700.00(S)/3–2750: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1
Infotel. At Ambassadors’ meeting in Rome last week2 it was agreed that anti-Communist activities should be developed on expanded scale and that vigorous propaganda offensive should be launched to deprive USSR of initiative gained through its “peace” campaign. It was also agreed: 1) that as matter of urgency US inter-departmental planning group should determine requirements necessary for establishing adequate military position for North Atlantic area; 2) that at its next meeting North Atlantic Council should consider establishment strong high level means of direction within Atlantic Pact as focus of decision and coordination of political, economic and military policy of participating countries; 3) that there should be clarification of relationship between US and UK throughout world; 4) that serious thought should be given to immediate employment of German capacity to contribute to European defense by furnishing materials and supplies; 5) that study should be made of over-all world trade patterns with view to maximizing their value to west and minimizing their usefulness to USSR; 6) that preservation Southeast Asia from Communism should be cardinal point of our foreign policy and that all feasible steps should be taken to hold that area; 7) that attention should be given to problem of over-population in Europe; 8) that our policy throughout western Germany should be implemented at increased pace perhaps with more emphasis on countering Sov infiltration and propaganda; 9) that vigorous and immediate efforts must be made Berlin including all practical steps to relieve pressing econ situation in city; 10) that policy of non-recognition of eastern zone German govt by nations of western Europe should be rigidly maintained; and 11) that next meeting of Ambassadors should be in Berlin, probably in July.3