160. Editorial Note
The International Conference on Water for Peace was held May 23–31, 1967, in Washington. President Johnson addressed the conference during the opening ceremonies, pledging that the United States would “continue work in every area which holds promise for the world’s water needs,” and would “share the fruits of this technology with all of those who wish to share it with us.” (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1967, Book I, pages 555–558)
The Department of State Office of International Scientific and Technological Affairs considered the conference a “complete success,” and an internal report noted that “94 countries were represented together [Page 287] with 24 international organizations; 635 official delegates, 61 participants from international organizations, and over 2,000 observers attended.” (Department of State, SCI Files: Lot 69 D 217, The Department during the Administration of Lyndon B. Johnson, November 1963–January 1969, Vol. XI, Science and Technology) The proceedings of the conference were published as the International Conference on Water for Peace, May 23–31, 1967.