740.5/9–1650: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

top secret

Secto 17. Summary first meeting, fifth session, North Atlantic Council, 10:30 a. m., September 15.

Adopted proposed agenda (Doc. C5–D/1).1
Received report of deputies2 and raised following points: Norway stressed desirability for greater exchange of views among deputies on common political matters to give smaller countries better opportunity to formulate judgements. Portugal indicated adoption of HPPP should not preclude consideration of production program which Portugal might adopt in near future and assumed that financial arrangements proposed by deputies did not exclude bilateral arrangements for transfers. Italy felt examination of political questions by deputies should not jeopardize exchanges of view through regular diplomatic channels. Also suggested deputies public information program was delicate matter and should be handled by small competent staff and should not become “another UNESCO.” France emphasized need for establishing permanent finance system to provide for MTP. Re information program, France stressed each country must tailor its program to national problems, and stressed implementation of information program as a national responsibility. Denmark echoed Italian and French views on information program.
Secretary opened discussion of item 43 by stating action this item was key to future NATO. He solicited views of other members on this most important question. Netherlands opened by stressing need for defense line as far east in Germany as possible and raised both question of more troops in Europe (US, UK and Canada) or possible German participation in European defense. UK emphasized need for west to use maximum strength to avoid occupation and the necessity for military planners to know what forces they might expect in planning defense. French favored increased US, UK and Canadian forces in Europe but expressed reservations re arming of Germany. US closed session by emphasizing that alternatives suggested by Netherlands were not in fact alternatives and that both courses suggested by Netherlands would be necessary to build sufficient strength. In recessing for lunch Secretary stated his opinion in duty of all Council members to speak and with absolute frankness on this vital question.
Afternoon meeting reported in following telegram.

Department pass priority Brussels (pass to Luxembourg), Ottawa, Copenhagen, Paris (pass OSR), Rome, Hague, Oslo, Lisbon, London, Heidelberg for Handy, Department of Defense.

  1. North Atlantic Council document pertaining to the fifth session of the Council, not found in Department of State central or NATO Sub-Registry files.
  2. North Atlantic Council Document C5–D/2. This report did not call for action other than approval, which it received in the seventh meeting on September 26. A copy of the report is in the CFM Files, Lot M–88, Box 152, NATO September 1950 Meetings, Deputies–Ministers.
  3. The defense of Western Europe.