260. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1
800. From Herter. For Tuthill, Brussels. You should tell Rey tonight that the answer to his question is affirmative and that the U.S. intends to deposit its exception list November 16.2
In addition, you should emphasize that of course negotiations, to be successful, must ultimately move forward on both industrial and agricultural fronts. You should also emphasize that we are prepared to continue discussions on agriculture at any time. We would hope that in any case this can be done in time to open substantive discussions on both industry and agriculture in early 1965.
You should tell him that we are informing Wyndham White and other key governments of this intention tonight and tomorrow morning. Also show him following press release which we intend to issue here 9:00 AM Washington time and which you should release at 3:00 PM Brussels time November 3. Ask Rey to hold this information in strictest confidence until that time.
“The United States has notified the Executive Secretary of the GATT; the Commission of the European Economic Community; and its major trading partners that it is prepared to table its industrial exceptions list, together, with other key countries, in the GATT on November 16, the date earlier agreed to in GATT.
Discussions as to the treatment of agricultural products continue. It is expected that the substantive negotiations on both industrial and agricultural products will begin at an early date in 1965.”
For Evans, Geneva.
Inform Wyndham White as above this evening.
For Other Posts.
Inform governments as above by 3:00 PM Brussels time November 3 if possible. Further guidance follows.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, FT 13–2 US. Confidential; Immediate. Drafted by Auchincloss; cleared by Herter, G. Johnson (E), Hinton (EUR/RPE), Bator, R. McNeill (Commerce), and R. Ioanes (Agriculture); and approved by Roth. Sent to Brussels for USEC, Geneva for the Mission, Bonn, The Hague, Paris, Rome, Luxembourg, London, Tokyo, Bern, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, and Ottawa.↩
- Rey asked Tuthill that question in Brussels on October 30, as reported in Ecbus 440 from Brussels, October 30. (Ibid.)↩
- Circular telegram 801 to 14 posts, November 2, stated, among other things, that “Bonn and The Hague in particular should make point that present US action is intended in the first instance to facilitate completion of EEC exception list exercise for November 16 date.” (Ibid.)↩