
- Husayn, Saddam, 74
- Hussein (King) of Jordan, 84, 150, 256
- Hyland, William, 48, 259, 273, 277, 281, 300
- ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles). See SALT .
- Ikle, Fred C., 222
- In Confidence (Dobrynin), 126
- India-Pakistan War (1971):
- British Resolution, 25, 26
- Climax reached with multiple messages between U.S./Soviet leaders, 24
- Cutting off assistance to India, U.S., 31
- Haig-Chou En-lai meeting, 35
- Haig-Huang Hua meeting, 24
- Haig-Vorontsov communications, 17
- Haig-Vorontsov meetings, 25
- Hot line message from U.S. to Moscow, 24
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 4, 13, 39
- Kissinger-Vorontsov communications, 16
- Kissinger-Vorontsov meetings, 17, 24, 25, 26
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 19, 22, 24, 25
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 18, 21, 24, 31, 32
- Nixon-Matskevich meeting, 23
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 11
- Polish Resolution, 26
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 74
- Soviet-Chinese relations, 24
- Soviet-Indian Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Cooperation, 50
- Soviet response to U.S. after, 38
- Surrender, Pakistani, 32
- Indochina, 292, 295
- Indonesia, 186
- Iran, 51
- Irwin, John N., II, 48, 81, 92
- Israel. See Arab-Israeli dispute.
- Ivanov, Igor, 276
- Izvestia, 118
- Jackson, Henry, 248, 249, 250, 289
- Jalloud Abdul Salam, 74
- Japan, 1, 4, 50, 196
- Jarring, Gunnar, 41, 45, 244, 298
- Jay, Edward, 56
- JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 56, 126, 175
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 99, 118, 122, 172, 210, 216, 219
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 79, 280
- Joint ventures, commercial, 70
- Jordan (see also Arab-Israeli dispute), 84
- Kalinkin, B. N., 115
- Kama River Purchasing Commission, 70
- Karhos, Fred, 92, 99
- Kasatonov, Adm. V. A., 7, 211
- Kashmir frontier (see also India-Pakistan War (1971)), 4
- Katushev, Konstatin, 169, 172
- Keegan, Maj. Gen. George J., Jr., 133
- Kehrli, Bruce, 67
- Kendall, Don, 12
- Kennedy, Edward M., 87, 196
- Kennedy, John F., 2, 194
- Kennedy, Richard, 48, 92, 110, 114, 118, 122, 199, 216
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 1, 2, 75, 101, 125, 194, 236, 254
- Kim II-Sung, 299
- Kishilov, Nikolai, 147, 167, 284
Kissinger, Henry A.:
- Arab-Israeli dispute (see also Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings under Arab-Israeli dispute):
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- Bombing vs., discussion of pros/cons of, 196
- CIA’s assessments, 201
- Congress, U.S., 225
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 207, 239
- Le Duc Tho’s willingness to resume private talks, 223
- Nixon, communications with, 102, 105, 113, 121, 196
- Nixon, meetings with, 195, 202, 205, 212
- Nixon-NSC meetings, 204
- Nixon’s televised address to the nation, 206
- NSC staff/CIA official, meeting with, 199
- Plenary session in Paris, discussions about, 228
- Press, dealing with the, 225
- Reactions to, 213, 221
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 193
- Soviet non-response, 221
- Soviet Summit (proposed), 237
- Washington Special Actions Group, 216, 219
- Brezhnev’s concerns over statements made by U.S. officials, 53
- China:
- Airspace, U.S. violating Chinese, 123
- Chou En-lai, meetings with, 8, 52
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 54, 56, 88, 141
- Huang Hua, meetings with, 97, 116, 123
- Moscow, secret trip to (proposed), 116, 125
- Nixon, communications with, 96
- SALT negotiations, 13
- Visit to (actual), 8, 52, 88
- Visit to (proposed), 1
- Communiqué, draft, 56, 62
- Congress (U.S.), Nixon’s annual (third) report on foreign affairs to, 47
- European security arrangements:
- Germany, West, 86, 172, 206
- India-Pakistan War (1971):
- Lend-Lease talks, 83, 123
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues:
- Moscow, secret trip to (actual):
- Announcement of the trip, 139, 147, 149, 150, 155, 157, 158, 159, 160, 163
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 141, 150, 152, 159
- Asia, stability in South, 130
- Brezhnev, meetings with, 134, 139, 141, 148, 159, 163
- China, 134, 141
- Communication outage, 140
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 129
- European security arrangements, 139, 159, 169
- Gromyko, meetings with, 129, 150, 152, 160, 163
- Haig, communications with, 130, 132, 136, 138, 140, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 154, 156, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167
- Haig-Bunker communications, 153
- Lend-Lease talks, 150
- Nixon, communications with, 128, 137, 157, 161
- Nixon, meetings with, 168
- Nixon’s concerns about impact of trip, 149
- Nixon’s televised address to the nation, 208
- Nuclear non-aggression pact, 159
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 134, 139, 150, 159, 169
- SALT negotiations, 139, 148, 150, 153, 156, 157, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169
- Soviet eagerness for Summit, 136
- Soviet Summit, preparations for, 141, 159
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 128, 134, 137, 139, 141, 148, 150, 151, 157, 159, 160
- Summary memorandum of trip, 163, 169
- Tan Hoa operation, 138
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 139, 141, 148, 150, 159, 169
- Troop withdrawals, American, 153
- Moscow, secret trip to (proposed):
- Nixon’s China trip (proposed):
- NSC Study Memorandum 143, 27
- Nuclear fuel supply, 173
- Nuclear weapons, U.S.–Soviet treaty (proposed) renouncing, 221, 223
- Other Large Phased Array Radars, 147
- Ottawa address, Nixon’s, 100
- Poland, Nixon’s desire to visit, 68, 76, 77
- Rogers, concerns about actions of, 42
- Rogers, lack of communication with, 36
- Rush, meetings with, 86
SALT negotiations (see also
Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings
- Breakthrough, Nixon’s public announcement of, 220
- Haig, communications with, 179
- Jackson (Henry), meeting with, 248
- Lord, communications with, 177
- Moorer, communications with, 273
- Nixon, communications with, 174, 225
- Rogers, communications with, 179
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 76
- Rogers-Smith (Gerard) communications, 229
- Smith (Gerard), communications with, 51, 147, 167, 174
- Smith (Gerard)-Semenov meetings, 28, 136
- Verification Panel, 9
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 48, 125, 169, 227
- Senior Review Group, 48
- Soviet behaviors, Sonnenfeldt’s assessments of, 33
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 272, 293, 295, 296
- Brezhnev, meetings with, 262, 284, 286
- Brezhnev-Sadat communications, 256
- Brezhnev’s intentions, assessing, 254, 255
- China, 286
- Communiqué, joint U.S.-Soviet, 283, 288, 295
- European security arrangements, 265, 288
- Exit after signing ceremony, Nixon-Brezhnev, 269
- Gromyko, meetings with, 273, 277, 281, 283, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 295
- Gromyko, Sonnenfeldt’s assessments of, 291
- Haig, communications with, 271, 279, 280, 289
- Leaving Washington, 251
- Lend-Lease talks, 276, 292, 296
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 292
- Moorer, communications with, 273
- Negotiation advice to Nixon, 254
- Negroponte, communications with, 274
- Nixon, communications with, 252, 253, 270, 272, 275, 277, 296
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 259, 262, 263, 265, 271, 284, 299, 300
- Nixon-Kosygin meetings, 276
- Nuclear renunciation, 296
- Press briefing, Nixon’s, 251
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 293, 299
- Rogers, lack of trust in, 251, 260
- Russian people, Nixon’s televised address to, 294
- SALT negotiations, 252, 253, 261, 262, 263, 266, 267, 273, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 288, 289, 292
- Smirnov, meetings with, 273, 277, 281
- Smith (Gerard), communications with, 247, 252, 262, 263, 266, 267, 273, 278, 281, 282
- Smith (Gerard), hostilities with, 286
- Sonnenfeldt, communications with, 261
- Talking points presented to Nixon, 252, 253
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet, 21, 29, 39, 41, 45, 46, 51, 56, 62, 70, 215, 296
- Vietnam War, 270, 271, 275, 290, 292
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Announcements, jointBilateral agreements, 227
- Books read by Nixon in preparation for, 225
- Bureaucratic coordination, 57, 71, 182, 198, 237
- Cancellation of, discussions on, 183, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 205, 212, 217, 218, 221, 225
- Congressional (U.S.) leaders, meetings with, 248
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 4, 39, 41, 45, 46, 62, 119, 214, 220, 224, 239, 243
- Environmental issues, 244
- Gift exchanges, 225, 228
- Haldeman, communications with, 60
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 239
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 227, 244
- McCloskey, communications with, 56
- Metropolitan Club, speech at, 191
- Moscow, secret trip to (actual), 141, 159
- Negotiation styles of participants, 232
- Nixon, communications with, 51, 71, 78, 95, 119, 222, 227, 248
- Nixon, meetings with, 62, 63, 248
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 6
- Nixon-Congressional leaders meetings, 2
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 11
- Press briefings, Nixon’s, 245, 246, 249
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 220, 238, 244
- Protests on Vietnam War, American, 217
- Public statements, keeping a lid on, 223
- Rogers, communications with, 61
- Rogers, lack of trust in, 55, 63, 64, 228, 237, 238, 242
- Russian people, Nixon’s televised address to, 238
- SALT negotiations, 63, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 227
- Smith (Gerard), hostilities with, 286
- Sonnenfeldt, communications with, 56
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 93
- Space cooperation, 244
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 176
- Vietnam War, 243
- White House staff, meetings with, 1
- Space cooperation, 48, 51, 227, 244
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Arab-Israeli dispute, drawing parallels with, 113
- B-52 strikes, 87, 138, 151, 212
- Bombing cessation, discussions on, 112, 126
- Contingency plans for U.S. military operations, 85
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 80, 84, 88, 94
- Election concerns/strategies, discussing, 102
- Haig, communications with, 162
- Haig in Saigon to prepare assessment, 113
- Haldeman, communications with, 101, 188
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 121, 123, 151, 175
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 79
- Laird, criticisms of, 194
- Lord, communications with, 177
- Military leaders’ failure to carry out Nixon’s orders, 246
- Moscow, cancellation of proposed secret trip to, 103, 104
- Moscow, secret trip to (proposed), 94, 100, 102, 113, 116, 119, 121, 126, 141, 159
- Nixon, communications with, 73, 78, 79, 84, 95, 113, 116, 119, 123, 175, 176, 180, 182, 187, 191
- Nixon, meetings with, 73
- Nixon and Haldeman/Haig, meetings with, 195
- Nixon-Soviet leadership communications, 107
- Nixon’s televised address to the nation, 89
- Nuclear weapons, discussing, 126
- Plenary sessions in Paris, opening up, 226
- Private talks, 89, 102
- Recklessness, encouraging appearance of, 82
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 91
- Soviet/North Vietnam/West Germany linkages, 86
- Soviet protests against Haiphong bombing, 109, 114, 121
- Soviet reaction to, assessment of, 120
- Toughness, need for, 113, 126, 191, 192
- Vorontsov, meetings with, 103, 106
- Washington Special Actions Group, 81, 92, 99, 111, 118, 122
- Xuan Thuy/Le Duc Tho, private meetings in Paris with, 183, 185, 190, 200, 290
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet:
- Brezhnev-Butz meetings, 101
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 13, 39, 41, 45, 46, 51, 56, 62
- Flanigan, communications with, 56, 215
- Moscow, secret trip to (proposed), 126
- Nixon, communications with, 21, 29, 296
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 56
- Peterson and Flanigan, meeting with, 70
- Sonnenfeldt, communications with, 29, 56
- Stans, communications with, 39
- Stans’ trip to Soviet Union, 14
- Vietnam War (see also Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S. and Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above):
- Wallace (George), assassination attempt on, 228
- Knowles, Richard, 122
- Korea, 265, 276, 299
- Korniyenko, Georgi, 29, 160, 259, 276, 277, 281, 283, 288, 290, 292, 295, 298
- Kosygin, Aleksey N.:
- Kovalev, Nikolay, 114
- Kraft, Joseph, 87, 93, 123
- Kreisky, Bruno, 226
- Krimer, William, 259, 285
- Kuriles, Southern, 50
- Kusnetsov, Vasily V., 24, 130, 259, 300
Laird, Melvin, 250
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S., 204
- Brezhnev’s concerns over statements made by, 53
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 126
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Abrams’ assessments, 177
- Air capabilities, U.S., 135
- B-52 strikes, 142, 151
- Contingency plans for U.S. military operations, 85
- Criticized by Nixon/Kissinger, 194
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 121, 137, 151
- Military leaders’ failure to carry out Nixon’s orders, 246
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 79
- Soviet Union, blaming the, 91
- Troop withdrawals, American, 147
- Laos, 186
- Latimer, Thomas, 197
- Law of the Sea negotiations, 48
- Le Duc Tho, 134, 139, 181
- Lend-Lease talks:
- Libya, 74
- Lincoln, Franklin, 197, 204
- Lord, Winston, 8, 79, 85, 134, 139, 150, 164, 177, 199, 201, 265, 271, 276, 283, 288, 290, 292, 293, 295
- Low, George, 48
- Luns, Joseph, 75
- MacGregor, Clark, 1, 2, 302
- Machine tools, 12
- Mahon, George, 2
- Mansfield, Mike, 2, 96, 116, 125
- Manzhulo, A., 45, 268
- Mao Tse-tung, 236
- Marder, Murrey, 172
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues:
- Beam’s assessments, 7
- Fishing trawlers (Soviet) seized in Alaskan waters, 51
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 45, 191, 221, 224, 226
- Kissinger-Hillenbrand communications, 227
- Law of the Sea negotiations, 48
- Nixon-Dobrynin meetings, 191
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 228, 237
- Nixon-Kissinger/Rogers meetings, 217
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 67
- Senior Review Group, 48
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 48, 83, 91, 93
- Soviet ships in North Vietnamese ports, 224
- Soviet Summit (actual), 274, 292
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- U.S.–Soviet Exchange Agreement, 93
- Mark, David E., 90
- Markelov, 226
- Matlock, Jack, 114, 211, 259, 298, 300
- Matskevich, Vladimir, 23, 24, 38, 101
- Mazurov, Kiril, 74
- McCloskey, Robert, 56, 81, 93, 217, 245
- McCloy, John, 66, 197
- McGinnis, John, 48
- McGovern, George, 83, 191, 196
- Meir, Golda, 13, 16, 150
- Middle East (see also Arab-Israeli dispute), 30
- Minerals, 12
- Missiles. See SALT .
- Mitchell, John, 36, 51
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas, 48, 99, 118, 121, 192, 204, 216, 223, 244, 248, 250, 264, 273, 279, 280
- Morgan, Thomas, 2
- Moscow Summit in 1972. See Soviet Summit in 1972 .
- Mosely, Philip, 222
- Murphy, Franklin, 197
- Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions in Europe (MBFR), 11, 15, 29, 45, 93, 125, 172, 240, 253
- Mutuality of interest between U.S. and Soviet Union, 34
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 150
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S., 199, 204, 234
- Council on International Economic Policy Decision Memorandum 6, 60
- Council on International Economic Policy Study Memorandum 20, 60
- Decision Memorandums:
- Environmental cooperation, 48
- European security arrangements, 15
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 48, 67
- Meetings:
- SALT negotiations, 9, 66, 229, 273
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 48
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Soviet Union, summary of interrelationships concerning the, 27, 34
- Space cooperation, 48
- Study Memorandums:
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 48, 60
- Natural gas, 12, 70, 276
- Negroponte, John, 92, 99, 139, 164, 175, 199, 204, 271, 274, 290, 292
- Neubert, Joseph, 48
- New York Times, 142
- Nguyen Thi Binh, Madame, 107, 136, 292
- Nguyen Van Thieu, 138, 162, 187, 191, 290
- NIE. See National Intelligence Estimates.
- Nitze, Paul H., 147
Nixon, Richard M.:
- Arab-Israeli dispute:
- Brezhnev, communications with, 4, 6, 39, 72
- Brezhnev-Sadat meeting, 43
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 62
- Hussein (King), meetings with, 84, 150
- Kissinger, communications with, 5
- Kissinger-Alon meeting, 198
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 4, 10
- Meir, meetings with, 16, 150
- Rogers, communications with, 44, 178
- Rogers’ assessments, 178
- Sadat’s trip to Soviet Union, 5
- Vietnam War and drawing a parallel between, 113
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- Bombing vs., discussion of pros/cons of, 196
- Brezhnev, communications with, 207, 214
- Cabinet meeting following televised address, 209
- Congress, U.S., 208, 225
- Connally, meetings with, 192, 205
- Haig, communications with, 184
- Haldeman, communications with, 208
- Haldeman, meetings with, 212
- Kissinger, communications with, 102, 105, 113, 121, 196
- Kissinger, meetings with, 195, 202, 205, 212
- Le Duc Tho’s willingness to resume private talks, 223
- NSC, meeting with, 204
- Plenary session in Paris, discussions about, 228
- Press, dealing with the, 225
- Rogers, communications with, 203
- Soviet Summit (proposed), 237
- Televised address to the nation, 206, 208, 210
- Brezhnev’s attitude towards, 123
- Brezhnev’s concerns over statements made by U.S. officials, 53
- China:
- China visit (proposed):
- Congressional leadership, briefing, 2, 52
- Haig-Chou En-lai meeting, 35
- Kissinger, meetings with, 49
- Kissinger-Dobrynin communications, 52
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 8
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 7
- Rogers, communications with, 11
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 37
- U.S.–Soviet relations, 49
- Vietnam War, 49, 50
- Chou En-lai, meeting with, 52
- Congress (U.S.), annual (third) report on foreign affairs to, 47
- Connally’s judgment, assessing, 194
- Cyprus and Greece, conflict between, 51
- Environmental issues, 173
- European security arrangements:
- Germany, West, 206
- Gromyko, meetings with, 126, 150
- India-Pakistan War (1971):
- Brezhnev, communications with, 19, 22, 24, 25
- Cutting off assistance to India, 31
- Hot line message from U.S. to Moscow, 24
- Kissinger, communications with, 18, 21, 24, 31, 32
- Kissinger-Vorontsov meetings, 24
- Matskevich, meeting with, 23
- Pakistan, tilt towards, 17
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 39
- Surrender, Pakistani, 32
Kissinger’s secret trip to
Moscow (actual):
- Announcement of the trip, 145, 155, 157, 158
- Asia, stability in South, 130
- Brezhnev, communications with, 170
- Bureaucratic coordination, 145
- Communication outage, 135, 138
- Concerns about impact of trip, 145, 149, 155, 164
- Connally, meetings with, 128
- Haig, communications with, 131, 137, 142, 145, 153, 168
- Haig, meetings with, 128, 158, 168
- Haldeman, meetings with, 128, 154, 168
- Kissinger, communications with, 128, 137, 157, 161
- Kissinger, meetings with, 168
- Kissinger-Brezhnev meetings, 134
- Kissinger-Haig communications, 148
- Negotiating style, problems with Kissinger’s, 145
- SALT negotiations, 153, 157, 168
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 128, 137, 157
- Summary memorandum of trip, Kissinger’s, 169
- Televised address to the nation, 208
- Troop withdrawals, American, 153
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed):
- Lend-Lease talks, 67
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues:
- Ottawa address, 100
- Poland, desire to visit, 68, 76, 77
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 67
SALT negotiations:
- Breakthrough, public announcement of, 220
- Brezhnev, communications with, 72
- Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, meeting with, 197
- Haig, communications with, 136, 153, 202
- Kissinger, communications with, 174, 225
- Kissinger-Jackson (Henry) meeting, 248
- Kosygin, communications with, 13
- Rogers, communications with, 44
- Rogers, distrust of, 187
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 76
- Smith (Gerard)-Semenov meetings, 28, 136
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 56, 125, 169, 173, 227
- Smith (Gerard), distrust of, 245
- Soviet behaviors, Sonnenfeldt’s assessments of, 33
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 257, 272, 284, 296
- Brezhnev, meetings with, 257, 259, 262, 263, 265, 269, 271, 284, 286, 299, 300
- Brezhnev, preparation for second meeting with, 258
- Brezhnev-Sadat communications, 256
- Brezhnev’s position, Kissinger’s assessment of, 255
- Bureaucratic coordination, 259
- China, 286, 299
- Communiqué, joint U.S.–Soviet, 299
- Congressional address following, 294, 297, 302
- Economic Commission, Joint, 276
- European security arrangements, 257, 265
- Exit after signing ceremony, 269
- Flanigan, communications with, 265
- Grain talks, 276
- Hawks in the Senate, concerns about the, 264
- Hostilities emerge between U.S. and Soviet sides, 271
- Kissinger, communications with, 252, 253, 270, 272, 275, 277, 296
- Kissinger and Smith, hostilities between, 286
- Kosygin, meetings with, 276, 285
- Last formal meeting, 300
- Leaving Washington, 251
- Lend-Lease talks, 276, 285, 299
- Leningrad, trip to, 287
- Natural gas, 276
- Negotiation preparations/tactics, 254
- Nuclear weapons, 296, 299
- Opening presentation, 259
- Peterson, meetings with, 276
- Podgorny, meetings with, 276
- Press briefing, 251
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 257
- Report on, deciding on location for the, 302
- Rogers, lack of trust in, 251, 260
- Russian people, televised address to, 294
- SALT negotiations, 253, 257, 259, 262, 263, 284, 286
- Space cooperation, 269
- Talking points, Kissinger presents, 252, 253
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 21, 29, 259, 265, 276, 296, 299
- Vietnam War, 271, 299
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Bilateral agreements, 227
- Books read in preparation for, 225, 237, 244
- Brezhnev, communications with, 6, 51, 72, 181, 182
- Bureaucratic coordination, 57, 58, 145, 146, 198, 237
- Cabinet meetings, 3
- Cancellation of, discussions on, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 205, 212, 217, 218, 221, 225
- Cease-fire in Vietnam, 217
- Clearances for meetings with representatives of Soviet Embassy, 36
- Concerns about impact of Summit, 162
- Congress, U.S., 2, 47, 248
- Discussion levels before, lowering, 58
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 62, 242
- Environmental issues, 244
- General Advisory Committee On Arms Control and Disarmament, 66
- Gift exchanges, 225, 228
- Haig given instructions for Nixon’s absence, 250
- Haldeman, communications with, 64
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 175, 239, 250
- India-Pakistan War (1971), 25
- Kissinger, communications with, 51, 71, 78, 95, 119, 222, 227, 248
- Kissinger, meetings with, 62, 63, 248
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 227, 244
- Negotiation preparations/tactics, 222, 232
- Opening Presentation, 241
- Press briefings/conferences/dealings, 67, 171, 225, 245, 246, 249
- Principles of mutual relations, basic, 244
- Public statements, keeping a lid on, 223
- Rogers, communications with, 11, 44, 178
- Rogers, lack of trust in, 55, 63, 64, 228, 237, 238, 242
- Rogers-Haldeman communications, 60
- Russian people, Nixon’s televised address to, 238
- SALT negotiations, 11, 63, 67, 72, 244, 245, 248, 249, 250
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 227
- Sonnenfeldt’s Soviet Union trip, 29
- Space cooperation, 244
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese, 176
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 12
- Upper hand over Soviets, having the, 119
- White House staff-Kissinger meetings, 1
- Soviet Union speech (1959), 244
- Soviet–U.S. relations, 39
- Space cooperation, 51, 67, 227, 244
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Abrams’ assessments, 177
- Arab-Israeli dispute, drawing parallels with, 113
- B-52 strikes, 87, 135, 142, 144, 151
- Bombing cessation, opposition to, 126
- Brezhnev, communications with, 181, 190, 200
- CIA asked to leak information, 158
- Connally, meetings with, 176
- Contingency plans for U.S. military operations, 85
- Domino theory, 186
- Election concerns, 102
- Haig, communications with, 186
- Haig, meetings with, 126, 158
- Haig in Saigon to prepare assessment, 113
- Haldeman, meetings with, 126, 154, 192
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 121, 123, 136, 151, 175, 176, 180, 185, 186
- Kissinger, communications with, 73, 78, 79, 84, 95, 113, 116, 119, 123, 175, 176, 180, 182, 187, 191
- Kissinger, meetings with, 73
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 100, 102, 103, 113, 116, 119, 121
- Kissinger-Xuan Thuy/Le Duc Tho private meetings in Paris, 102, 183, 185, 200
- Laird, criticisms of, 194
- Military leaders’ failure to carry out Nixon’s orders, 246
- Nuclear weapons, discussing, 126
- Press briefings/conferences/dealings, 89, 126, 171, 210
- Private talks, 89
- Protest against the war, American, 144, 186
- Recklessness, encouraging appearance of, 82
- Rogers, communications with, 182
- Rogers, meetings with, 180
- Soviet leadership, communications with, 107, 110
- Soviet/North Vietnam/West Germany linkages, 84, 86
- Soviet reaction to, Kissinger’s assessment of, 120
- Soviet Summit’s importance vs. honorable conclusion of the war, 144, 154, 157
- Televised address to nation, 89, 171, 210
- Toughness, need for, 113, 126, 191, 192
- Troop withdrawals, American, 147
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet:
- Brezhnev, communications with, 6, 56
- Brezhnev, meetings with, 259, 265, 299
- Brezhnev-Butz meetings, 101
- Butz, meetings with, 101
- Flanigan, meetings with, 265
- Kissinger, communications with, 21, 29, 296
- Kissinger-Sonnenfeldt communications, 29
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 126
- Kosygin, meetings with, 276
- Matskevich, meeting, 101
- Patolichev, meeting with, 215
- Podgorny, meeting with, 215
- Rogers, communications with, 203
- Stans, meetings with, 20
- Stans/Rogers/Haig, meetings with, 12
- Vietnam War (see also Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S. and Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above):
- Kissinger, communications with, 38
- Wallace (George), assassination attempt on, 228
- Yevtushenko, meeting with, 46
- Arab-Israeli dispute:
- Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 288
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 11, 221, 300
- Novak, Robert, 93
- NSC. See National Security Council.
- Nuclear fuel supply, 173
- Nuclear non-aggression pact (see also SALT ), 159
- Nuclear weapons, 126, 221, 223, 296, 298, 299
- Nutter, Warren, 48, 92, 216
- Odeen, Philip A., 93, 147, 167
- Okun, Herbert, 222
- Other Large Phased Array Radars (OLPARs), 147, 234, 261
- Pace, Frank, 197
- Pakistan. See India-Pakistan War (1971).
- Palmby, Clarence D., 83
- Patolichev, Nikolay S., 62, 70, 75, 91, 93, 211, 215, 268, 276, 300
- Pauls, Rolf, 86
- Peace Process: American Diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1967 (Quandt), 150
- Pegov, Nikolai M., 38
- Peterson, Peter G., 1
- Petroleum, 12
- Philpott, Lt. Gen. Jammie M., 133
- Pineau, Julieene, 129
- Ping-Pong diplomacy, 121
- Podgorny, N. V., 5, 8, 50, 115, 120, 259
- Poland, 26, 68, 75, 76, 119, 216, 238, 253
- Polemics and Prophecies (Stone), 225
- Pompidou, Georges, 24, 207
- Pravda, 118, 120
- Price, Raymond K., Jr., 1, 3, 209, 237, 238
- Public Papers: Nixon, 1971, 7, 294
- Public Papers: Nixon, 1972, 47, 171
- Pugwash Group, 129
- Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (1971), 6, 15, 39, 50, 239, 253
- Rabin, Yitzak, 13, 16, 77, 194
- Rakhmanin, V. A., 268
- Reagan, Ronald, 126
- Rectanus, Rear Adm. Earl F., 133
- Richardson, Elliot, 27, 211
- Riland, W. Kenneth, 191
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 150, 197
- Rodman, Peter, 8, 47, 123, 139, 141, 150, 159, 160, 164, 277, 281, 283, 284, 288, 292, 293, 295
Rogers, William, 221
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 44, 178
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S., 203, 204
- Dobrynin, meetings with, 46, 67
- European security arrangements, 15, 44
- Kissinger, lack of communication with, 36
- Kissinger and Haldeman concerned about actions of, 42
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual):
- Lend-Lease talks, 83
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 67, 217
- Nixon’s China visit (proposed), 52
- SALT negotiations:
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 298
- Economic Commission, Joint, 276
- European security arrangements, 265
- Grain talks, 268
- Gromyko, meetings with, 298
- Kissinger and Smith, hostilities between, 286
- Last formal meeting, 300
- Lend-Lease talks, 67, 285
- Nixon and Kissinger’s mistrust of Rogers, 251, 260
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 259, 265, 300
- Nixon-Kosygin meetings, 276
- Patolichev, meeting with, 268
- SALT negotiations, 266
- Smith (Gerard), communications with, 266
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 265, 268, 276
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Bureaucratic coordination, 57
- Cancellation of, discussions on, 217, 225
- Cease-fire in Vietnam, 217
- Congress (U.S.), Nixon’s annual (third) report on foreign affairs to, 47
- Haldeman, communications with, 60
- Kissinger, communications with, 61
- Nixon, communications with, 11, 44, 178
- Nixon and Kissinger’s mistrust of Rogers, 55, 63, 64, 228, 237, 238, 242
- Nixon-Cabinet meetings, 3
- Nixon-Congressional leaders meetings, 2
- Opening Presentation, Nixon’s, 241
- Press briefing, 245
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 93
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 12
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet:
- Romania, 12
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 134
- Rush, Kenneth, 86, 92, 99, 118, 122, 172, 216, 219, 246, 250, 264, 273
- Rusk, Dean, 56
- Russia After Khrushchev (Conquest), 225
- Sadat, Anwar, 5, 43, 74, 231, 256
- Safire, William, 87, 237
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)
negotiations, 2, 3
- Breakthrough, Nixon’s public announcement of, 220
- China, 13
- Haig-Dobrynin communications, 202
- Helsinki, tentative agreements/last hours at, 261, 284
- Interim Agreement, 277
Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings:
- ABMs, 39, 54, 56, 76, 84
- China, 13
- Conversion, missile, 243
- Defensive weapons, philosophy on, 13, 41
- Deferral, U.S. opposed to, 214
- ICBMs, 76, 83
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 198
- Offensive weapons, philosophy on, 13, 41, 179
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 62
- SLBMs, 51, 62, 76, 84, 174, 179, 224
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 83
- Soviet–U.S. relations, 39
- Kissinger-Haig communications, 179
- Kissinger-Jackson (Henry) meetings, 248
- Kissinger-Lord communications, 177
- Kissinger-Moorer communications, 273
- Kissinger-Rogers communications, 179
- Kissinger-Smith (Gerard) communications, 51, 147, 167, 174
Kissinger’s secret trip to
Moscow (actual):
- Kissinger-Brezhnev meetings, 139, 148
- Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 150, 160, 163
- Kissinger-Haig communications, 156, 165, 166, 167
- Nixon-Haig communications, 153
- Nixon-Haldeman meetings, 168
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 157, 161
- Nixon’s concerns about impact of trip, 164
- Summary memorandum of trip, Kissinger’s, 169
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 125, 126
- National Security Council, 9, 66, 229, 273
- Nixon-Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board meeting, 197
- Nixon-Haig communications, 136, 153, 202
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 174, 225
- Nixon-Kosygin communications, 13
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 44
- Other Large Phased Array Radars, 147, 234, 261
- Rogers, Nixon/Haig’s distrust of, 187
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 67, 76
- Rogers-Smith (Gerard) communications, 229, 266
- Semenov presents Soviet proposal, 83
- Smith (Gerard)-Semenov meetings, 28, 136, 147, 153, 156, 157, 267
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 33, 51, 75, 83, 91, 125
- Sonnenfeldt’s Soviet Union trip, 29
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Agreement reached, 281, 282, 284
- Congressional address by Nixon following, 302
- Jackson’s (Henry) criticisms, 289
- Kissinger and Smith (Gerard), hostilities between, 286
- Kissinger-Brezhnev meetings, 262
- Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 273, 277, 281, 288, 292
- Kissinger-Haig communications, 279, 280
- Kissinger-Moorer communications, 273
- Kissinger-Smirnov meetings, 273, 277, 281
- Kissinger-Smith (Gerard) communications, 247, 252, 262, 263, 266, 267, 273, 278, 281, 282
- Kissinger-Sonnenfeldt communications, 261
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 257, 259, 263, 284, 286
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 253
- Rogers-Smith (Gerard) communications, 266
- Signing ceremony, 286
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Brezhnev’s speech to Soviet Trade Union Congress, 65
- Discussion levels before, lowering, 58
- General Advisory Committee On Arms Control and Disarmament, 66
- Kissinger-Smith (Gerard) communications, 247
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 72
- Nixon-Haig communications, 250
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 249
- Nixon-Kissinger meetings, 63, 244, 248
- Nixon press conference, 67
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 11
- Nixon’s unhappiness with the situation, 245
- NSC’s assessments, 234, 240
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 93
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet, 12
- Verification Panel, 9, 273
- Submarines, 39, 54, 56, 76, 84
- Samoteykin, 139
- Samuels, Nathaniel, 91
- Sato, Eisaku, 1
- Saunders, Harold, 5, 25, 130, 243
- Scali, John A., 1, 57, 58, 121, 185, 223
- Schreiber, Taft, 198
- Scientific/technical cooperation:
- Scott, Harold, 48, 51
- Scott, Hugh, 2, 95, 96, 116
- Scowcroft, Gen. Brent, 138
- Seaborg, Glenn, 101
- Seith, Louis, 92
- Selden, Armistead, 99, 118
- Semenov, Vladimir, 28, 83, 136, 147, 153, 156, 157, 267
- Shah of Iran, 51
- Shakespeare, Frank, 27
- Shanghai Communiqué, 54
- Shchedrov, Ivan, 115
- Shelest, Pyotr, 253
- Shevchenko, Leonid, 288, 290
- Shultz, George, 1
- Sindlinger, Albert E., 138, 144
- Sisco, Joe, 4, 8, 10, 41, 150, 284
- SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic missiles). See SALT .
- Smirnov, Leonid, 93, 273, 277, 281
- Smith, Gerard C., 9, 58, 66, 83, 126
- Smith, Hedrick, 225
- Smith, Wayne, 222
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 2, 5, 164
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 29, 33, 74, 75
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- Brezhnev’s letter, 75
- Communiqué, joint U.S.–Soviet, 62
- Congress (U.S.), Nixon’s annual (third) report on foreign affairs to, 47
- European security arrangements, 75, 93, 125, 173
- India-Pakistan War (1971), 22, 74
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual):
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 125
- Lend-Lease talks, 83, 91, 93
- Maritime/incidents at sea issues, 48, 83, 91, 93
- Nixon’s China trip (proposed), 37
- Nuclear fuel supply, 173
- Other Large Phased Array Radars, 147
- Poland, Nixon’s desire to visit, 75
- SALT negotiations, assessing the, 33, 51, 75, 83, 91, 125, 147
- Scientific/technical cooperation, 173
- Senior Review Group, 48
- Soviet behaviors, assessing, 33
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet:
- Vietnam War (see also Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S. and Spring offensive, North Vietnamese above), 50
- Soviet Summit in 1972 See under Arab-Israeli dispute; SALT ; Trade, U.S.-Soviet; Vietnam War
- Space cooperation:
- Spiers, Ronald, 33, 67, 174
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese. See under Vietnam War.
- Springsteen, George, 211, 222
- Stalin, Joseph, 7, 226
- Stans, Maurice:
- Stennis, John, 2, 248
- Submarines. See SALT .
- Suez Canal, 46, 150, 231, 284, 295
- Sukhodrev, Viktor, 134, 139, 141, 150, 159, 160, 257, 259, 262, 263, 265, 271, 284, 300
- Sullivan, William, 92, 99, 114, 118, 122, 172, 216, 219
- Syria (see also Arab-Israeli dispute), 74
- Teller, Edward, 250
- “Ten Theories in Search of Reality” (Bell), 225
- Thailand, 186
- Thant, U, 29
- Third World, assessing Soviet Union’s military involvement in the, 30, 133
- Thomas, John, 60
- Thompson, Llewllyn, 66, 222
- Timerbayev, Roland, 29
- Tower, John, 87, 250
- Trade, U.S.–Soviet (see also
Lend-Lease talks):
- Brezhnev-Butz meetings, 101, 120
- European security arrangements, 12
- Grain talks, 67, 91, 101, 268, 276
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (actual):
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 125, 126
- Kissinger-Stans communications, 39
- Most Favored Nation Status, 12, 29, 75, 215, 230, 265, 299
- National Security Council, 48, 60
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 56
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 259, 265, 299
- Nixon-Butz meetings, 101
- Nixon-Flanigan communications, 265
- Nixon-Kosygin meetings, 276
- Nixon-Matskevich meeting, 101
- Nixon-Patolichev meeting, 215
- Nixon-Podgorny meeting, 276
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 203
- Nixon-Stans meetings, 20
- Nixon-Stans/Rogers/Haig meetings, 12
- Peterson-Dobrynin meetings, 62, 70, 75
- Peterson-Patolichev meetings, 215
- Rogers-Dobrynin meetings, 67
- Rogers-Patolichev meetings, 268
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Stans’ trip to Soviet Union:
- Train, Russell, 27, 48, 67, 173
- Trampczynski, Witold, 119
- Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America, 216
- TRUD, 50
- Turkey, 66, 120
- Unitary approach, 34
- United Kingdom, 25, 26
- United Nations:
- University of Arkansas, 2
- U.S.–Soviet Exchange Agreement, 93
- Valenti, Jack, 93
- Vietnam War:
- Arab-Israeli dispute, parallels to, 113
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S.:
- Bombing vs., discussion of pros/cons of, 196
- CIA’s assessments, 201
- Congress, U.S., 208, 225
- Domino theory, 204
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 207, 239
- Kissinger-NSC staff members/CIA official meetings, 199
- Le Duc Tho’s willingness to resume private talks, 223
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 207, 214
- Nixon-Cabinet meeting right after televised address, 209
- Nixon-Connally meetings, 192, 205
- Nixon-Haig communications, 184
- Nixon-Haldeman communications, 208
- Nixon-Haldeman meetings, 212
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 102, 105, 113, 121, 196
- Nixon-Kissinger meetings, 195, 202, 205, 212
- Nixon-NSC meetings, 204
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 203
- Nixon’s televised address to the nation, 206, 208, 210
- NSC’s assessments, 199, 204, 234
- Plenary session in Paris, discussions about, 228
- Reactions to, 213
- Russian ships remain in port, 212
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 193
- Soviet non-response, 221
- Soviet Summit (actual), 270, 274, 292
- Soviet Summit (proposed), 237
- U.S.–Soviet negotiations, 210
- Washington Special Actions Group, 216, 219
- Buildup, massive U.S., 38
- Haig-Chou En-lai meeting, 35
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 4, 8, 13, 39, 41, 46
- Kissinger-Haig communications, 4
- Kissinger-Le Duc Tho meeting canceled, 13
Kissinger’s secret trip to
Moscow (actual):
- Haig-Bunker communications, 153
- Kissinger-Brezhnev meetings, 134, 139, 141, 148, 159, 163
- Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 150, 160
- Kissinger-Haig communications, 140, 146, 151
- Nixon-Haig communications, 137
- Nixon-Haig meetings, 128
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 157
- Summary memorandum of trip, Kissinger’s, 169
- Tan Hoa operation, 138
- Troop withdrawals, American, 153
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 6, 16, 40, 46
- Nixon-Gromyko meetings, 40
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 38
- Nixon’s China visit (proposed), 49, 50
- Soviet Summit (actual):
- Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports, U.S., 270, 274, 292
- Ceasefire, 274
- Gromyko, Sonnenfeldt’s assessments of, 291
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 271
- Hostilities emerge between U.S. and Soviet sides, 271
- Kissinger-Gromyko meetings, 290, 292
- Negroponte’s assessments, 274
- Nixon-Brezhnev meetings, 271, 299
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 270, 275
- Prisoners of war, 270
- Talks, resumption of public/private, 270
- Troop withdrawals, American, 270, 290
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Cease-fire, Nixon-Rogers discussion of, 217
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 175, 239, 250
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 243
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 181
- Nixon-Kissinger meetings, 63
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 11
- NSC’s assessments, 234, 235, 236
- Protests on Vietnam War, American, 217
- Sonnenfeldt’s Soviet Union trip, 29
- Trade, U.S.-Soviet, 12
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese (see
Blockading/mining North Vietnamese ports,
U.S. and
Kissinger’s secret trip
to Moscow (actual)
- Abrams’ assessments, 177
- Arab-Israeli dispute, parallels to, 113
- Beam’s assessment, 115
- B-52 strikes, 87, 135, 138, 142, 144, 151, 212
- Bombing cessation, discussions on, 112, 126
- Brezhnev-Butz meetings, 101, 120
- Brezhnev-Honecker communiqué, 92
- Bunker-Thieu meetings, 162
- Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 90
- Central Intelligence Agency, 113, 117, 124, 158
- Connally’s assessments, 205
- Contingency plans for U.S. military operations, 85
- Domino theory, 186
- Election concerns/strategies, Nixon/Kissinger discuss, 102
- Haig in Saigon to prepare assessment, 111, 113
- Haldeman-Haig meetings, 154
- Hanoi/Haiphong, bombing strikes against, 102, 108, 109, 110, 114, 121, 123, 136, 137, 151, 175, 176, 177, 180, 185, 186, 271
- Honecker’s visit to Soviet Union, 92
- Kissinger-Dobrynin meetings, 80, 84, 88, 94
- Kissinger-Haig communications, 162
- Kissinger-Haldeman communications, 101, 188
- Kissinger-JCS meetings, 79
- Kissinger-Lord communications, 177
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), 94, 100, 102, 113, 116, 119, 121, 126, 141, 159
- Kissinger’s secret trip to Moscow (proposed), cancellation of, 103, 104
- Kissinger-Vorontsov meetings, 103, 106
- Kissinger-Xuan Thuy/Le Duc Tho private meetings in Paris, 102, 183, 185, 190, 200
- Kosygin-Xuan Thuy meetings, 216
- Laird criticized by Nixon/Kissinger, 194
- Laird’s declarations, 91
- Military leaders’ failure to carry out Nixon’s orders, 246
- NIE 11-72, 133
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 181, 190, 200
- Nixon-Connally meetings, 176
- Nixon-Haig communications, 186
- Nixon-Haig meetings, 126, 158
- Nixon-Haldeman meetings, 126, 192
- Nixon-Kissinger communications, 73, 78, 79, 84, 95, 113, 116, 119, 123, 175, 176, 180, 182, 187, 191
- Nixon-Kissinger/Haldeman/Haig meetings, 195
- Nixon-Kissinger meetings, 73
- Nixon-Rogers communications, 182
- Nixon-Rogers meetings, 180
- Nixon-Soviet leadership communications, 107, 110
- Nixon’s televised address to nation, 89, 171, 210
- Nuclear weapons, Nixon/Kissinger discuss, 126
- Plenary sessions in Paris, opening up, 226
- Private talks, 89, 102
- Protest against the war, American, 144
- Quang Tri falls to North Vietnam, 177, 191
- Recklessness, Nixon/Kissinger encouraging appearance of, 82
- Rogers’ appearance before Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 131
- Russian ship sunk by mistake, 213
- Sonnenfeldt’s assessments, 91
- Soviet/North Vietnam/West Germany linkages, 84, 86
- Soviet protests against Haiphong bombing, 108, 109, 110, 114, 121
- Soviet reaction, Kissinger’s assessment of, 120
- Soviet Summit’s importance vs. honorable conclusion of the war, 144, 154, 157, 158
- Tan Hoa operation, 138
- Toughness, need for, 113, 126, 191, 192
- Troop withdrawals, American, 147
- Washington Special Actions Group, 81, 92, 99, 111, 118, 122, 124
- United Nations, 205
- U.S.-Chinese relations, 8
- Vodka, 259
- Volgograd Tractor Plant, 276
- Voronkov, Ye A., 268
Vorontsov, Yuli:
- India-Pakistan War (1971):
- Nixon-Brezhnev communications, 170
- Soviet Summit (proposed):
- Spring offensive, North Vietnamese:
- Vo Thuc Dong, 120
- Waldheim, Kurt, 205
- Walker, Charles, 48
- Wallace, George, 228
- Wandler, Mark, 48, 92, 99, 118, 122, 216
- Warner, John, 7, 211
- Warsaw Pact, 29, 86
- Washington Special Actions Group:
- White House Years (Kissinger), 8, 130, 139, 208
- Woods, Rose M., 127, 151, 157
- Xuan Thuy:
- Yeh Chiang, 8
- Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 46
- Young, Milton, 2
- Yugoslavia, 12
- Zaitsev, Eduard, 198, 277
- Zamyatin, Leonid, 259, 265, 276
- Ziegler, Ron, 58, 146, 204, 217, 220, 223, 259, 276, 286
- Zinov’yev, N. V., 268