Memorandum of Conversation, by the Adviser on Political Relations (Murray)
Subject: Desire of Iranian Government for an early evacuation of Russian and British troops in Iran
The Iranian Minister called on me by appointment today to continue the conversation we had on November 4 regarding the desire of the Iranian Government for an early evacuation of Russian and British troops in Iran. A copy of my memorandum of that date is attached.52
The Minister informed me that in his conversations with Mr. Ailing on this subject he had been asked whether Iran would desire the simultaneous evacuation of American troops in the country. The Minister had taken this matter up with his Government by telegram and when he came to see me today he had a reply.
The reply of the Iranian Government with regard to the presence of American troops in Iran ran something as follows: The Iranian [Page 412] Government is not, of course, informed of the precise number or duties of foreign troops on Iranian soil; with regard to the presence of American troops this question could be taken up at the time a decision is reached with regard to other foreign troops in the country.
I told the Minister again that I would be glad to discuss this matter with the Secretary at an appropriate, and I hoped early moment, and that I had already sent to the Under Secretary a copy of my memorandum of conversation with the Minister on this subject of November 4, 1943. I remarked at the same time that the Minister would, of course, appreciate that the position of this Government with respect to the matter in question differed from that of the British and Russian Governments, in as much as those two Governments had an understanding with Iran regarding the presence of their troops in that country. I observed at the same time that the absence of any such understanding between this Government and the Government of Iran need not indicate that we would not be prepared to give earnest consideration to the present request of the Iranian Government, in consultation, of course, with the other interested Governments and in the light of the military necessities.