710 Conference (W & PW)/2–2745: Telegram
The American Delegation to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received February 28—3 a.m.]
267. From the Secretary. February 26 was final day for introduction of resolutions. Total introduced and taken cognizance of now approximates 155. United States delegation introduced yesterday one further resolution, raising its total to 11. Titles of all United States resolutions are as follows: Improvement and strengthening of the Inter-American system; free access to information; elimination of remaining centers of subversive influence and prevention of admission of dangerous deportees and propagandists; wartime trade controls in relation to basic commercial policy; cooperation in health, sanitation, nutrition and food supply programs; social questions; social security; the admission and surrender of war criminals; economic charter of [Page 130] Americas; maintenance and development of the internal economies of the American Republics; and Inter-American defense board.
In addition United States delegation has made arrangements for resolutions to be introduced as follows:
- 1.
- Supporting world security organization.
- 2.
- For Inter-American military cooperation.
- 3.
- On Safehaven matters.5
- 4.
- Supporting Atlantic Charter.6
Developments in past 24 hours by committees:
Committee I has been giving consideration to general resolutions regarding military cooperation.
Committee II has not met. Other delegations are preparing written statements of their positions respecting world security organization which are due for presentation to a subcommittee tonight.
Committee III (a) Mexico has introduced a resolution on the Inter-American system providing for very considerable modifications and substituting for the governing board of the Pan American Union a new ambulatory council to meet every 6 months in a different capital and to consist of ad hoc representatives. Both in political and economic fields there is a tendency to present proposals creating a variety of new agencies. United States position is to build on and consolidate existing structure, (b) Mexico has introduced a long resolution dealing with the recognition of new governments and providing for provisional 30 day recognition during which any republic can file an objection and call for consultation, (c) Revised resolution for joint action against aggression was brought before full Committee III. This revised resolution had been prepared by a subcommittee and was composite of the proposals made by Colombia, Uruguay and Brazil. A move to place the Committee on record as approving it by acclamation was arrested by the U.S. delegation. Senator Austin spoke for the delegation, mentioning the absence of any English text, the need for opportunity to study it, and the desirability of awaiting tomorrow’s arrival of Senator Connally.7
Committees IV and V. United States position on major subjects in the economic field was presented this morning in the form of a statement read by Mr. Clayton before Committees IV and V meeting in joint session. It was received with applause and is believed to have made an excellent impression. This statement had been presented to [Page 131] American press representatives yesterday afternoon with full opportunity for background questions and discussion.
At a before luncheon press conference today, the representatives of farm groups, business, and labor expressed their views with regard to this statement of Mr. Clayton. All these representatives were unanimous in their expression of appreciation for the opportunity to participate in the preparation of this statement and in their endorsement of its principles. Members of the press expressed great interest in and appreciation of this meeting of the minds of different sectors of American economic life with the representatives of government.
At Conference Steering Committee meeting this morning a Cuban resolution calling for restoration of Poland’s traditional boundaries was withdrawn as not within the scope of the Conference; a Chilean resolution calling for an expression of appreciation to Canada and an invitation to her to join the Pan American Union was deferred for further study and redrafting at Mr. Rockefeller’s request.
Please repeat to the President. [Stettinius.]
- For documentation on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. ii, pp. 213 ff.↩
- Joint statement by President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill, August 14, 1941, ibid., 1941, vol. i, p. 367.↩
- Warren R. Austin, and Tom Connally were members of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate. At the Conference they served as Special Congressional Advisers.↩