Trade and Commercial Policy

255. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Johnson Library, Bator Papers, Kennedy Round, 1964–1965 I, Box 12. Secret. The source text bears no drafting information. The meeting was held in Herter’s office.

257. Letter From Secretary of the Treasury Dillon to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Treasury Department, 8/1/64–10/30/64, Box 15. No classification marking. Received in Herter’s office on November 3.

258. Letter From Secretary of Commerce Hodges to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, White House Subject File, Withdrawn Documents, Box 2. Secret. The source text was attached to Herter’s November 4 reply to Hodges.

259. Letter From the Secretary of Commerce’s Deputy for Textile Programs (Love) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Subject File, Trade—General, vol. 2 [all], Box 47. Confidential.

260. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts

Source: Department of State, Central Files, FT 13–2 US. Confidential; Immediate. Drafted by Auchincloss; cleared by Herter, G. Johnson (E), Hinton (EUR/RPE), Bator, R. McNeill (Commerce), and R. Ioanes (Agriculture); and approved by Roth. Sent to Brussels for USEC, Geneva for the Mission, Bonn, The Hague, Paris, Rome, Luxembourg, London, Tokyo, Bern, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, and Ottawa.

261. Telegram From the Mission to the European Communities to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, FT 13–2 US. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Bonn, The Hague, London, Luxembourg for the Embassy and USEC, Paris for the Embassy and USRO, Rome, and Geneva.

262. Memorandum From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter) to President Johnson

Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, NSC Histories, Kennedy Round Crisis, April–June, Tabs 1–6, Box 52. Secret. Drafted by John B. Rehm on November 9. The date November 10, 1964, is handwritten on the approved line at the end of the source text.

263. Memorandum of Telephone Conversation

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, White House Subject File, Withdrawn Documents, Box 9, Exceptions Folder 1, Box 3. Secret. The source text bears Herter’s handwritten initials.

264. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Memoranda of Conversation, 7/25/63–4/21/66, Box 10. Limited Official Use. The source text bears no drafting information except the date November 16. The meeting was held in Herter’s office.

265. Memorandum From the Agricultural Trade Representative, Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Hedges) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Grain Negotiations, Box 9. No classification marking. The source text bears Herter’s initials.

266. Letter From Secretary of the Treasury Dillon to Secretary of Commerce Hodges

Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 40, Secretary of Commerce Files: FRC 69 A 6828, Treasury Department. No classification marking.

267. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Johnson

Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Subject File, Trade—General, vol. 2 [all], Box 47. No classification marking.

268. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) and Francis M. Bator of the National Security Council Staff to President Johnson

Source: Johnson Library, Bator Papers, Kennedy Round, 1964–1965 I, Box 12. Confidential.

269. Letter From Secretary of Commerce Hodges to President Johnson

Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 40, Secretary of Commerce Files: FRC 69 A 6828, Chronological Copies, September–December. No classification marking. Drafted by R. H. Holton on December 17 and rewritten by Hodges.

270. Letter From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter) to Jean Rey, Member of the Commission of the European Economic Community

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Grain Negotiations, Box 9. Personal. The text of the letter was transmitted in circular telegram 1155, December 21, with Herter’s instructions to Tuthill to deliver the letter to Commissioner Rey. (Department of State, Central Files, FT 13–2 US) In Ecbus 657 from Brussels, December 23, Tuthill reported that he delivered the letter that morning to Rey, who made some preliminary comments and added he would provide an “initial written reply” the same day and a more formal reply in January after discussing the letter with the other Commissioners. (Ibid.) Rey’s initial reply was transmitted in Ecbus 664 from Brussels, December 23. (Ibid.) In early January Rey responded that the Commissioners would be happy to receive Herter at the end of January. They expressed “some surprise” at the contents of Herter’s letter but wanted to continue discussions on grains between the two delegations in Geneva. (Ecbus 710 from Brussels, January 13; ibid.)

271. Draft Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Chronological File, January 1965, Box 3. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Auchincloss (STR), cleared by Greenwald (E/OT), and approved by Hedges (STR). To be sent to Tokyo, Geneva, Brussels for the Embassy and USEC, London, Paris for the Embassy and USRO, Rome, Bonn, Luxembourg for the Embassy and USEC, and The Hague. The source text does not indicate if the circular telegram was sent.

272. Memorandum From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter) to President Johnson

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Memoranda to the President, August 11, 1964–August 8, 1966, Box 10. Confidential. The date was changed from January 15 to January 19.

273. Letter From President Johnson to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Department of State, Central Files, FT 13–2 US. No classification marking. The source text is attached to a note from Bator to Ball, January 22, stating that the letter was a copy of one the President gave to Herter at their meeting on January 21, and that it was for internal use and would not be made public.

275. Memorandum From the Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Roth) to the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, McGeorge Bundy, Box 7. No classification marking. Drafted by Roth. The source text bears Herter’s handwritten initials.

276. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Public Advisory Committee, January 6, 1965–November 1, 1965, Box 14. No classification marking. The source text bears no drafting information. Two March 4 letters from Vice President Humphrey to Herter are attached; one comments on his conversation with Mansholt: “I am not sure I got through to Mr. Mansholt but I laid it on pretty thick.”

277. Airgram From the Mission to the European Office of the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, FT 7 GATT. Confidential. Drafted by Winston Lord, cleared by Albert E. Pappano, and approved by James H. Lewis. Repeated to Paris, The Hague, Brussels for the Embassy and USEC, Rome, Bonn, and Luxembourg for the Embassy and USEC. A handwritten note under the subject line reads: “Report #3.”

278. Letter From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations’ Executive Assistant (Auchincloss) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Kenneth Auchincloss, Box 5. No classification marking. Herter’s initials appear on the source text.

279. Letter From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations’ Executive Assistant (Auchincloss) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Kenneth Auchincloss, Box 5. No classification marking.

280. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Chronological File, April 1965. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Auchincloss on April 7, cleared by Hinton (EUR/RPE), and approved by Roth. An attached draft telegram, April 12, indicates that this memorandum of conversation was to be transmitted to eight diplomatic missions and to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations.

281. Letter From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations’ Executive Assistant (Auchincloss) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Kenneth Auchincloss, Box 5. No classification marking.

282. Letter From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations’ Executive Assistant (Auchincloss) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Kenneth Auchincloss, Box 5. No classification marking.

283. Letter From the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations’ Executive Assistant (Auchincloss) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)

Source: Kennedy Library, Herter Papers, Kenneth Auchincloss, Box 5. No classification marking.