740.5/8–3150: Telegram

The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Secretary of State

top secret

Depto 90. Meeting August 30.

[Here follows a brief account of the first seven subjects of discussion, concentrating mainly on the procurement and financing of high priority defense production.]

8. Deputies turned French August 17 D–D/341 from which French deputy spoke adhering closely substance. Urgent to find unprecedented peacetime formula for achieving most economical integrated production program and unified military command with common financial instrument and effective political, military, and economic coordination.

9. Belgian deputy urged importance of French political proposals, agreed with military and armament proposals, and was uncertain of implications of common fund which needed expert study.

10. Canadian deputy thought NATO should be flexible and responsive changing needs. Was moving from planning into action stage. Deputies should seek eliminate military overlap between WUO and NATO arising from circumstances their organization. In view imminence report on revised short and medium term military plans, NATO planning organization should be reexamined. Commenting personally, [Page 256] Can deputy agreed peacetime high command needed consisting small military staff responsible to military command for overall military planning and coordination. Possibly also needed subordinate theater commands. Elimination military overlap between WUO and NATO would also correct anomalous position WU C in C command which now Brussels treaty command organization designate but not same for NATO West European region. Deputies should ask DefCom instruct MilCom undertake study and make specific recommendations on reorganization military side NATO. Some governments might have strong reservations about military organization in peacetime which excluded them at top level. Time required for study military reorganization by military authorities would not impede national efforts build up forces and resources for NAT defense. On non-military side, need for new executive body might be surmounted if existing NATO bodies gradually developed executive functions under general direction deputies.

11. Danish deputy pointed out Denmark interest in regional planning groups. Associated self with Canadian deputies recommendation that French proposals be carefully studied, as did other deputies.

12. Italian and Luxembourg deputies indicated general support French proposals.

13. Netherlands deputy thought French memo helpful contribution with proposals along lines for which climate increasingly favorable but too early to say how far practical steps could go. Probably not full length.

14. Norwegian deputy thought in some respects French deputy undervalued past achievements and present quality NATO. Thought issue was support, not form, of NATO. Strongly agreed Canadian deputy’s views.

15. Portuguese deputy wanted unified military high command which preferable to regional planning. Unclear on meaning common fund but favored early distribution financial burden. Economic executive body more difficult matter which DFEC should examine. Agreed French proposals generally.

16. UK deputy commented personally that NATO was living and growing organ and should change as necessary to conform needs NAT defense. UK would presumably favor reorganization which simplified WU and NATO. Beyond that he was not prepared comment.

17. Chair referred to deputies responsibility review NATO problems and make recommendations. Recommended military organizational questions be referred to NATO military authority for study and recommendation rather than SG. On non-military agencies, problem divided into question organization within present NATO functions [Page 257] and long run questions going into broader fields. Should receive extensive consideration by deputies or their instruments. Without excluding any questions raised by French memo, US would stress need for better handling presently accepted NATO functions. Others would require consideration highest governmental levels. Consideration such questions must not be permitted interfere urgent work raising and equipping men on basis effective combined organization.

18. Agenda next meeting D–D/58 draft resolution on high priority production program, August 28 submissions on proposed force increases July 1951, possible agenda for council meeting, and organization deputies secretariat. Discussion French memo will be continued September 1.2

Department pass Ottawa, sent Department Depto 90, repeated info Brussels 57, pass Luxembourg, Cophenhagen 48, Hague 67, Lisbon 37, Oslo 35, Ottawa 22, Paris 344 pass OSR, Rome 90, Frankfort unnumbered pass Heidelberg 28 for Handy. Department pass Secretary Defense.

  1. French supplementary memorandum quoted in telegram 852, August 17, from Paris, p. 220.
  2. In its meeting of September 1, the Deputies approved a resolution proposed by Alphand which invited the Defense Committee to make known before October 18 its opinion on those aspects of the August 17 French memorandum that pertained to military reorganization of NATO and the Brussels Treaty Organization and to inform the Atlantic Council, if necessary, of measures that might be required to effect such reorganization. The meeting is summarized in Depto 97 from London, September 2, not printed; 740.5/9–250.