162. Memorandum From Charles E. Johnson of the National Security Council Staff to the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council’s Special Committee on the Middle East Crisis (Bundy)1


This is related to your request for information concerning various plans that have been kicking around in the Executive Branch for improving the availability of low-cost water in the dry areas of the Middle East.

On May 23 the President addressed the Water for Peace Conference.2 At that time he called for an intensified effort in water resources development world-wide and asked the Secretary of State to establish a Water for Peace Office to provide leadership for this Government’s efforts.

Subsequently the Secretary released a statement announcing the creation of the new office to be headed by a special assistant under the direct supervision of Gene Rostow.

This is the extent of State Department implementation of the Presidential directive. The special assistant has not been named and the [Page 289] office is not operational.3 A needle to State at this time would help activate the machinery that is now critically needed as a result of the Middle East crisis.4

Charles E. Johnson 5
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Name File, C. Johnson Memos, Box 5. No classification marking. A copy was sent to Bromley Smith.
  2. See Document 160.
  3. On June 15 Johnson reported to Rostow on progress on planning from AID and Interior, but nothing from the State Department. Since the Bureau of the Budget had told the Department that it would have to support the Water for Peace office out of existing funding, Johnson was not optimistic about its effectiveness: “In view of the Presidential commitment and the great international interest in this program, it is unfortunate that the program is in danger of being nibbled to death.” (Johnson Library, National Security File, Charles E. Johnson Files, Box 21)
  4. The Water for Peace Advisory Group scheduled its first meeting for August 10. (Memorandum from Woodward to the Advisory Group, August 1; ibid., Subject File, Water for Peace (1 of 2))
  5. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.