740.0011 PW/6–645: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Berle)

1429. The President has sent the following telegram to President Vargas.

“The American people greet with enthusiasm the declaration by Your Excellency’s Government of a state of war against the Japanese Empire. This act of our sister republic is significant, not only in that it throws the material and moral force of a great nation into the common struggle against a treacherous and cruel enemy, but because it also constitutes an additional bond in the historic friendship between Brazil and the United States, a tradition which finds its roots in the beginnings of our respective histories as independent nations. In the name of this Government and of the American people I express deep satisfaction in the thought that the Brazilian Government and people will be solidly at our side until the total defeat of the one remaining Axis aggressor. Harry S. Truman.”
