Participation by the United States in arranging for relief supplies for Axis-occupied Greece and for Greek refugees; arrangement for financial assistance 75

75. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. ii, pp. 724 ff. and pp. 798 ff.

[181] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews) to the Secretary of State

868.48/3409: Telegram

[182] The Secretary of State to The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews)

868.48/3409: Telegram

[183] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews) to the Secretary of State

868.48/3453: Telegram

[184] The Secretary of State to The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews)

868.48/3453: Telegram

[186] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Johnson)

868.48/3691: Telegram

[187] The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt


[189] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Kirk)

868.48/3817c: Telegram

[190] The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

868.48/3824: Telegram