835.00/9–445: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Braden) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 5—2 a.m.]
2066. The Supreme and Lower Courts, every political party, university students and faculties, majority of labor, economic interests, the Navy, and even some Army officers are opposed to Perón and his clique but cannot unseat the latter so long as Vice President controls those officers (estimates run as low as 20%) who command troops.
It is the conviction, with which I entirely concur, of all aforementioned opposition groups that Perón and clique are fundamentally Fascist. As a result of my policies Perón group’s position has been greatly weakened and the opposition so encouraged that Perón reportedly has even considered return to all-out dictatorship. However, fearing international repercussions they now appear to be veering towards a program which they believe will assure continuation of present Fascist control of Argentina’s Government either by electing Perón with connivance of Collaborationist Radicals thru a semblance of free elections or if Perón’s candidacy appears to be absolutely impossible then to employ a stooge, as for instance … who is notoriously Nazi and anti-American and who would be subservient to Perón and his clique.
Pursuant to this plan Argentine Foreign Minister16 would appear at Rio Conference with either solemn commitment to hold elections or with the actual convocation therefor issued. Simultaneously he might present a record in respect of Nazi control comparable, for instance, to Paraguay, Uruguay, and Colombia or with a fully developed program of absorption by the Government of all Nazi firms (while actually permitting the Nazis to continue effectively in control thereof) as outlined in mytel 2035, September 1, 3 p.m.17
By reason of active and intimate German connections with and influence on Argentine Government—only less direct than Nazi-Fascist intervention in Spain—this situation is no longer purely inter-American but becomes of vital interest to all United Nations and especially to those who contributed most to winning war.
If aforedescribed Perón program evolves along these lines, it will prevent any effective inter-American or United Nations action against Perón–Nazi regime as, from a strictly legal standpoint, we would no longer be able to accuse Argentine Government of noncompliance with its international commitments. Likewise, continuation of my policy [Page 407] for rapprochement of our Government and people with the Argentine people—and in due course a representative constitutional government—would become impossible of accomplishment because altho obtained thru fraudulent means there would be sufficient simulance of a constitutional representative government to prevent our claiming that it failed to meet stipulations of democracy concluded at Mexico City. Furthermore, the opposition would be reduced to virtual impotency (it is significant to observe that reliable reports from many sources indicate that Perón’s plans for fraudulent elections in the Province of Buenos Aires and other important electoral districts are already well advanced). The cancerous growth of international Fascism would thus continue and probably consolidate itself in this country as a danger to U.S. and to other Republics to which it might spread (e.g. Bolivia).
Presently we have a clear case against the Argentine Government which may be measurably weakened with the passage of time if Perón is permitted to carry out his plan of ostensible but spurious compliance with Mexico City and San Francisco obligations. It is therefore urgent to thwart Perón’s plan and give the opposition which has now reached the high point of its effectiveness a chance to force genuinely free and honest elections and sincere compliance with Mexico City obligations. These results may be effectively and I believe promptly obtained thru a public statement to be made by Secretary Byrnes and the Foreign Ministers of U.K., U.S.S.R., and, if possible, China and France at their forthcoming meeting in London. This declaration should begin by stating the fundamental democratic principle that govts, must rest upon the consent of the governed. It should then reiterate President Truman’s, Stalin’s and Attlee’s recent statements that United Nations are determined not to tolerate Nazi-Fascist methods and activities anywhere in the world under any guise or form. Finally, the declaration should specify that the continuation of Fascist de facto govts, of Argentina and Spain either by force or thru fraudulent elections will not be countenanced. (Department will observe that I refer to Argentine and Spanish Governments as “Fascist de facto” in order to differentiate them from others such as Vargas in Brazil). Such a declaration would be the logical development of President Truman’s statements that we do not like the Argentine and Franco regimes and that “this is the day for democracy. But our task lies ahead—the implantation of free governments throughout the world.”
Self evidently Russia will go along in this program and in line with the argument set forth in mytel 1498, July 11, 6 p.m. I trust that British Labor Government can be induced along with China and [Page 408] France to do likewise. It should be noted that British popularity with Argentine public has markedly diminished during last 3 months due to British Embassy having played up to Government and otherwise failed to take same stand as this Embassy.
For the long pull, I am convinced that my recommendation is the only safe, practical, economic course to follow (it should diminish possible necessity for implanting economic sanctions as mentioned in second paragraph of my 2045, September 1, 9 p.m.). If the declaration alone does not suffice then of course the signatories must be prepared to carry thru with economic sanctions. If we are forced to sanctions, the U.S. would not have to bear onus alone but could gradually impose them in cooperation with other signatories of the declaration and possibly thru Council of United Nations. Economic sanctions presently would be accepted readily by public opinion here. However, mere threat of economic sanctions should be decisive and avoid necessity for more forceful measures. My recommended program should polarize and invigorate opposition groups referred to in first paragraph and so polarize Perón clique that they would more or less automatically fall. Incidentally, such a multilateral declaration would defeat Perón’s avowed purpose of playing U.S. off against Russia and England.
I fully recognize the extreme nature of foregoing recommendations. On the other hand if we appease now and allow situation to drift, we will either be faced for long time to come with a Fascist anti-U.S.A. Govt. under German tutelage and or eventually revolution in Argentina in which case supply of foodstuffs from this country might cease. Such a declaration would not of itself stop the flow of foodstuffs but probably would cure the situation and insure continuance supplies from Argentina. Of course, as Secretary Hull said in reference to Germany in his address of March 17, 1938:18 “we might if we chose turn our back on the whole problem and decline the responsibility of contributing to its solution.” If we could not then turn our back on a European threat to our security still less can we do so now we have won the war for democracy in respect to a danger from within the American Hemisphere. By nipping this latest afore-described Perón maneuver for pseudo elections in the bud we probably will not only defeat it but likewise would avail ourselves of our best chance to destroy the Nazi-dictatorial-militaristic system in this country and danger of its spread elsewhere in hemisphere.
The above recommended declaration should be issued while I am still in Buenos Aires.