Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume XXXIV, Energy Diplomacy and Global Issues

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume XXXIV, Energy Diplomacy and Global Issues
- Susan K. Holly
General Editor:
- David S. Patterson
United States Government Printing Office
- Summary
- Preface
- Johnson Administration Volumes
- Sources
- Abbreviations
- Persons
- Scientific Matters (Documents 1–174)
- The Technology Gap (Documents 1–20)
- Cooperation in Space (Documents 21–62)
- Communication Satellites (Documents 63–110)
- Development of the Supersonic Transport Aircraft (Documents 111–129)
- Water for Peace (Documents 130–174)
- The Technology Gap (Documents 1–20)
- Energy Problems (Documents 175–268)
- Petroleum (Documents 175–227)
- The 1967 Oil Embargo (Documents 228–268)
- Petroleum (Documents 175–227)
- Global Issues (Documents 269–335)
- Population Growth (Documents 269–295)
- Hijacking (Documents 296–314)
- Human Rights (Documents 315–335)
- Population Growth (Documents 269–295)
- Index