320/1–452: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Gadel 591. Re Gadel 581 Jan 3 fol considerations re Goedhart request for relief funds may prove helpful in event USDel decides its discretion intervene discussion this subj.
[Page 839]Auth to appeal for funds even in modest amount requested will estab principle acceptance by UN of responsibility for providing relief refugees. Problems presented by Goedhart are permanent rather than temp in character and therefore UN assumption this responsibility will involve permanent obligation. Proposal is based on assumption that because IRO provided such relief UN shld cont relief as required. IRO was temp agency set up to deal with internatl postwar problem. Problem now posed by Goedhart is basically one involving adequacy of relief measures of individual govts for very ltd nrs refugees remaining their territories. Situations described do not impose such burdens on individual govts as to justify application internatl funds. However all Eur govts welcome opportunity transfer their normal relief responsibilities to refugees to internatl fund and demands on fund will grow substantially in fol years. Plea that govts concerned suffer econ distress hardly justifies internatl action when such small nrs involved. Before auth is granted HC might be requested confer with govts concerned to determine their willingness accept responsibility supply relief required by special measures if necessary. This admittedly impractical in China where largest nr refugees involved Goedhart proposals located. Relief refugees China raises question policy in sending hard currency behind Iron Curtain for relief persons whose resettlement any other area has proved impossible partly because suspected security risks. Furthermore view lack responsible organ Shanghai to admin funds locally no assurance funds will be properly used. Subsidization vol agencies while justified in IRO efforts make permanent arrangements for hard core and to facilitate maximum resettlement difficult refugees cases shld be carefully reexamined as matter of policy in light permanent nature residue refugee situations.
Auth requested Delga 836 Jan 3 granted. Ltr fol.