The Acting Secretary of the Navy (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honor to quote herewith, for the information of the State Department and such action as may be deemed necessary, the following paraphrases of dispatches received from the Military Governor of San Domingo:—
“It is reported that Henriquez and other Dominicans are in conference with United States Government officials in Washington in regard to the re-establishment of Dominican Civil Government. This is causing much agitation and unrest with danger of sporadic disorder. It is feared by other factions that they will lose chance of obtaining power. It is urged that the American Government make prompt and specific decision with wide publicity. 17019.”
“I am of the opinion that success of the projects of Henriquez y Carvajal regarding [former] President of the Dominican Republic, [Page 121] and other Dominicans in conference with the American Government for the restoration of Dominican Civil Government, would result in anarchy and early ruin of this country, as there have been so many factions of diverging views taken for power rendering task [sic]. Dominican Government election impossible [sic]. 68.”
Very truly yours,