320/1–452: Telegram

The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State

Delga 852. Re refugees. Following is joint draft res Colombia, Netherlands, UK, Uruguay and Yugo on problems of assistance to refugees submitted in Comite Three document A/C 3/L 199.

[Page 840]

Refugees and Stateless Persons and Problems of Assistance to Refugees

Colombia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Uruguay and Yugoslavia joint draft resolution:

The GA

  • “1. Takes note of part I (1) and part II (2) of the annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees submitted through the ECOSOC to the GA in accordance with paragraph 11 of his statute;
  • “2. Expresses its satisfaction at the conclusion of the convention relating to the status of refugees;
  • “3. Invites member states and nonmember states which have demonstrated their interest in the solution of the refugee problem to become parties to that convention as soon as possible;
  • “4. Reiterates its call upon governments to cooperate with the High Commissioner as recommended in its resolution 428 (V)