Foreign Relations of the United States, 1950, Western Europe, Volume III

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1950, Western Europe, Volume III
- David H. Stauffer
- Charles S. Sampson
- Lisle A. Rose
- Joan Ellen Corbett
- Frederick Aandahl
- John A. Bernbaum
General Editor:
- S. Everett Gleason
- Frederick Aandahl
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of abbreviations and symbols
- Multilateral Relations: (Documents 1–611)
- Concern of the United States with the defense of Western Europe: Military
assistance through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; encouragement of
West German participation in an integrated European defense force
(Documents 1–327)
- Encouragement by the United States of efforts toward the economic and
political integration of Western Europe:
(Documents 328–436)
- Continued economic assistance; increased involvement of the United
States in decisions of the Organization for European Economic
Cooperation; problems of the relationship between the Organization for
European Economic Cooperation and the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (Documents 328–372)
- Efforts by the United States to assure the successful negotiation of
the Schuman Plan for a European Coal and Steel Community (Documents 373–417)
- Interest of the United States in the Council of Europe (Documents 418–436)
- Continued economic assistance; increased involvement of the United
States in decisions of the Organization for European Economic
Cooperation; problems of the relationship between the Organization for
European Economic Cooperation and the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (Documents 328–372)
- Meeting of United States Ambassadors at Rome, March 22–24, 1950 (Documents 437–439)
- Meetings of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United
Kingdom, and France, at London, May 1950: (Documents 440–543)
- Preparations for the meetings (Documents 440–446)
- Trilateral preparatory meetings (Documents 447–451)
- Preparatory talks of the United States and the United Kindgom (Documents 452–463)
- Preparatory meetings of the United States and France (Documents 464–466)
- Bilateral and trilateral subcommittee meetings: (Documents 467–509)
- Trilateral talks on closer association: The work of Subcommittee
A (Documents 467–472)
- Trilateral talks on Germany: The work of Subcommittee B (Documents 473–481)
- Trilateral talks on Southeast Asia: The work of Subcommittee
C (Documents 482–487)
- Discussion of the colonial question: Bilateral and trilateral
meetings, including the work of Subcommittee D (Documents 488–491)
- Talks of the United States and the United Kingdom on closer
association: The work of Subcommittee P (Documents 492–499)
- Talks of the United States and the United Kingdom on the Near
East: The work of Subcommittee Q (Documents 500–504)
- Talks of the United States and the United Kingdom on Southeast
Asia: The work of Subcommittee R (Documents 505–509)
- Trilateral talks on closer association: The work of Subcommittee
A (Documents 467–472)
- Meetings of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United
Kingdom, and France (Documents 510–532)
- Documents discussed by the Foreign Ministers
(Documents 533–543)
- Preparations for the meetings (Documents 440–446)
- Meetings of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United
Kingdom, and France, at New York, September 12–19, 1950: (Documents 544–590)
- Preparations for the meetings: preliminary tripartite conversations at
Washington and New York, August–September 1950 (Documents 544–565)
- Proceedings of the meetings: Records and reports (Documents 566–579)
- Documents discussed by the Foreign Ministers (Documents 580–590)
- Preparations for the meetings: preliminary tripartite conversations at
Washington and New York, August–September 1950 (Documents 544–565)
- The policy of the United States toward the Free Territory of Trieste
(Documents 591–611)
- Multilateral interim arrangement on financing the North Atlantic Ice Patrol
- Multilateral agreement respecting German-owned patents in Italy
- Concern of the United States with the defense of Western Europe: Military
assistance through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; encouragement of
West German participation in an integrated European defense force
(Documents 1–327)
- Belgium: (Document 612)
- Denmark:
- France: (Documents 613–649)
- Concern of the United States with political, economic, and military
developments relating to France: Cooperation in the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, Mutual Defense Assistance Program, European Recovery Program,
and related activities
(Documents 613–649)
- Agreements between the United States and France
- Concern of the United States with political, economic, and military
developments relating to France: Cooperation in the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, Mutual Defense Assistance Program, European Recovery Program,
and related activities
(Documents 613–649)
- Iceland: (Documents 650–652)
- Ireland: (Documents 653–655)
- Italy: (Documents 656–675)
- Luxembourg:
- Netherlands (Document 676)
- Norway (Document 677)
- Portugal (Document 678)
- Spain (Documents 679–693)
- Relations of the United States with Spain: The Spanish question at the
United Nations; United States economic policy toward Spain; United States
interest in the activities of various Spanish exile groups; the question of
a bilateral defense agreement with Spain
(Documents 679–693)
- Agreements between the United States and Spain
- Relations of the United States with Spain: The Spanish question at the
United Nations; United States economic policy toward Spain; United States
interest in the activities of various Spanish exile groups; the question of
a bilateral defense agreement with Spain
(Documents 679–693)
- Sweden
- Switzerland (Document 694)
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Documents 695–736)
- Concern of the United States with political, economic, and military
developments relating to the United Kingdom: Cooperation in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, the
European Recovery Program, the Organization for European Economic
Cooperation, and related activities; problems of sterling balances and
defense policies; the impact of the Korean conflict: (Documents 695–736)
- I. Political and economic relations, January–May (Documents 695–708)
- II. The Labour Party Executive’s pamphlet on “European Unity” (Documents 709–711)
- III. Consultation on problems relating to the outbreak of the Korean
conflict (Documents 712–713)
- IV. Political and economic relations, August–October (Documents 714–721)
- V. Meetings of the United States and British Chiefs of Staff, at
Washington, October 23–26 (Documents 722–723)
- VI. Meetings of President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee, at
Washington, December 4–8
(Documents 724–736)
- I. Political and economic relations, January–May (Documents 695–708)
- Agreements between the United States and the United Kingdom
- Concern of the United States with political, economic, and military
developments relating to the United Kingdom: Cooperation in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, the
European Recovery Program, the Organization for European Economic
Cooperation, and related activities; problems of sterling balances and
defense policies; the impact of the Korean conflict: (Documents 695–736)
- Vatican (Documents 737–745)
- The question of possible establishment of diplomatic relations with the
Holy See (Documents 737–745)
- The question of possible establishment of diplomatic relations with the
Holy See (Documents 737–745)
- Index