810.20 Defense/7–745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)

567. Your despatch 12269 June 11 and tel 885 June 30;39 Dept’s tel 519 June 27. As a result of clarification with the War and Navy Departments of certain basic factors affecting future military collaboration with the other American republics, it is hoped that it will shortly be possible to make decisions on recommendations arrived at in staff conversations, concerning U.S. cooperation in regard to military missions, training and equipment. The purpose of General Paschal’s visit to Chile is closely related to the entire program of military cooperation.

Your tel 914 July 7.40 Before any steps can be taken reports and recommendations of all conversations must be studied and fitted into a broad program of military cooperation of which Chilean program would form a part. Since the War Dept is now studying Brett’s report it will be unable to furnish Dept with copies or summary. Dept therefore must rely upon Embassy for information upon which to base its independent judgments. Please therefore submit to Dept: (a) summary of staff conversations prepared by Embassy based on Brett report, (b) Embassy comments on recommendations. In Embassy’s recommendations please give special consideration to Chile’s relations with its neighbors, the effect of proposed military and naval plans on Chilean public financial situation, and opinions of Chilean political leaders other than military and naval personnel.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.