Appointment of an American Fiscal Agent and of an American Inspector General of Police

[649] The Secretary of State to the Panaman Minister (Porras)


[650] The Minister in Panama (Price) to the Secretary of State


[651] The Minister in Panama (Price) to the Secretary of State

819.51/156: Telegram

[652] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Panama (Price)

819.51/156: Telegram

[653] The Minister in Panama (Price) to the Secretary of State

819.51/161: Telegram

[654] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Panama (Price)

819.51/163: Telegram

[655] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Panama (Price)

819.51/161: Telegram

[656] The Minister in Panama (Price) to the Secretary of State


[657] The Minister in Panama (Price) to the Acting Secretary of State

819.51/182: Telegram

[658] The Minister in Panama (Price) to the Acting Secretary of State

819.51/190: Telegram

[659] The Minister in Panama (Price) to the Acting Secretary of State
