891.24/419: Telegram
The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:27 p.m.]
358. Department’s 162, April 3. Prime Minister is sending Minister of Food Tadayyon to Tabriz today to investigate into activities of Mugadam and entire matter involving Kuniholm and Vivian. Tadayyon is instructed to determine whether or not Mugadam acted as informer to Soviets against Kuniholm. At least for moment I recommend [Page 355] no formal protest to Iran Government. Foreign Minister62 informs me he regrets our action in withdrawing Kuniholm from Tabriz because he fears this arbitrary Soviet action may set a precedent by which Russians can demand or effect removal of any Iranian official or foreign representative without consulting Iran Government. Reference Department’s 164,63 Ebling is leaving as soon as possible to take charge in Tabriz.