Appointment of a Minister Resident to Saudi Arabia
[865] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Shullaw )
Washington, April 14,
1943—5 p.m.
123 Moose, James S./417: Telegram
[866] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Kirk)
Washington, April 14,
1943—5 p.m.
123 Moose, James S./418: Telegram
[867] The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Shullaw) to the Secretary of State
Jidda, April 23,
1943—2 p.m.
[Received 4:54 p.m.]
[Received 4:54 p.m.]
123 Moose, James S./421: Telegram
[868] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Kirk)
Washington, May 3,
1943—1 p.m.
123 Moose, James/423: Telegram
[869] The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Moose) to the Secretary of State
Jidda, May 19,
[Received 4:46 p.m.]
[Received 4:46 p.m.]
123 Moose, James S./431: Telegram
[870] The Minister Resident in Saudi Arabia (Moose) to the Secretary of State
Jidda, July 18,
1943—10 a.m.
[Received 1:41 p.m.]
[Received 1:41 p.m.]
123 Moose, James/439: Telegram