810.20 Defense/10–2345
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith)
My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I have received your letters of October 22 and October 23, 1945, and their enclosures, copies of despatches nos. 26,950 and 26,956,28 with regard to your conversation with the President of Mexico on defense matters and the proposed Joint Mexican-United States Technical Advisory Committee. Your despatch no. 27,03129 with further reference to this matter has also been received.
I am very glad to have your informative despatches and letters on this subject and we are taking them into consideration in our thorough study of this whole matter. The subject of the delivery to Governments of the American Republics of arms and ammunition, and most particularly combat aircraft, is one of serious concern to us. It is still unsettled but is to receive the consideration of my Staff Committee in the near future. Our plans with respect to this general subject, [Page 1129] therefore, have to be held in abeyance until this study is completed and a formal reply to your despatches will necessarily have to be deferred, but in the meantime I wanted you to have this advance word.
With all best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
- Letters not printed; the letter of October 22 transmitted a copy of despatch 26,950 (p. 1125) and requested that the Secretary ask Under Secretary Acheson to give his attention to the despatch so that high level Army and Department action could be taken on the requested instructions. The Ambassador’s letter of October 23 transmitted a copy of his despatch 26,956 of October 22 (not printed), which covered a range of subjects including military matters.↩
- Not printed.↩