The United Nations
- General United States–United Nations relations (Documents 1–31)
- General organizational questions affecting the United Nations and of
particular interest to the United States
(Documents 32–136)
- I. The election to fill the Security Council seat being vacated by
Yugoslavia (Documents 32–92)
- II. The question of placing the Egyptian item regarding Morocco on the
final agenda of the General Assembly (Documents 93–108)
- III. The question of the scale of national assessments for the
apportionment of the expenses of the regular (administrative) budget of
the United Nations
(Documents 109–136)
- I. The election to fill the Security Council seat being vacated by
Yugoslavia (Documents 32–92)
- United States policy regarding problems arising from the question of the
representation of China in the organs of the United Nations
(Documents 137–214)
- United States policy regarding the admission of new members to the United
Nations; the question of the admission of Italy as a special case
(Documents 215–338)
- Attitude of the United States toward Soviet peace propaganda at the United
Nations, and related matters
(Documents 339–377)
- I. “Threats” by the Soviet Union to leave the United Nations (Documents 339–350)
- II. The two Soviet “peace” items at the sixth regular session of the
General Assembly: (1) “Measures to combat the threat of a new world
war,” etc., (the old Soviet item); (2) “Complaint of aggressive acts of
the United States and its interference in the domestic affairs of other
countries,” etc., (the new Soviet item) (Documents 351–366)
- III. The complaint by Yugoslavia of hostile activities on the part of
the Soviet Union and other countries of Eastern Europe (Documents 367–377)
- I. “Threats” by the Soviet Union to leave the United Nations (Documents 339–350)
- Matters arising under Chapters XI, XII, and XIII of the Charter of the
United Nations (Trusteeship and Non-Self-Governing Territories)
(Documents 378–496)
- I. The Ewe question in the Trusteeship Council (Documents 378–423)
- II. Consultations on dependent area questions with non-administering
members of the United Nations (Documents 424–428)
- III. Bilateral talks on colonial policy with the United Kingdoms
(London) and France (Paris), October 1951
(Documents 429–453)
- IV. Questions concerning the competence of the General Assembly and
the Fourth Committee in regard to dependent areas (Documents 454–458)
- V. The South West Africa question
(Documents 459–496)
- I. The Ewe question in the Trusteeship Council (Documents 378–423)
- Human rights questions in the United Nations setting: the United States
(Documents 497–573)
- I. The Draft International Covenant on Human Rights (Documents 497–512)
- II. Proposals for the right of peoples and nations to
self-determination (Documents 513–522)
- III. The Draft Convention on Freedom of Information (Documents 523–535)
- IV. Matters respecting refugees and stateless persons (Documents 536–548)
- V. The question of the treatment of people of Indian origin in the
Union of South Africa (Documents 549–573)
- I. The Draft International Covenant on Human Rights (Documents 497–512)