815.00/1999: Telegram
The Minister in Honduras (Jones) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 14, 11.09 a.m.]
Your September 10, 6 p.m. Repeatedly urged that a President ad-interim be named and again yesterday urged Council of Ministers to name Bogran. Minister of War insisted on telegram from Membreno first or he would resign. At a meeting this morning which I attended Council of Ministers decided to deposit the executive powers in Bogran and upon urging immediate action they sent a telegram calling him here, agreed to give widest publicity to this action. They believe he will accept. Received more favorable telegrams today notably from the north coast. Council of Ministers informs me they will not offer resistance to Gutierrez if he comes with armed force, but that they will file protest and deliver Government to the Diplomatic Corps to be held until Bogran comes. Gutierrez is reported to have 2,000 men. I am using every effort to keep his troops from entering the city unless unarmed.
Presumed [Presuming?] that Bogran declines, Nicaraguan citizen who is close personal friend of Cordova tells me Cordova, Third Designado, and who will be named next, has told him that he will immediately make a written request for American intervention. Admiral Wood says that he is far short of men in such an emergency. Directly President is installed will submit proposals for conference between presidential candidates.