Interest of the United States in the output of Iranian munitions factories and in the Iranian-Soviet Arms Agreement
[674] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Iran (Dreyfus)
Washington, January 1,
1943—6 p.m.
891.113/18a: Telegram
[675] The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews) to the Secretary of State
London, January 2,
1943—4 p.m.
[Received January 2—3:20 p.m.]
[Received January 2—3:20 p.m.]
891.113/18: Telegram
[676] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. John D. Jernegan of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs
[Washington,] January 4, 1943.
[677] The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January 4,
1943—6 p.m.
[Received 11:20 p.m.]
[Received 11:20 p.m.]
891.113/19: Telegram
[678] The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January 9,
1943—11 a.m.
[Received 5:10 p.m.]
[Received 5:10 p.m.]
891.24/344: Telegram
[679] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Iran (Dreyfus)
Washington, January
13, 1943—6 p.m.
891.113/19: Telegram
[680] The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January
18, 1943—2 p.m.
[Received January 19—12:54 p.m.]
[Received January 19—12:54 p.m.]
891.113/20: Telegram
[681] The Chargé in Iran (Schnare) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, January
28, 1943—10 a.m.
[Received 2:44 p.m.]
[Received 2:44 p.m.]
891.113/21: Telegram
[682] The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State
Tehran, April 2,
[Received April 19.]
[Received April 19.]