- Concern of the United States regarding the political situation in
Iran; Tripartite
Declaration regarding Iran of December 1, 1943 (Documents 361–442)
- Adherence by Iran to the United Nations Declaration; declaration of war by
Iran on Germany (Documents 443–460)
- Negotiations to secure Soviet approval for assumption by the United States
of operation of the southern section of the Trans-Iranian Railroad
(Documents 461–482)
- Negotiations between the United States and Iran regarding proposed
agreements covering the presence of United States troops in Iran
(Documents 483–513)
- Iranian charges of misconduct on the part of American troops in Iran;
complaint regarding certain action by American military authorities in
southern Iran (Documents 514–528)
- Problems concerning the position of the American advisers in Iran; the
Millspaugh Mission (Documents 529–593)
- Financial assistance by the United States to Iran (Documents 594–643)
- Proposed Lend-Lease agreement with Iran
- Agreement and supplementary exchange of notes between the United States and Iran regarding reciprocal trade
- Problems regarding the implementation of the Tripartite Food Agreement of
December 4, 1942; Iranian
representations concerning the supply of essential imports to Iran (Documents 644–666)
- Favorable attitude of the United States and Iranian Governments toward
granting an American oil company a concession in Iran (Documents 667–673)
- Interest of the United States in the output of Iranian munitions factories
and in the Iranian-Soviet Arms Agreement (Documents 674–682)