Saudi Arabia:
- Appointment of a Minister Resident to Saudi Arabia (Documents 864–870)
- Proposal by the United States to establish a Consulate at Dhahran (Documents 871–876)
- Visit to the United States of Amir Faisal, Foreign Minister of Saudi
Arabia, accompanied by Amir Khalid and Shaikh Hafiz Wahba (Documents 877–884)
- Exchange with the Saudi Arabian Government regarding the attitude of the
United States toward the general question of Arab union (Documents 885–886)
- Extension of Lend-Lease assistance to Saudi Arabia; organization of a
program for financial and military aid (Documents 887–989)
- Concern of the United States for safeguarding and developing petroleum
reserves in Saudi Arabia; proposal for discussions with the United Kingdom
on problems of mutual interest regarding Middle Eastern oil (Documents 990–1012)