
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State


Ambassador Bonnet1 called today at his request. He said that he had just returned from a ten-day consultation period in Paris during which he had talked at length with Mr. Schuman,2 Mr. Pleven, and other members of the French Government and that Mr. Schuman had asked him to make certain views known to me.

[Here follows a paragraph on the subject of military and economic aid to Indochina. For documentation on this matter, see volume VI, pages 690 ff.]

Regarding tripartite conversations I said that we had tentatively set May 8 as a date for the meeting of the NAT Council which we expected to be held in London, since several meetings had already been held in Paris. On this occasion it would probably be possible for the three Ministers to meet and discuss matters of common interest, preferably after the meeting of the NAT, in order not to create the impression that the French, the UK and ourselves might be conferring prior to the meeting. Mr. Bonnet replied that Mr. Schuman would undoubtedly be agreeable to the timing of the meeting and its being held in London.

[Here follows the remainder of the memorandum which covers French-British relations, Far East matters, and the economic recovery in France.]

  1. Henri Bonnet, French Ambassador in the United States.
  2. Robert Schuman, French Minister of Foreign Affairs.