740.00112A EW/5–2945: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Braden) to the Secretary of State

1091. ReDepcirctel May 25, 8 a.m. In view of conditions described first half of my telegram 1076 of May 26, 6 p.m.19 elimination of Confidential List as of May 26 is entirely premature.

Still more strongly do I feel that for us in Argentina to contemplate reductions in Proclaimed List and eventual elimination thereof one year from V–E Day is to ignore the facts of this situation, is utterly unsound, and will leave our enemies a powerful nucleus around which to build and which will severely plague us in the future. We must first get effective action from Argentine Govt, before abandoning present system.

Therefore I cannot too strongly urge that entire Proclaimed and Confidential Lists policy be continued in full vigor in Argentina until situation here is in hand and this Embassy so reports. I sincerely trust British may be induced to come along with us on this policy.

Please telegraph instructions.

  1. Not printed.