Documents discussed by the Foreign Ministers 1

1. The following selection of documents is not inclusive hut represents the papers which were considered most important by the Foreign Ministers, and which have not already appeared in the footnotes to previous documents.

[533] Agreed United States/United Kingdom Report

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 25

[534] Report of the Tripartite Preliminary Meetings on Item 1

CFM Files: Lot M–88: Box 150: Documents MIN/TRI/P

[535] Memorandum of the Tripartite Preliminary Meetings on Items 6 and 8

CFM Files: Lot M–88: Box 150: Documents MIN/TRI/P

[536] Agreed Tripartite Minutes on Southeast Asia

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

[537] Paper Approved by the Foreign Ministers

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

[538] Tripartite Recommendation of Subcommittee B

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

[539] Paper Agreed Upon by the Foreign Ministers

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

[540] Paper Agreed Upon by the Foreign Ministers

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

[541] Report of Subcommittee D to the Foreign Ministers

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

[542] Paper Circulated by the Secretary General (Shuckburgh)

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20

[543] Communiqué Agreed Upon by the Foreign Ministers

Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95: CF 20