- Message of President Carranza to the National Congress, September 1,
1919 (Document 486)
- Resumption of extradition proceedings by the United States (Documents 487–489)
- Declaration by the Mexican Government of nonrecognition of the Monroe
Doctrine (Documents 490–491)
- Exportation of arms and ammunition to Mexico (Documents 492–502)
- Granting of licenses for exportation (Documents 492–497)
- Embargo of July 12, 1919 (Documents 498–502)
- Granting of licenses for exportation (Documents 492–497)
- Border disturbances (Documents 503–523)
- Protection of persons and property of Americans and other foreigners (Documents 524–555)
- Protection of American oil interests (Documents 556–582)
- Protection of American landholding interests (Documents 583–590)
- Claims of Americans against the Mexican Government (Documents 591–599)
- Financial affairs (Documents 600–606)