May 5, 1954
[109] Dean—Briggs—Rhee Meeting, Seoul, May 5, Morning: The Ambassador in Korea (Briggs) to the United States Delegation
Seoul, May 5, 1954—5
795.00/5–554: Telegram
[110] Robertson–Pyun Meeting, Geneva, May 5, Morning: The United States Delegation to the Embassy in Korea
Geneva, May 5, 1954—1
396.1 GE/5–554: Telegram
[111] Dean—Briggs—Rhee Meeting, Seoul, May 5, 2 p.m.: The Ambassador in Korea (Briggs) to the United States Delegation
Seoul, May 5, 1954—8
795.00/5–554: Telegram
[112] The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation
Washington, May 5, 1954—3:15
396.1 GE/5–554: Telegram
[113] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea
Washington, May 5, 1954—8:32
795.00/5–554: Telegram