The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Concern of the United States with political, economic, and military
developments relating to the United Kingdom: Cooperation in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, the
European Recovery Program, the Organization for European Economic
Cooperation, and related activities; problems of sterling balances and
defense policies; the impact of the Korean conflict: (Documents 695–736)
- I. Political and economic relations, January–May (Documents 695–708)
- II. The Labour Party Executive’s pamphlet on “European Unity” (Documents 709–711)
- III. Consultation on problems relating to the outbreak of the Korean
conflict (Documents 712–713)
- IV. Political and economic relations, August–October (Documents 714–721)
- V. Meetings of the United States and British Chiefs of Staff, at
Washington, October 23–26 (Documents 722–723)
- VI. Meetings of President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee, at
Washington, December 4–8
(Documents 724–736)
- I. Political and economic relations, January–May (Documents 695–708)
- Agreements between the United States and the United Kingdom