273. Letter From President Johnson to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Herter)1

Dear Governor Herter:

I approve the negotiating strategy proposed in your memorandum of January 19 to test the intentions of the EEC with respect to the liberalization of trade in agricultural products.2

As you know, I regard the Kennedy Round as of great importance and potential promise for our foreign economic relations and our own economic welfare. Both we and our trading partners would greatly benefit if together we could achieve the targets set forth in the Ministerial Resolution of May 1964.3

Your own strong leadership in this effort is adding another major chapter to your distinguished record of service to your country.

I look forward to having your further report, after you have completed your explorations.4


Lyndon B. Johnson
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, FT 13–2 US. No classification marking. The source text is attached to a note from Bator to Ball, January 22, stating that the letter was a copy of one the President gave to Herter at their meeting on January 21, and that it was for internal use and would not be made public.
  2. Document 272.
  3. See footnote 3, Document 254.
  4. Following his meeting with President Johnson on January 21, Herter issued a statement that reads in part: “The President emphasized his deep interest in the successful outcome of the Kennedy Round as a means of promoting both our own economic welfare and the prosperity of our trading partners. He indicated the course of action he wishes me to follow and expressed the hope that it would lead to further progress in the negotiations.” (Circular telegram 1312 to all posts, January 22; Department of State, Central Files, FT 13–2 US)