740.00112A EW/4–2845: Circular airgram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

In discussions held in Washington between British and the Department, tentative agreement has been reached on a program for eventual elimination of Proclaimed and Statutory Lists approximately one year after V–E Day. This program is presently being considered by Proclaimed and Black List Committees. In view of the circular which MEW2 has circulated to British missions in the other American Republics, [Page 662] the following information, prior to full instructions now being prepared, is being sent:

The program contemplates elimination of minor offenders from lists immediately after V–E Day, elimination of intermediate class about 4 months thereafter, and final elimination of “hard core” offenders approximately one year after V–E Day. It is recognized that in some respects this program is more suited to conditions in the European area than in this hemisphere, and it is intended that the Latin American program especially with respect to mass deletions where local controls are satisfactory will continue. Recognizing that substantial lists cannot be maintained in American Republics after substantial withdrawal in European neutrals, it is planned to use time remaining to make as emphatic as possible distinction between cooperating and non-cooperating countries, in line with statement of September 1944.3
In order for this last objective to be fully carried out, it will probably be desirable to withdraw or substantially reduce the list in some of the other American Republics shortly after V–E Day. Whether a “hard core” would be carried in such countries remains a question. Tentatively, countries which would be candidates for such elimination would be Mexico and the Central American and Caribbean Republics, Ecuador, probably Brazil and Chile, and possibly Peru and Venezuela. It is recognized that special circumstances exist in each one of the other American Republics, and special instructions will be forthcoming on individual problems of these countries.
The Department, in formulating the special instructions mentioned above, is taking carefully into consideration such factors as need for cooperation and consultation with local governments where local controls are integrated with United States controls, desirability of pushing the replacement program to a successful completion in a relatively brief period of time, and so forth. You may expect instructions with respect to these problems shortly. In the interim your comments would be welcome.
The standards by which the list of minor offenders (called Class A in the tentative memorandum) is to be compiled are being sent in following telegram. You are instructed to discuss this matter with your British colleague and to go over these standards. It will be noted that in some of the other American Republics most of the minor offenders have already been eliminated from the list, so that it will not be necessary to compile a list based upon these standards. In any case, you should, after consultation with your British colleague, comment upon the classification of persons for [Page 663] deletion which you have already forwarded to the Department, in the light of the above.
In view of the need for a very high degree of security with respect to this matter, you are authorized to discuss this matter only with your British colleague.
Above message should be understood not to affect list as it involves war in Pacific.

  1. Ministry of Economic Warfare.
  2. See circular telegram dated September 20, 1944, Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. vii, p. 530.