800.20291/7: Telegram

The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State

846. My 831, August 12. British Minister informs me British Security have arrested Franz Mayer. (Mayer is leading German agent in Iran. See page 18 of enclosure to despatch 144, November 1, 1941 and despatch 495, March 2596). He was taken with documents and diary and is now being interrogated.

Kosrow Khan Kashkai,1 brother of Naser Khan, has arrived in Tehran with General Jehanbani2 by air for discussions on Kashkai problem. Kosrow states that German parachutists were actually dropped in southern Iran. Four of them, he declares, arrived at his camp where they conferred with the German agent Schultz, after which they left the Kashkai country proceeding in direction of Trans-Iranian Railway armed with money and dynamite.

In view of above developments British Minister insists that danger is so great he can wait no longer and must require Iranians to proceed forthwith in making arrests. British contemplate arresting, in addition to army officers and others, part at least of list of some 70 suspected Iranian employees of railways. General Connolly has given consent to arrest of railway employees.

Soviet Chargé is reluctant to support arrests or express opinion until he has had time to translate and study Mayer documents and other evidence. He has promised to give me his frank opinion when this has been done. In conversation yesterday he told me confidentially [Page 377] that he did not see how he could recommend to his Government supporting arrest of so many Iranians on grounds of being suspected of having engaged in pro-German activities unless evidence of guilt is fully convincing.

Above developments strengthen British case in insisting on arrests. I feel reinforced in recommending that we adopt line of action suggested in my 831.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Second-ranking leader of the Kashkais, after his brother, Naser Khan.
  3. Iranian general officer commanding in the Fars area.