
Communiqué of the Military Production and Supply Board1

The Military Production and Supply Board of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization held its second meeting on the 24th of March in The Hague under the chairmanship of Mr. Hubert E. Howard, head of the United States delegation. The main purpose of the conference was to consider proposals worked out in order to arrive at an integrated and coordinated production of military equipment and supplies by the signatory countries of the treaty. The Military Production and Supply Board noted with approval the progress made toward a coordinated production program designed to provide for the maximum possible flow of military equipment to the armed forces of the powers of the North Atlantic Pact. The permanent working staff is located in London with representation from the member nations on full time duty there. Considering the short period of time covering a span of only four months encouraging progress had been achieved in laying the groundwork for effective operation of this vital production and supply activity. The board also considered such problems of common interest as standardization and reviewed the position with regard to liaison with the military and financial sides of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. In addition to reviewing progress since the first meeting on the 1st of November the board laid down the problem [Page 34] areas to which the permanent working staff should address its attention and efforts during the coming months.

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  1. Transmitted to the Secretary of State as an unnumbered, unsigned telegram from The Hague dated March 24. The last portion of this communiqué, listing the country representatives participating in the meeting and expressing thanks for the hospitality and many courtesies extended by the Netherlands Government, has been omitted.