891.00/2061: Airgram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 20—2 p.m.]
A–1207. Reference Department’s Airgram A–1271, dated September 22, 1943. Following is text of an informal note from the Foreign Office in reply to the Embassy’s presentation of the Department’s views on the security problem in Iran:
“Many thanks for your letter of the 30th September, about Anglo-American co-operation in Persia.
“We are happy to have this confirmation that the State Department are particularly aware of the importance of the security problem in Persia. The support of the United States authorities in connexion with the recent action by the British and Soviet representatives to secure the arrest of Axis agents and suspects in Persia contributed in no small measure to the satisfactory results obtained.
“We are aware of the difficulties entailed in the proposal to increase the supply of consumer goods to Persia, and agree with the State Department’s view that this is a question which must be referred to the Middle East Supply Centre.”