710 Consultation (4)/11–1245: Telegram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Berle) to the Secretary of State

3399. Personal for Braden. With regard to meeting of Pan American Union on Nov 20 and projected handling of Rio de Janeiro treaty, Brazilian Govt has sent instructions to Ambassador Martins asking him to propose at Nov 20 meeting that Brazilian Govt be given discretion to choose date for convoking Rio Conference. Theory of Brazilian Govt is that conference could not be held during Dec and early Jan anyway because of elections and organization of new govt; and that time should be given Argentina to straighten itself out. They would consult before fixing date.

Brazilian position is that in view of close neighborship between Argentina and Brazil it would be embarrassing to exclude Argentina. On other hand they fully recognize force of your position. Their immediate solution accordingly is to delay, in hope that either [Page 167] (1) Argentine situation will be solved or (2) existing consultations between American Republics determine that Argentina has not complied with Chapultepec obligations and that, therefore, she ought to be excluded. Brazil would not find difficulty in going along with Inter-American decision on this point. She would find difficulty in being apparent author of exclusion policy. Also implicit in Brazilian thinking is that they dislike departing from Pan American Union machinery, since Pan American Union is precisely instrument on which hemispheric unity depends. Their hope, therefore, is unanimous vote of Pan American Union leaving time of invitation to Brazil, with understanding that they will consult with US before issuing invitation, and letting matters float.

I am giving matter further thought to see if I can come up with any better suggestion and will cable further.
