- “A” mandates, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100, 102, 118, 283.
- Aaland Islands, 110, 117, 350–351.
- Act of Vienna (1815), 727–733.
- Ador, Gustave, 597, 608, 624.
- Aerial navigation (see also Aviation), 351–355, 642–646.
- Aeronautical Committee of Guarantee, 359, 645, 646.
- Aeronautical Inter-Allied Commission of Control (see also Inter-Allied Commissions of Control):
- Aeronautical material:
- Africa, Equatorial, 281, 910.
- African trade, treaties re, 32, 281–282.
- Agadir crisis, 281.
- Agent-General for Reparation Payments, 897–898.
- Aggression:
- Agrarian Funds “A” and “B”, 423–424.
- Agricultural machinery:
- Agriculture, agreements concerning, 111, 570, 571, 745.
- Air clauses, Versailles, 28, 351–355, 642–646.
- Air forces (see also Aviation; Aircraft):
- Aircraft:
- Airplanes. See Aircraft.
- Airports, German (see also Aviation), 352.
- Albania, notice of withdrawal from League of Nations, 75.
- Alexandretta, transfer to Turkey, 99.
- Allen, Henry T., 774, 775.
- Allenstein, 231–233.
- Alliance, treaties of, 98, 99, 102, 145, 299, 577.
- Allied and Associated Powers (see also names of
- Aircraft, freedom of transit and landing in Germany, 353, 643–644.
- Austro-Hungarian territories:
- Claims against Germany. See Claims, Allied.
- Clearing offices, 581–584, 590–596.
- Colonies, property in, 598, 611.
- “Conditions of Peace With Germany”, 5, 6, 39–54, 58, 140–141, 309, 414–416, 428–429, 720, 740.
- Consular relations with Germany, 563–564.
- Criminal acts against, 379.
- Czechoslovak-German frontier, 205.
- Definition, 57–58.
- East Prussian-Polish boundary, 232–235.
- Freedom of transit through Germany, 353, 647–648.
- German property, information and records to be furnished by Germany, 610, 611.
- Industrial property (see also Industrial property), 632–640.
- Memel, relations with, 237–238.
- Mixed arbitral tribunals. See Mixed arbitral tribunals.
- Most-favored-nation treatment in Germany, 560, 562–563, 648–650, 653–654.
- Non-discriminatory treatment on German railways, 680, 682–683.
- Occupation of Rhineland (see also Rhineland: Occupation), 720.
- Passage of troops through German territory, 361–362.
- Property, rights and interests (see also Property), 596–612.
- Reparation. See Reparation.
- Reply to German observations on “Conditions of Peace”, 44–54.
- Retention of captured shipping, 846–847.
- Schleswig responsibility, 268–269.
- Shipping claims, 470, 474, 847.
- Treaties with Germany, Versailles provisions, 565–580.
- Ultimatum to German delegation, 54.
- Unfair competition, 561–562.
- Vessels (see also Shipping), 560.
- Allied Military Committee of Versailles, 304, 306.
- Allied Restitution Services, 444.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 182–198.
- Agreements re (1920), 186, 187.
- Claims against Germany, 910.
- Contracts, cancellation, 194.
- Courts, 195–196.
- Currency, 186.
- Customs regime, 191, 550–551.
- Debts, 184, 185, 192–193, 194,
- French exemption, 536.
- Electric power, 191–192.
- German nationals, 184, 193–194.
- Inhabitants, rights, 184, 187, 188, 193.
- Insurance, social, 195, 641, 910.
- Metallurgical establishments, 192.
- Mines, 192.
- Nationality, 184–185, 196–198.
- Occupation, 377.
- Pensions, 187.
- Potash mines, 192.
- Products, 190–191, 192.
- Property, 184, 185–186, 194–195.
- Railways, 192, 195.
- Reparation, German credits, 454.
- Taxation, 187.
- Treasury, 186.
- Waterways, 192.
- Ambassadors, Conference of, 59.
- Aviation decisions, 352, 354, 644–645.
- Czechoslovak boundaries, 205, 206, 511.
- Decision re German clearing-offices legislation, 602.
- Establishment and functions, 5, 7–8.
- Expenditures incurred by Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control, 921.
- Heligoland, 272.
- Members, 8.
- Memel, 237, 238.
- Military, naval, and air clauses, Versailles, 304–308, 328, 332, 344.
- Modification of German law, 649.
- Polish boundary decisions, 214, 234, 795.
- Railway rolling-stock decision, 684.
- Rhine navigation, 671.
- Rhineland decisions, 781.
- United States:
- Upper Silesian nationality, 222.
- American Battle Monuments Commission, 370.
- American Commission To Negotiate Peace, 9.
- Ammonia, sulphate of, reparation, 895.
- Amnesty, German observations, 377.
- Amnesty, Rhineland and Ruhr, 724, 788–789.
- Amnesty agreements, Germany-Poland (1919, 1921), 218.
- Anatolia, agreement re (1920), 96.
- Anti-Comintern pact (1936), 274.
- Arbitral commissions, German reparation, 892–894, 900.
- Arbitral tribunal. See Mixed arbitral tribunals.
- Arbitral Tribunal of Interpretation:
- Arbitration:
- Archives:
- Armament. See Arms, munitions, and war material.
- Armament reduction (see also Disarmament), 82–83, 302–319, 338–342.
- Armaments, Conference for Reduction and Limitation, 77, 309–316, 339.
- Armies of occupation. See Occupation armies.
- Armistice:
- Agreements:
- Agricultural material, 507–508.
- Coal, 360, 509, 515.
- Communication systems, 360–361.
- Delivery of military establishments, 360.
- Effect, 738.
- Food stores, 360.
- Foodstuffs and tonnage, 499.
- Heligoland, 447.
- Industrial establishments, 360.
- Ports, 360.
- Provisions remaining in force, 359–362.
- Railways, 360.
- Restitution, 443–444.
- Rhineland, 763–764, 771.
- Roads, 360.
- Shipping, 448, 449.
- Sick and wounded, 360.
- Telecommunications, 360–361.
- Waterways, 360.
- Armistice Commission, Permanent Inter-Allied, 745.
- Arms, munitions, and war material, German, 323–329, 336–337, 339, 348–351, 354.
- Coastal fortifications, 350–351.
- Delivery to Allies, 354.
- Disposition, 326–329, 332.
- Explosives, manufacture, 329.
- Exportation, 328, 329, 746.
- Gas, poison, prohibitions re, 329.
- Guns, 324, 325, 326–327, 336–337.
- Importation, 328, 329.
- Limitations, 324–325, 348–349.
- Manufacture, 325, 349.
- Surrender to Allied Powers, 326–328.
- Arms and ammunition:
- Art, works of:
- Assembly, League of Nations (see also League of Nations), 78–79.
- Australia:
- Austria, 198–202.
- Abrogation of German treaties, 577–578.
- Assumption of Austro-Hungarian debt, 828.
- Boundary with Germany, 126.
- Boxer Protocol, 284.
- Customs regime with Czechoslovakia, 816.
- Debts:
- Financial restoration, agreement re (1922), 111.
- German “abrogation” of Versailles provisions, 27, 28.
- Germany, union with, 200–202, 557.
- League of Nations:
- National Socialist Party, 201.
- Peace treaties and related agreements (see also Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of):
- Political status (1919), 198–202.
- Political status (1945), 202.
- Reparation. See Reparation: Austria.
- Reparation agreements, 394, 421.
- Reparation Commission, 460.
- Treaty of peace. See Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of.
- Tripartite Claims Commission, 630.
- United States:
- Austria-Hungary:
- Automotive traffic agreement (1909), 566.
- Avenol, Joseph, 107.
- Aviation (see also
Air forces; Aircraft),
28, 351–355, 642–646.
- Agreements concerning, 34–35, 201, 352, 644–646.
- Allied rights in Germany, 643–644.
- Civil:
- Conference of Ambassadors, decisions of, 352, 354, 644–645.
- Freedom of passage, transit, and landing in Germany, 643.
- Restriction, 645.
- German proposals, 312.
- Military and civil distinguished, 352, 644–645, 646.
- Proposals for general air pact (1934-1936), 353.
- “B” mandates, 93, 102–103, 282–283.
- Balfour declaration (1917), 95, 100.
- Baltic provinces, evacuation by Germany, 746.
- Baltic Sea:
- Bank for International Settlements, 164, 390, 392, 393, 402, 403, 405, 406, 409, 421, 423, 425, 932–934.
- Bankruptcy, 591.
- Barcelona statute on freedom of transit (1921), 110, 239, 688–689, 804, 817–818.
- Barcelona statute on international waterways (1921), 108–109, 658, 663, 671, 680, 689, 804, 818.
- Battle Monuments Commission, American, 370.
- Battleships (see also Warships), 343.
- Beichmann, Frederik, 542.
- Belgium, 135–144.
- Aeronautical material, delivery by Germany, 354.
- Art, works of:
- Boundaries:
- Claims against Germany, 471–472.
- Customs union with Luxembourg, 558–559.
- Debt assumption, 144, 535.
- Debts, war, 398–400, 401.
- Exemption from payment for German property in ceded territory, 536, 538.
- German concessions, 135–144.
- German property, 279.
- Germany:
- Guaranties, 135–139, 678, 841.
- Industrial material, default in restitution by Germany, 746.
- Invasion:
- Locarno pact (1925). See Locarno, treaties of (1925): Guaranty.
- Mandatory, 93–104.
- Neutralization of 1839, 135.
- Occupation army:
- Peace treaties and related agreements, list, 29–35.
- Reparation:
- Aeronautical material, 354.
- Agricultural machinery, 508.
- Amount received, 442.
- Art, works of, 524–525, 744.
- Claims, 471–472.
- Coal, 513
- Dirigibles, 355.
- Dyestuffs, 516–518.
- Industrial material, default, 746.
- Livestock, 507.
- Occupation costs, 871, 876.
- Percentages, 441–442, 852.
- Priority, 785, 853, 854, 855, 856, 859, 875, 876, 908–909.
- Rolling stock, 534.
- Reparation agreements, 382, 388–389, 393–394, 395, 404–407, 420–424, 427,
429, 467, 481, 483, 484, 503, 504.
- Distribution of Dawes annuities (1925), text, 902–922; (1927), text, 924–927.
- Distribution of German payments (1922), text, 870–880.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan agreement (1924), text, 899–901.
- New (Young) Plan (1930), text, 927–941.
- Priority (1919), text, 849–851.
- Spa (1920), text, 851–862. See also Spa reparation agreement (1920).
- Restitution arrangements, 445–447.
- Rhine, right to take water from, 676.
- Rhine-Meuse Canal, 677–678.
- Rhineland High Commission, 764.
- Rhineland occupation, 722, 772, 773.
- River-tonnage loss in World War I, 498.
- Ruhr occupation, 382, 486–487, 773, 780–789.
- Separation from Netherlands, 135.
- Treaties of 1839, 135–137, 678.
- Waterways, 136–137.
- Belligerency, dates, 426, 436.
- Bemelmans-Cuntze agreement (1922), 502, 504, 882.
- Benzol, reparation deliveries, 514.
- Berlin, General Act of (1885), 281–282.
- Berlin, Treaty of (1878), 666.
- B.L.M.G., 328, 437, 460, 461.
- Blockade as method of warfare, 53.
- Bohemia, 809.
- Bolivia:
- Bolshevist government, Russia, 273.
- Bonds, German reparation, 476–480, 511, 862–870, 876.
- Books:
- Bosnia-Herzegovina, agreement re (1909), 837.
- Boulogne-sur-Mer Conference (1920), 429, 438.
- Boundaries:
- Agreements concerning, 35, 98, 125, 130–131, 140, 142, 166, 202–206, 210, 664, 795.
- Agreements re occupation zones in Germany, 724–725.
- Austria, 126.
- Belgium, 124, 136, 139, 142.
- Czechoslovakia, 126, 131, 202–206, 809.
- Danzig, 251–253.
- Denmark, 131, 262–266, 268–270.
- East Prussia, 132–133, 230–236.
- France, 125–126.
- Germany, 122–134, 139, 142, 203–206, 208–216, 262–266, 268–270.
- Iraq (Mesopotamia), 95, 98.
- Luxembourg, 124–125.
- Netherlands, 136.
- Palestine, 95.
- Poland, 127–131, 204–206, 208–216, 230–236, 793–795.
- Russia, 793–795.
- Saar Basin, 165–166.
- Schleswig, 262–266, 268–270.
- Switzerland, 126.
- Syria, 95.
- Water, 133, 136.
- Boundary commissions:
- Boxer Protocol, 283–285.
- Boyden, Roland W., 464, 465, 466, 467.
- Brazil:
- Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918), 273, 540, 578.
- Bridges, railway, value, 439.
- British Empire:
- Broadcasting convention (1936), 115.
- Brussels, General Act of (1890), 281–282.
- Brussels protocols (1919), 746.
- Brussels reparation conference (1920), 438.
- Bucharest, Treaty of (1918), 540, 579.
- Bug River, 804.
- Bulgaria:
- Abrogation of German treaties, 577–578.
- Disposition, German recognition, 727.
- German rights and interests, 298.
- League of Nations, membership, 76.
- Neuilly-sur Seine, Treaty of. See Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty of.
- Peace treaties and related agreements (see also Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty of):
- Reparation. See Reparation: Bulgaria.
- Reparation agreements, 394.
- Treaty of peace. See Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty of.
- United Kingdom, relations, 365.
- “C” mandates, 93–94, 103–104, 282–283.
- Cables, submarine, 276, 278, 298, 300, 455, 520–522, 566.
- Caisse Commune, Austrian and Hungarian pre-war debts, 828–829.
- Cameroons:
- Canada:
- Canals:
- Canton, German state property in, 288.
- Capitulations, Egypt:
- Cash:
- Cash assets, definition, 610.
- Cattle, restitution, 446, 504–507.
- Cemeteries, military, 370.
- Central Rhine Commission, 188–189, 670, 671, 673, 676–678, 780.
- Channel, definition, 133.
- Chemical drugs, 515–520, 895.
- China:
- China Indemnity Fund, 285.
- Customs tariff, 285–286, 286–287.
- Declaration of war against Germany, 285.
- Extraterritoriality, 285.
- Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture, 284–285.
- German concessions in Tientsin and Hankow, 287, 288.
- German rights and interests in, 298–299, 300.
- Japanese rights and interests in, 298, 299, 300.
- League of Nations, membership, 76.
- Peace with Germany, 64, 286.
- Retention of captured shipping, 846.
- Shantung, 300.
- Whang Poo, 285–286.
- China Foundation for Promotion of Education and Culture, 284–285.
- China Indemnity Fund, 285.
- Chorzow case, 642.
- Cinchona bark, 519.
- Cinematographic apparatus, delivery by Germany to Allies, 354.
- C.I.P.A., 444.
- C.I.R.F., 444, 445.
- C.I.R.M., 444, 445.
- Civilian populations, compensation, 425, 457–459, 470–475.
- Claims, agreements concerning, 229–230, 388, 390, 555, 627, 630, 631–632, 906.
- Claims, Allied, 470–475, 608.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 910.
- Arbitration of disputes, 597.
- Australia, 442, 471.
- Belgium, 471–472.
- Bolivia, 474.
- Brazil, 473.
- Canada, 442, 471.
- Cuba, 474.
- Czechoslovakia, 473.
- European Commission of Danube, 475.
- France, 470, 604.
- Greece, 473.
- Haiti, 474.
- Italy, 471.
- Japan, 472.
- Liberia, 474, 603.
- New Zealand, 471.
- Peru, 474.
- Poland, 274, 474.
- Portugal, 472.
- Property damage, table, 604.
- Rumania, 472, 540–541.
- Serb-Croat-Slovene State, 472.
- Shipping, 470–474, 847.
- Siam, 289, 473, 604.
- Union of South Africa, 471.
- United Kingdom, 470, 604.
- United States, 19, 23, 628–630.
- Waiver, 586, 930–931.
- Claims, German, 736.
- Claims, United States, 628–630, 943.
- Claims Commissions:
- Mixed, Germany—United States. See Mixed Claims Commission.
- Tripartite, 630.
- Clearing offices:
- Clemenceau, Georges, 847, 848.
- Coal:
- Coal-tar products, German monopoly, 516.
- Coblenz, occupation and evacuation, 724.
- Coffee, Brazilian, German payment for, 544.
- Coke, reparation deliveries, 514.
- Cologne zone, evacuation, 723, 789–790.
- Colonies, Allied:
- Colonies, German, 276–283.
- Conditions for transfer of, 277–278.
- Debts, 277.
- Diplomatic protection of natives, 282.
- German administration, 277.
- German economic development, 277.
- German observations, 40, 276–277; Allied reply, 51.
- German renunciation, 276.
- Indebtedness, 277.
- League of Nations, 277.
- Mandatory powers, 277.
- Property in, 277, 279, 538, 639–640.
- Public works, 280.
- Repatriation, 280.
- Transfer of insurance funds, 640–641.
- Colonies, protectorates, etc., application of international labor conventions, 716.
- Commerce (see also
- African trade, treaties re, 32, 281–282.
- Agreements relating to, 32, 102, 113–114, 145, 148, 178, 191, 201, 281–282, 286, 518, 551, 554, 555, 557, 567, 579, 680.
- Danzig–Poland, 258–259.
- German commercial regime, 546–548.
- League of Nations function, 104.
- Most-favored-nation treatment, 648–650, 653–654.
- United States interest in Versailles provisions, 546, 548.
- Commissions:
- Aeronautical Inter-Allied Commission of Control, 304, 328, 358–359, 644.
- American Battle Monuments, 370.
- American Commission to Negotiate Peace, 9.
- Arbitral, 892–894, 900.
- Armistice, Permanent Inter-Allied, 745.
- Battle Monuments, 370.
- Boundary. See Boundary commissions.
- Claims, Tripartite, 630.
- Control. See Inter-Allied Commissions of Control.
- Control of Works and Mines, 787.
- Czechoslovak use of ports in Germany, 679.
- Danube, European Commission of, 475, 664–667, 668, 910.
- Danube, International Commission of, 664–665, 666.
- Disarmament Conference Preparatory Commission, 309.
- Division of German rolling stock, 684.
- Elbe, International Commission of, 660–661, 663–664.
- European Coal, 509.
- Inter-Allied Commissions of Control. See Inter-Allied Commissions of Control.
- Inter-Allied Mixed Commission on war criminals, 378.
- Leipzig trials, Allied jurists (1922), 379.
- Mandate, Permanent, 282.
- Military Inter-Allied Commission of Control, 306, 308, 327, 328, 332, 357–358, 905, 921, 927.
- Mixed Claims. See Mixed Claims Commission.
- Mixed Commission on war criminals, Inter-Allied, 378.
- Monuments, American Battle, 370.
- Naval Inter-Allied Commission of Control, 272, 303, 328, 345, 358, 362, 743.
- Oder, International Commission of, 661–662, 663–664.
- Plebiscite. See Plebiscite commissions.
- Repatriation, 366–367.
- Rhine, Central Commission for Navigation of, 188–189, 670, 671, 673, 676–678, 780.
- Rhineland, 771.
- Rhineland High Commission. See Rhineland High Commission.
- Rhineland Navigation, 362, 779–780.
- Rhineland Railway, 779.
- River, 188–189, 475, 650–653, 660–671, 673, 676–678, 780, 910.
- Tripartite Claims, 630.
- United States withdrawal, 10.
- Voting procedure, 734.
- World War Foreign Debt, 396, 398.
- Committees:
- Allied Military Committee of Versailles, 304, 306.
- Communications and Transit, League Committee for, 666, 667.
- Economic, League of Nations, 552.
- Experts (1924), 77, 309, 487–488, 785.
- Experts (1928-29), 389–391.
- Guarantee, Aeronautical Committee of, 359, 645, 646.
- Guarantees, 450–453, 479–480, 531, 865–866.
- Inquiry, Manchuria, 76.
- Inter-Allied Naval Committee for Destruction of ex-Enemy Ships, 328.
- League Loans, 262.
- Naval Committee for Destruction of ex-Enemy Ships, 328.
- Permanent Advisory Committee for Military, Naval, and Air Questions, 363.
- Special Committee on German reparation, 893, 895–896.
- Transfer Committee on German reparation, 892–893, 894, 896, 897, 898.
- Communications:
- Communications and Transit, Organization for, 657, 662, 663, 688.
- Concessions:
- Conciliation, Locarno guaranty (1925), 843.
- Conciliation, treaty of (1929), 392.
- “Conditions of Peace With Germany”, 5, 6, 58, 309, 720, 740.
- Conferences:
- Armament reduction and limitation, 77, 309–316, 338, 339.
- European Health (1922), 114.
- International Economic (Geneva 1927), 552.
- International Labor Organization, General Conference of Representatives of Members, 700–701, 705–707, 710–711, 716–718.
- International Trade Union, 696.
- London Economic (1933), 408.
- “Observer”, function, 12.
- Peace:
- Reparation. See Reparation conferences.
- Congress, United States, peace with Germany, 13–19.
- Constitutions:
- Consular relations, Allied Powers-Germany, 563–564.
- Consular tribunals, British, jurisdiction in Egypt, 296.
- Consuls:
- Contracts:
- Cooke, Walter P., 467.
- Copyrights, time extensions, 636–637, 805, 819.
- Costa Rica, severance of diplomatic relations with Germany, 735–736.
- Council, League of Nations (see also
League of Nations):
- Armaments limitation, 323–324.
- Composition, 79.
- Disputes, submission, 84, 86–88.
- Duration of Versailles treaty obligations, 564.
- Establishment, 78.
- Extraordinary sessions, 316, 317–318, 321.
- Investigations, 362–364.
- Jurisdiction, 80, 640–642.
- Meetings, 80, 81.
- Membership, 79–80.
- Mixed arbitral tribunals, 624.
- Procedure, 81.
- Representation by non-members, 80.
- Sessions, 80.
- Voting, 80–81.
- Council of Five, 5, 58.
- Council of Foreign Ministers, 5, 58, 299.
- Council of Four, 5, 58, 413–414.
- Council of Ten, 5, 58, 299.
- Counterfeiting currency, agreement re (1929), 112.
- Course of river, definition, 133.
- Courts:
- Covenant of the League of Nations (see also
League of Nations), 69–122.
- Amendments, proposed, 72, 73, 80, 81–82, 88–89, 90, 105–106.
- Amendments, provisions regarding, 105–106.
- Annex, 106–107.
- Enforcement of provisions relating to war, 89.
- Entry into force, 70.
- German denunciation of obligations, 314.
- Preamble, 72.
- States invited to accede, 106.
- Treaties inconsistent with, 92.
- War or act of war, 88–91.
- Cruisers (see also Warships), 343, 747.
- Cuba:
- Currency:
- Confiscation by Germans, default in return, 744.
- Danzig, 243.
- Debts, new states, 583.
- Debts, private, payment of, 583.
- German payments to United States, 944–945.
- Occupation armies, 882, 884.
- Pre-war Austro-Hungarian debts, 826–828.
- Property settlements, 611.
- Rhineland, 783–784, 787.
- Saar Basin, 178.
- Stabilization, Germany, 385.
- Curzon line, 793–794.
- Customs, 546–560.
- Agreements re, 113, 518, 551–555, 557, 558–559, 567, 802, 816.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 190–191, 550–551.
- Austria, 816.
- China, 285–286, 286–287.
- Czechoslovakia, 816.
- Danzig-Poland, 257, 258.
- Exemption for Allied traffic through Germany, 648.
- Free zones in German ports, 654–655, 678–680.
- German-Polish economic relations, 551–558.
- Germany:
- Gex, 729, 731, 732.
- Hungary, 816.
- Import and export prohibitions and restrictions, convention for abolition of, 551–554.
- Liberia, 290, 291.
- Luxembourg, 558–559.
- Occupied territories, 560.
- Poland, 257, 258, 551, 802.
- Rhineland and Ruhr, 430–431, 559–560, 781, 783–784, 786, 787.
- Saar Basin, 177–178.
- Upper Savoy, 729, 731, 732.
- Customs union:
- Cutcheon, Franklin M. W., 467.
- Czechoslovakia, 202–207.
- Austro-Hungarian territories:
- Boundaries, 126, 131, 202–206, 809.
- Claims against Germany, 473.
- Component parts, 809.
- Consuls, 815.
- Customs, 816–817.
- Danube, condition for improvement, 668.
- Debt assumption:
- Debts, war, 401.
- Diplomatic and consular representation, 815.
- Establishment, treaty of 1919, 118; text, 808–822.
- German absorption, 245, 247.
- German concessions, 203–204.
- German property, payment for, 537.
- German violation of Versailles provisions, 28.
- Inhabitants, rights, 206–207, 811–814.
- Language, 813.
- Minorities, 203, 207, 813–815.
- Munich agreement (1938), 203, 557.
- Nationality, 206–207.
- Nationals, 811–813.
- Payment for deliveries in kind, 917.
- Ports, use of areas in Hamburg and Stettin, 678–680.
- Property protection, 818–819.
- Property transfers, 423.
- Railway construction, 685.
- Recognition, 809.
- Religious freedom, 811, 813.
- Reparation agreements, 388, 394, 404–407, 419, 425.
- River tonnage delivered by Germany, 660.
- Ruthene territory, 814.
- Schools, 813.
- Shipping, most-favored-nation treatment, 817.
- Tariffs, 815–816, 817.
- Transit, freedom of, 817.
- Treaty undertakings, 818–821.
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, mutual assistance, 151, 152.
- Danube River, 108, 650, 652–653, 655, 658, 660, 664–669.
- Danzig, Free City of, 241–262.
- Administration, treaties concerning, 107.
- Agreements concerning, 107, 130–131, 253, 254, 256–259, 260, 557.
- Assessment against, 261.
- Boundaries, 251–253.
- Boundary commission, 253.
- Communication services, 236, 257, 259.
- Constitution, 250, 254–256.
- Currency, 243.
- Customs, 257, 258.
- Debt assumption, 262, 535.
- Docks, Polish use of, 259.
- Foreign relations, 256–257, 260.
- German aggression, 242–250.
- German nationals in, 260–261.
- German objections to Versailles provisions, 241.
- German observations, 39; Allied reply, 49–50.
- German property, payment for, 537, 917.
- German violation of Versailles provisions, 28.
- Germany, relations, 241–250.
- High Commissioner of League, 242–245, 247, 254–255, 257–259.
- Language, 260.
- League of Nations, relations, 242–245, 247, 253–259.
- Loan, 262, 537.
- Map, 252.
- Merchant flag, 257.
- Military installations, prohibition, 254.
- Minorities, 242, 257.
- National Socialist Party, 242–243, 246, 248, 256, 262.
- Nationality, 260–261.
- Permanent Court of International Justice, opinions, 254, 256, 260.
- Poland, relations, 241–250, 254, 256–260.
- Polish nationals in, 260.
- Property, 261.
- Railways, 259, 260.
- Schools, 260.
- Treaties, agreements, etc., re, 107, 130–131, 253, 254, 256–260, 557.
- Union with Germany, 250.
- Proposed, 244.
- Dawes, Charles G., 384.
- Dawes Plan. See Experts’ (Dawes) Plan.
- Debts:
- Agreements concerning, 296, 401–404, 427, 581–582, 584–585, 630, 778, 828–829.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 184, 185, 192–193, 194, 581.
- Austria, German assumption, 408, 410.
- Austria-Hungary, 420, 825–829.
- Belgium, 144, 388, 398–400, 401, 425, 427, 535, 851, 907–908.
- Claims of nationals, 584.
- Classes of obligations, 581, 582.
- Czechoslovakia, 207, 401, 535.
- Danzig, 262, 535.
- Denmark, 271, 535.
- Egypt, 296, 297.
- “Enemy debts” (1932), charls, 588–589.
- Estonia, 401.
- Finland, 401.
- France, 184, 398–400, 401, 588, 589.
- German colonies, 277.
- Germany, 410, 529, 535–536, 538.
- Greece, 398–401, 588, 589, 590.
- Intergovernmental, 394–401, 407.
- Italy, 398–401.
- Latvia, 401.
- Liberia, 290–292.
- Lithuania, 401, 535.
- Method of settlement, 582–583.
- Mixed arbitral tribunals, jurisdiction in disputes, 593–594, 595.
- Poland, 228, 229, 401, 535, 536, 807, 828.
- Portugal, 400.
- Private, Versailles provisions, 581–596.
- Reparation, final settlement, 585–586.
- Responsibility of High Contracting Parties, 583.
- Rumania, 398–400, 401, 828.
- Treaties concerning, 427, 581–582, 584, 585, 630, 778, 828, 829.
- United Kingdom, 397–402, 588, 589.
- Yugoslavia, 398–400, 401, 825–828, 829.
- Declarations of war, 60.
- Defaults, German:
- Aeronautical material, exportation prohibited, 746.
- Agricultural machinery, delivery, 745–746.
- Applications re, 900.
- Armistice clauses, 743, 744, 746.
- Art, works of, restoration, 744–745.
- Cessation of coercive measures in Russian territory, 744.
- Coal, 485, 486, 782.
- Currency, return of, 744.
- Customs, 549, 559.
- Disarmament, 434–435.
- External obligations, 410.
- Freedom of navigation, 654.
- Freedom of transit, 648.
- Industrial material, restitution, 746.
- Railway rolling stock, delivery of, 743.
- Reparation, 430–431, 433, 434, 439, 482–488, 510, 511, 772, 773, 780, 781–782, 900.
- Ships:
- Submarines, surrender, 744.
- Surrender of William II, 376.
- Trial of war criminals, 434–435.
- War material, exportation prohibited, 746.
- Warships, maintenance, 744.
- Withdrawal of troops from Russian territory, 743.
- Delimitation commissions. See Boundary commissions.
- Deliveries in kind, 488, 489, 499–508, 867, 873, 874, 913.
- Demilitarization:
- Demobilization, Germany, 319–323.
- Denmark:
- Dependencies, German. See Colonies, German.
- Designs, time extensions, 636–637.
- Destroyers, German reparation, 747.
- Diktat von Versailles, 27.
- Diplomatic protection, German colonies, 282.
- Diplomatic representation:
- Dirigibles, German:
- Disarmament (see also armament reduction):
- Disease prevention and control, League responsibility, 104–105.
- Disputes:
- Distribution of reparation payments (1922), 870–880.
- Dorten, Hans, 780.
- Drugs:
- Drummond, Sir James Eric, 107.
- Dulles, John Foster, 462, 465.
- Dune, Island of, 271–272.
- Dyestuffs:
- East Prussia:
- Economic clauses, Versailles, 545–642.
- Economic Committee, League of Nations, 552.
- Economic conferences:
- Economic treaties (see also Treaties: Economic), 111–114, 565–571.
- Ecuador:
- Egypt, 295–298.
- Elbe River, 650, 652–653, 655, 658, 660–661, 664.
- Elbe, International Commission of, 660–661, 663–664.
- Electric power, Alsace-Lorraine, 191–192.
- Emigrants, use of German railways, 682–683.
- Enemy, definition as applied to contracts, 617.
- Equatorial Africa, German reparation to France, 281, 910.
- Estonia, war relief debts, 401.
- Ethiopia:
- Eupen, cession, 140–142.
- Europe, political clauses of Treaty of Versailles, 134–275.
- European Coal Commission, 509.
- European Commission of Danube, 475, 664–667, 668, 910.
- Experts, Committees of:
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan, 77, 193–194, 309, 355, 381–388, 409, 502, 723, 778, 785, 929.
- Agreements for execution of:
- Experts’ Report, 892–894, 896, 897.
- London Reparation Conference (1924), 786, 887–888.
- Explosives, manufacture, 329.
- Extradition agreement, Austria-United Kingdom, 201.
- Extradition of German war criminals, 377–380.
- Extraterritoriality in China, relinquishment of, 285, 286.
- Extraterritoriality in Siam, 289.
- Far East Advisory Committee, 76.
- Films, convention concerning (1933), 115.
- Finance, agreements concerning, 110, 111–114, 144, 164, 169–170, 176, 186, 187, 243, 393, 398, 402, 408, 422, 427, 428, 511, 531, 532, 542, 543, 559, 578, 586, 587, 615, 932.
- Finance Ministers’ Agreement (1922), 778, 885, 905, 914, 915, 916, 925.
- Finance Ministers’ Agreement (1925), 186, 187, 193–194, 280, 281, 355, 367, 388, 427, 442, 443, 445, 537, 630, 668, 778, 785, 880–881.
- Financial clauses, Versailles, 526–544.
- Financial organizations, international, German renunciation of rights, 538.
- Financial treaties (see also Treaties: Finance), 111–114.
- Finland:
- Fire-insurance contracts, 619–620.
- Fisheries, agreements re, 573.
- Fishing boats:
- Flags:
- Fleet, German, 276, 347–348, 350, 439, 440, 448, 449.
- Foodstuffs:
- Foreign Legion, recruitment, 333.
- Forster, Albert, 248, 250.
- Fortifications, Germany, 333–334, 350–351, 356, 364.
- France:
- Aeronautical material, delivery by Germany, 354.
- Alsace-Lorraine:
- Art, works of, restoration by Germany, default, 744.
- Assistance in event of German aggression, text of unperfected treaties of 1919: 757–762.
- Belgium, guaranty, 138.
- Bureau of Private Property and Interests, 603.
- Cemeteries, military, 370.
- Claims against Germany, 470, 604.
- Coal from Saar Basin, 162–164, 167, 168–173, 182, 437, 439, 876.
- Concession at Shanghai, 288.
- Conference for Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (Geneva 1932), 310–311.
- Danzig, Committee of Three, 243, 244.
- Debt assumption, 184.
- Debts, private, chart, 588, 589.
- Debts, war, 398–400, 401.
- Foreign Legion recruitment, 333.
- German treaty violations, 316, 321.
- Germany:
- Guaranty, Locarno treaty (1925), text, 841–845. See also Locarno, treaties of.
- Incorporation of German vessels, 347.
- Industrial material, default in restitution by Germany, 746.
- Locarno pact (1925). See Locarno, treaties of: Guaranty.
- Mandatory, 93–104.
- Monaco, protectorate, 733–734.
- Morocco, protectorate, 293, 294.
- Naval-armament limitation, 338, 340.
- Occupation army:
- Peace treaties and related agreements, list, 29–35.
- Poland:
- Reparation:
- Agricultural machinery, 507–508.
- Bonds. See Bonds, German reparation.
- Cameroons, damage in, 280.
- Coal, 508, 512, 514, 875, 876.
- Debits, 874, 875, 876.
- Deliveries in kind, 873, 874.
- Dirigibles, 355.
- Dyestuffs, 516–518.
- Equatorial Africa, 281.
- Livestock, 506–507.
- Nationals, 280.
- Occupation costs, 871, 876.
- Percentages, 441–442, 852.
- Rolling stock, 534.
- Saar coal mines, 162–164, 167, 168–173, 437, 439, 876.
- Trophies, etc., taken during war of 1870-71 and World War I, 522–523.
- Reparation agreements, 382, 388–389, 393–394, 395, 404–407, 420–424, 427,
429, 467, 481, 483, 484, 503, 504.
- Belgian priority (1919), text, 849–851.
- Distribution of Dawes annuities (1925), text, 902–922; (1927), text, 924–927.
- Distribution of German payments (1922), text, 870–880.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan, fulfilment of (1924), text, 899–901.
- New (Young) Plan (1930), text, 927–941.
- Spa (1920), text, 851–862.
- Tonnage (1919), text, 845–848.
- Reparation Recovery Act, 503.
- Restitution arrangements, 445, 446.
- Rhine:
- Control of water power on, 651.
- Rights on, 675-677.
- Rhineland High Commission, 764.
- Rhineland occupation (see also Rhineland), 722, 772, 773.
- Rhineland separatist movement, 780.
- River tonnage ceded to, 674–675.
- River tonnage delivered by Germany, 675.
- River tonnage loss in World War I, 498.
- Ruhr occupation (see also Ruhr), 382, 485, 486–487, 510–511, 773, 780–789.
- Saar Basin:
- Shipping captured in World War I, distribution agreement (1919), 847–848.
- Shipping losses, 491.
- Switzerland, status of Gex and Upper Savoy, 727–733.
- Territorial questions, 727–733.
- Treaties, protective, 148–149.
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, mutual-assistance agreement (1935), 150–154.
- War crimes trials, tribunal, 371, 379.
- France, Vichy:
- League of Nations, notice of withdrawal, 75.
- Free zones:
- French Equatorial Africa, payment of indemnities, 281, 910.
- Friendly relations, treaty restoring. See Peace, treaties of: Germany–United States.
- Frontier river, customs regulation, 656.
- Frontier zones:
- Furniture, restitution, 444, 445.
- Game reserve, international, 205.
- Gas masks, 327.
- Gas, poison:
- Gdynia, port of, 260, 556.
- General Conference of Representatives of Members, ILO, 700–701, 705–707, 710–711, 716–718.
- Germany (see also
Rhineland; Ruhr; Versailles, Treaty of):
- Aeronautical Committee of Guarantee, 359, 645, 646.
- Aeronautical material, 354, 355, 644–645, 746.
- Aggression:
- Agricultural machinery, 444, 446, 507–508, 745–746.
- Air clauses, Versailles, 28, 312, 351–355, 642–646.
- Air forces (see also Aircraft; Aviation), 351–355.
- Air navigation, limitation, 351–355.
- Aircraft. See Aircraft.
- Airports, establishment, 352.
- Allied and Associated Powers, most-favored-nation treatment, 549–550, 559, 560, 562–563, 577–578, 579–580, 648–650, 653–654.
- Allied troops, passage of, 361–362.
- Alsace-Lorraine:
- Armament reduction, 312, 315, 318–319, 336–337.
- Arms and ammunition. See Arms, munitions, and war material, German.
- Army:
- Administrative services, reduction, 321.
- Cavalry Division, tables, 335, 336.
- Compulsory military service:
- Abolished, 329.
- Reestablished, 316, 339, 364.
- Effectives and cadres, 318–323.
- General Staff, dissolution, 320.
- Headquarters Staffs, tables, 334, 336.
- Infantry Division, tables, 335, 336.
- Military service, 316, 329–333, 330, 364.
- Art, works of:
- Australia, claims for compensation, 471.
- Austria, relations with, 27, 28, 75, 198–202, 408, 410, 557, 577–578.
- Austria-Hungary, recognition of disposition, 727.
- Aviation, 28, 312, 351–355, 642–646.
- Belgium:
- Aeronautical material delivered, 354.
- Claims for compensation, 471–472.
- Guaranty, 138–139.
- Locarno guaranty (1925), text, 841–845.
- Peaceful settlement of disputes, 843.
- Reimbursement of marks issued during war, 142, 427–428.
- Reimbursement of war debt, 388, 425, 427, 851.
- Relations, 135–144, 279, 524–526, 614–615, 621, 744.
- Revival of bilateral treaties, 576–577.
- Bolivia:
- Bonds, reparation, 387, 409–410, 435–436, 439, 476–480, 862–870, 876, 877, 879–880, 943–944.
- Boundaries, 122–134.
- Boxer Protocol, renunciation of privileges and indemnities, 283–284.
- Brazil:
- Bulgaria, relations with, 298, 577–578, 727.
- Bureau of Private Property and Interests, 603.
- Cables, submarine, 276, 278, 298, 300, 455, 520–522.
- Canada, claims for compensation, 442, 471.
- Canton, renunciation of property in, 288.
- China, relations with, 64, 285–288, 298–299, 300.
- Claims, 288, 289, 498–499, 543, 585–586, 606–607, 634, 735, 736, 930–931.
- Claims against. See Claims, Allied.
- Clearing offices, establishment, 581,
- See also Clearing Offices.
- Coal:
- Colonies, 40, 51, 276–283, 538, 639–641.
- Commercial obligations, Versailles, time-limit re, 564.
- Commercial regime, 546–548.
- Concessions, foreign, 276, 287, 288, 541–543.
- Constitution, cancelation of art. 61 (1919), 33.
- Consular relations with Allied and Associated Powers, 563–564.
- Consuls in Egypt, jurisdiction, 296.
- Contracts and prescriptions, 612–624.
- Costa Rica, severance of diplomatic relations, 735–736.
- Court decisions in civil and criminal cases, 377.
- Redress, 632.
- Cuba, claims for compensation, 474.
- Customs:
- Czechoslovakia:
- Danzig, relations with, 28, 39, 49–50, 241–250, 260–261, 537, 917.
- Debt, public, 410, 529, 535–536, 538.
- Debt, reparation. See Reparation: Germany.
- Defaults. See Defaults, German.
- Delivery of persons for trial:
- Demilitarization of Heligoland and Dune, 271–272.
- Demobilization, 319–323.
- Diplomatic relations, resumption:
- Disarmament. See Disarmament: Germany.
- Dyestuffs and drugs, deliveries of, 515–520.
- East Prussia:
- Economic clauses, Versailles, observations and Allied reply, 545.
- Ecuador, diplomatic relations, 68, 735.
- Egypt, relations with, 295–298.
- Employees and officials, 322.
- European Commission of Danube, claims for compensation, 475.
- Evacuation by Allies, 722–725.
- Ex-Emperor, 371–376.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan. See Experts’ (Dawes) Plan.
- Explosives, manufacture, 329.
- Exports, reparation contribution, 451, 479, 501.
- Financial obligations under Treaty of Versailles, 526–544.
- Financial situation (1924-30), 402.
- Fleet, 276, 347, 348, 350, 439, 440, 448, 449.
- Foodstuffs, priority on payment for, 534.
- Foodstuffs for miners, 510, 511.
- Foreign currencies, 550.
- Foreign military activity forbidden, 332–333.
- Fortifications, 333–334, 350–351, 364.
- France:
- Free zones in ports, 654–655, 678–680.
- Gas, poison, prohibitions respecting, 329.
- General Staff, dissolution, 320.
- Gold, transfers of, 538–540.
- Greece, claims for compensation, 473.
- Guaranties against aggression, 725.
- Haiti, claims for compensation, 474.
- Hankow, concessions in, 287, 288.
- Heligoland, demilitarization, 271–272, 741.
- Hoover moratorium, 401–404.
- Hungary, abrogation of treaties, 577–578.
- Imports, duties on, 559.
- Indictment by International Military Tribunal, 28.
- Industrial corporations, reparation contribution, 386.
- Industrial property (see also Industrial property), 632–640.
- Inflation, 381, 382, 451–453, 487, 783–784, 785–786.
- Inland navigation, 647–655, 679–680.
- Insurance companies, 619–624.
- Insurance funds, transfer of, 640–642.
- Inter-Allied Commissions of Control. See Inter-Allied Commissions of Control.
- International financial organizations, renunciation of rights, 538.
- International Labor Organization, exclusion from, 696–697.
- Italy, claims for compensation, 471.
- Japan, claims for compensation, 472.
- Kiel Canal, 651, 689–691.
- League of Nations:
- Legislation:
- Liberia:
- Loans:
- Locarno pact. See Locarno, treaties of: Guaranty.
- Luxembourg, relations with, 144–148.
- Maps, 160, 252, inside cover.
- Memel, 28, 130–131, 237–241, 245.
- Merchant marine, 276, 350, 439, 440, 448, 449.
- Military associations, clubs, etc., 331–332.
- Military missions, 332–333.
- Military schools, 331.
- Military service, 316, 329–333, 339, 364.
- Minesweeping, 342, 349.
- Minorities, 123.
- Missions, religious, 278, 734–735.
- Mixed arbitral tribunals. See Mixed arbitral tribunals.
- Mixed Claims Commission. See Mixed Claims Commission, United States–Germany.
- Mobilization forbidden, 332.
- Morocco, rights and privileges in, 292, 294–295.
- National Socialist Party. See National Socialist Party.
- Nationality:
- Nationals:
- Nationals of Allied and Associated Powers, treatment of, 562–563.
- Naval armament, 337–351.
- Naval ratios (1935), 364.
- Navigation, inland, 647–655, 679–680.
- Navy, 342–343, 347–349.
- New (Young) Plan (1930). See New (Young) Plan.
- New Zealand, claims for compensation, 471.
- Observations on “Conditions of Peace”, 39–44; Allied reply and ultimatum, 44–54.
- Occupation armies (see also Occupation armies):
- Palatinate, treatment of inhabitants by occupation officials, 377.
- Panzerschiffe, 348.
- Passive-resistance movements, 781, 782, 783.
- Peace, treaty of, 55–754. See Versailles, Treaty of.
- “Peace plan” (1936), 157–159.
- Peace treaties and related agreements.
- Peace with United States (see also Peace, treaties of: Germany–United States), 13–26.
- Peking, 287.
- Peru:
- Pilot licenses, restrictions, 352.
- Poland:
- Police, increase, 322.
- Ports, 647–680, 687–689.
- Free zones, 654–655, 678–680.
- Portugal, claims for compensation, 472.
- Pre-war liabilities unaffected, 534.
- Privileges obtained through force, annulment, 579.
- Prize courts, 736.
- Property, rights and interests, 596–612.
- Allied colonies, 598, 611.
- Belgium, 279.
- Cessation of Allied liquidation rights, 931.
- Czechoslovakia, 537.
- Danzig, 537, 917.
- Denmark, 537.
- Egypt, 296, 297.
- Liquidation, 582, 741.
- Morocco, 294, 295.
- Mostfavored-nation treatment, 653–654.
- Siam, 289, 600–601.
- Transfer, 541–543.
- Transferred colonies, 277, 279, 439, 536–537, 538, 639–640.
- Railways, 647–649, 655, 680–689.
- Rearmament, air, 316, 364.
- Recognition of new states, 727.
- Recognition of treaties, 727.
- Reconstruction proposals (1919), 42.
- Recruiting and military training, 329–333.
- Religious missions, 278, 734–735.
- Reparation. See Reparation: Germany.
- Reparation agreements. See Treaties, etc.: Reparation.
- Reparation Commission. See Reparation Commission.
- Repudiation of Versailles river regulations, 651–653.
- Restitution:
- Restoration of invaded areas, 503–504, 506.
- Rhineland. See Rhineland.
- Rights and interests outside Germany, 275–300, 541–543.
- River tonnage:
- Ruhr, occupation, 382, 485, 486–487, 510–511, 780–789.
- Rumania:
- Russia:
- Saar Basin. See Saar Basin.
- Samoa, termination of rights in, 575.
- Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board of Egypt, 297.
- Schleswig evacuation, 263–264.
- Serb-Croat-Slovene State, claims for compensation, 472.
- Shanghai, 288.
- Shipping:
- Allied claims, 470–474, 847.
- Armistice agreements re, 448, 449.
- Decrees concerning, 736.
- Delivery to Allies, default, 746.
- Denial of free navigation, 743.
- Distribution agreement (1919), text, 845–848.
- Observations (1919), 42, 276.
- Reparation contribution, 440.
- Restitution of Allied losses, 445, 446, 490–499.
- Waiver of claims, 498–499.
- “Wilson-Lloyd George Agreement” (1919), text, 845–848.
- Shipping, Allied, treatment of, 560, 647–649, 653–654.
- Shipping, neutral, indemnity payments, 531–532.
- Ships, scuttling, 344.
- Siam, relations with, 289, 473, 600–601, 604.
- Sovereignty, loss in international trade, 565.
- Submarines:
- Suez Canal, 297.
- Surrender of material, 533–534.
- Taxation, reparation contribution, 386, 476, 479, 933.
- Telegraph stations, 351.
- Territorial changes, 1919-23, map, inside cover.
- Territorial transfers, observations on, 39, 41; Allied reply, 49–51.
- Time-limits, treaty obligations, chart, 748–754.
- Trade secrets, 741.
- Transit, freedom of, 647–648.
- Transit of goods, facilitation, 649.
- Treaties:
- Treaty obligations, Versailles, duration, 564.
- Treaty of peace (see also Versailles, Treaty of), 55–754; timetable, 6.
- Trial of war criminals, 28, 201, 379, 380.
- Turkey:
- Unfair competition, 561, 562.
- Unification, 67.
- Union of South Africa, claims for compensation, 471.
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, treaty relations, 248, 249, 273–274.
- United Kingdom:
- United States:
- Agreement re Mixed Claims Commission and occupation costs (1930), text, 942–948.
- Claims, 19, 23, 628–630.
- Diplomatic relations, 68.
- Payments due under Experts’ (Dawes) Plan, text of 1926 agreement, 922–924.
- Peace with (see also Peace, treaties of: Germany–United States), 13–26.
- Reparation. See United States: Reparation.
- Uruguay, diplomatic relations, 68, 735.
- Versailles, Treaty of. See Versailles, Treaty of.
- Violation of international law by individuals, observations, 372, 377.
- Violation of treaties, 28, 316–318.
- War criminals:
- War guilt:
- “War-guilt” article, interpretation, 413–419.
- Warships, 341–348, 744, 746.
- Waterways (see also
Waterways, international), 647–680, 689–691.
- Map, inside cover.
- William II, of Hohenzollern, 371–376.
- World Wars. See World War I and World War II.
- Gex, status, 727–733.
- Gilbert, S. Parker, Jr., 386, 387.
- Gillet-Ruppel agreement (1922), 502, 504, 882.
- Goats, restitution by Germany, 504–507.
- Gold:
- Good offices, use by League of Nations, 224.
- Graves, military, 369–371.
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Great German General Staff, dissolution, 320.
- Greece:
- Guarantee, Aeronautical Committee of, 359, 645, 646.
- Guarantees, Committee of, 450–453, 479–480, 531.
- Guaranties, 719–726.
- Austria, 200.
- Belgium, 135–139, 678, 841.
- Eastern Europe, 726.
- German “abrogation” of Versailles provisions, 27.
- League of Nations, 83, 116–117.
- Locarno pact. See Locarno, treaties of: Guaranty.
- Luxembourg, 146:
- Minorities, 116–117, 123, 224, 225, 801.
- Peace, 719–726, 727, 728.
- Poland, 245, 247.
- Western Europe, 720–725.
- Guilt, war, 413–419.
- Guns, 324, 325, 326–327, 336–337.
- Hague convention on drugs (1912), 580.
- Hague convention on laws and customs of war on land (1907), 443, 766.
- Hague convention on pacific settlement of international disputes (1907), 892.
- Hague reparation conferences (1929, 1930), 391–392.
- Haiti:
- Claims against Germany, 474.
- Hamburg, free zone in, 678–679.
- Hankow, German concessions, 287, 288.
- Harding, Warren G., 16.
- Haute-Savoie, status, 727–733.
- Health, treaties concerning, 114–115.
- Health Conference, European (1922), 114.
- Heligoland, Island of, 271–272, 447, 741.
- Hill, Ralph W. S., 466.
- Hines, Walker D., 659, 675.
- History teaching, declaration concerning (1937), 115.
- Hitler, Adolf, 27, 149, 201, 247.
- Hoover moratorium, 400–404.
- Horses, restitution by Germany, 446, 504–507.
- Hungary:
- Austria, customs regime, 816.
- Austro-Hungarian debt assumption, 828–829.
- Boxer Protocol, 284.
- Customs, 816.
- Germany, abrogation of treaties, 577–578.
- League of Nations, membership, 76.
- Loan (1924), 422.
- Occupation of Czechoslovakian district, 245.
- Peace, treaty of. See Trianon, Treaty of.
- Peace treaties and related agreements:
- Property transfers:
- Reparation. See Reparation: Hungary.
- Reparation agreements, 394, 422–424.
- Treaty of peace. See Trianon, Treaty of.
- Tripartite Claims Commission, 630.
- United States:
- Hydrogen plant, delivery by Germany to Allies, 354.
- Hythe reparation conference (1920), 438.
- Ifni, declaration concerning (1925), 110.
- Import and export prohibitions and restrictions, convention for abolition of (1927), 551–554.
- Indemnities under Boxer Protocol, German renunciation, 283–284.
- India:
- Industrial property, 632–640.
- Infringement of rights, prohibition of, 637–638.
- International Bureau of, 637.
- Licenses, 639.
- Limitations, restrictions, 635.
- Restitution, 444–448; German default, 746.
- Restoration of rights, 633–634.
- Territories separated from Germany, rights of, 639–640.
- Time extensions, 636–637.
- Treaties re, 561, 562, 574, 575, 633–634, 637, 806, 820.
- United States, inapplicability of certain articles to, 638, 630.
- Industrial wage-earners, 718–719.
- Inflation, German, 381, 382, 451–453, 487, 783–784, 785–786.
- Inland navigation:
- Inquiry, Committee of, Manchuria, 76.
- Insurance:
- Inter-Allied Commissions of Control, 354–359, 533, 644.
- Aeronautical. See Aeronautical Inter-Allied Commission of Control.
- Costs, 357, 358, 359.
- Establishment, 356.
- Execution of military, naval, and air clauses, 356, 357, 358.
- Expenses, 357, 358, 359.
- German representation, 357.
- German responsibility, 357, 358, 359.
- Military. See Military Inter-Allied Commission of Control.
- Naval. See Naval Inter-Allied Commission of Control.
- Seat, 356.
- Inter-Allied Mixed Commission on War Criminals, 378.
- Inter-Allied Naval Committee for Destruction of ex-Enemy Ships, 328.
- Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission. See Rhineland High Commission.
- Inter-Allied Rhineland Navigation Commission, 362, 779–780.
- Interest on private debts, 582.
- Interest rates, 262, 393, 396, 398, 401, 403–404, 405, 406, 425, 427, 435, 436, 477, 478, 479, 482, 530, 537, 592, 595, 611, 629, 690, 824, 830, 835, 851, 854, 857, 859, 863, 867, 881, 906–907, 914, 916, 917, 945.
- International Bureau of Industrial Property, 637.
- International bureaus and commissions, League of Nations, direction, 104–105.
- International conferences. See Conferences.
- International financial organizations, German renunciation of rights, 538.
- International game reserve, 205.
- International Labor Conferences. See International Labor Organization: General Conference of Representatives of Members.
- International labor conventions:
- Application to colonies, protectorates, possessions, 716.
- Commission of Enquiry, 713, 714, 715.
- Connection with International Labor Organization, 706–709, 711–715.
- Draft conventions, 706–707.
- List, 707–709.
- Permanent Court of International Justice, jurisdiction, 714–715.
- Procedure in making, 706–707.
- Publication, 712.
- Ratification, 707, 711.
- Registration with League, 707, 711.
- International Labor Office:
- International Labor Organization:
- Constitution, 692–718.
- Conventions. See International labor conventions.
- Exclusion of Germany, 696–697.
- General Conference of Representatives of Members:
- International Labor Office. See International Labor Office.
- Jurisdiction of Permanent Court of International Justice, 716.
- Membership, 697–699.
- Organization, 697–705.
- Procedure, 705–715.
- United States membership, 693–695, 703.
- International Labour Code, 712.
- International law, codification agreement, 116.
- International-law violations, German observations, 372, 377.
- International Military Tribunal, 28, 201.
- International Telegraphic Union, 572.
- International Trade Union Conference, 696.
- Interned civilians:
- Internment:
- Iraq:
- Iron ore, France-Germany, 163.
- Islands, North Pacific:
- Islands, South Pacific, mandate, 98, 101.
- Italy:
- Accession to treaty for limitation of naval armament (1936), 339.
- Aeronautical material, delivery by Germany, 354.
- Austro-Hungarian debt assumption, 828.
- Austro-Hungarian territories:
- Claims against Germany, 471.
- Conference for Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (Geneva 1932), 310–311.
- Debts, war, 398–401.
- Ethiopia, occupation, 78.
- Germany, revival of bilateral treaties, 576–577.
- Incorporation of German vessels, 347.
- League of Nations, withdrawal, 76, 78.
- Locarno pact. See Locarno, treaties of: Guaranty.
- Mandated territories, reservations, 96, 97.
- Naval armament, limitation, 338.
- Occupation army, costs, 879.
- Peace treaties and related agreements, list, 29–35.
- Reparation, 876.
- Reparation agreements, 382, 388–389, 393–394, 395, 404–407, 419–424, 427,
429, 467, 481, 483, 484, 503, 504.
- Belgian priority (1919), text, 849–851.
- Distribution of Dawes annuities (1925), text, 902–922; (1927), text, 924–927.
- Distribution of German payments (1922), text, 870–880.
- Experts’ Plan, fulfilment of (1924), text, 899–901.
- New (Young) Plan (1930), text, 927–941.
- Spa (1920), text, 851–862.
- Tonnage (1919, 1921), 848.
- Restitution arrangements, 445, 446.
- Rhineland occupation, 773, 777.
- River-tonnage loss in World War I, 497.
- Ruhr occupation, 487, 773, 782, 785.
- Shipping, adherence to 1919 distribution agreement, 848.
- War crimes trials, 371, 379.
- Japan:
- Aeronautical material, delivery by Germany, 354.
- Boundary commissions, withdrawal, 134.
- China, rights and interests, 298, 299, 300.
- Claims against Germany, 472.
- Contracts, exemption from Versailles provisions, 613, 617.
- Declaration of war against Germany, 299.
- Germany, ultimatum to, 299.
- Incorporation of German vessels, 347.
- League of Nations, withdrawal, 76–77, 316.
- Mandatory, 93–104, 278.
- Naval armament, limitation, 338–340.
- Peace treaties and related agreements, list, 29–35.
- Reparation:
- Reparation agreements, 382, 388–389, 404–406, 420–424, 427, 429, 467, 481, 483, 484, 503.
- Shipping, adherence to 1919 distribution agreement, 848.
- War crimes trials, 371, 379.
- Yap, Island of, 104, 278.
- Jewish people:
- Judgments of Allied courts, recognition by Germany, 615–616.
- Judicial settlement, members of the League, 83–84.
- Kaeckenbeeck, Georges, 244.
- Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, 652, 690.
- Kehl:
- Kiaochow:
- Kiel Canal, 651, 689–691.
- Koran, demand for restoration by Germany, 523–524.
- Labor:
- Labor organizations, League responsibility, 104.
- Landing, aircraft, freedom of, 353.
- Language:
- Latvia, war relief debts, 401.
- Lausanne, Treaty of, 96–97, 102, 119, 298.
- Lausanne settlement (1932), 404–407, 421–422, 423.
- Laval, Pierre, statement re German treaty violations, 316.
- Law, international:
- Laws and customs of war, violations, 372, 376–377.
- League Loans Committee, 262.
- League of Nations:
- Aggression, guaranties against, 83.
- Armament reduction, responsibilities, 309.
- Assembly. See Assembly, League of Nations.
- Cooperation of members in protection of Covenant, 90.
- Council. See Council, League of Nations.
- Covenant, 69–122.
- Czechoslovak minorities, guaranty of, 814–815.
- Danzig, relations, 242–245, 247, 253–259.
- Disputes, submission, 87–88, 91–92, 686–688, 691.
- Dissolution, 71, 107.
- Drugs, 104, 580.
- Eupen-Malmedy cession, 141–142.
- Expenses, 81, 82.
- Finnish-Soviet dispute, 90–91.
- Functions:
- Armament reduction, 309.
- Arms and ammunition, supervision, 104.
- Commerce, equitable treatment, 104.
- Communications and traffic, freedom, 104.
- Decision on revival of German treaties, 576.
- Direction of international bureaus and commissions, 104–105.
- Disease prevention and control, 104, 105.
- Drugs, supervision of agreements re traffic in, 104, 580.
- Labor organizations, maintenance, 104.
- Opium, supervision of agreements re traffic, 104.
- Red Cross organizations, promotion, 105.
- Women and children, supervision of agreements re traffic in, 104.
- German colonies, 277.
- German denunciation of obligations, 314.
- German–Polish boundary, 214–215.
- German proposal, 69.
- German proposal for admission (1919) and Allied reply, 41, 52–53.
- German treaty violations, 154–156.
- Guaranties of minorities, 116–117, 123, 224, 225.
- Information, exchange, 83.
- International Labor Office, connection with, 701, 702, 704, 705.
- Jurisdiction, transfer of social and state insurance, 640–642.
- Liechtenstein, question of admission, 734.
- Locarno guaranty (1925), text, 841–845.
- Luxembourg, application for membership, 146–147.
- Mandated territories, 93–104, 282–283.
- Members, 72–78.
- Acceptance of obligations by non-members in event of dispute, 91–92.
- Austria, 76.
- Bulgaria, 76.
- China, 76.
- Declarations concerning minorities, 117.
- Ecuador, 76.
- Expulsion, 90–91, 105–106.
- German application, 69.
- Germany, 76, 77, 309, 324, 555, 721, 723.
- Hungary, 76.
- Iraq, 98–99.
- List, 74–75.
- Political independence, 83.
- Requirements, 70, 73.
- Rumania, 76.
- Social and economic responsibilities, 104.
- Territorial integrity, 83.
- Members of International Labor Organization, 697–699.
- Memel, 237, 239.
- Minorities, guaranty of, 116–117, 123, 224, 225, 801.
- Monaco, question of admission, 734.
- Naval armament, limitation, 338.
- Officials:
- Peace, maintenance, 84.
- Polish minorities, guaranty of, 801.
- Property, inviolable, 82.
- Publication of treaties, 92.
- Registration of treaties, 92.
- Saar Basin Governing Commission, 173–174.
- Saar Basin plebiscite, 179–182.
- San Marino, question of admission, 734.
- Seat, 82.
- Secretariat, 78, 81, 105.
- Secretary General, 81, 107.
- Transit disputes, 686–688, 691.
- Treaties, etc., concluded under auspices, 107–121.
- Treaty Series, 92.
- Trustee for Saar Basin, 166–167.
- United States:
- Versailles Treaty, interpretation, 59.
- War, action in event of, 83–84.
- War or act of war under Covenant, 88–91.
- Withdrawals, 73.
- Lebanon:
- Legislation, national, conformity with international obligations, 147.
- Leipzig, war crimes trials, 378–379.
- Lester, Sean, 107.
- Leticia, transfer to Colombia, 111.
- Liberia, 290–292.
- Library of Louvain, German contributions, 524, 525.
- Licenses, pilot, 352.
- Liechtenstein, question of admission to League of Nations, 734.
- Life insurance, 620–622.
- Limitation, statutes of, effect of war, 613–615.
- Liquor traffic, agreements concerning, 32, 573, 574.
- Literary and artistic property, 574, 632–640, 804–805, 806, 818–819, 820.
- Lithuania:
- Livestock:
- Lloyd George, David, 847.
- Loans:
- Locarno, treaties of (1925), 77, 309, 363.
- Locomotives, 743.
- Logan, James A., Jr., 466.
- London Economic Conference (1933), 408.
- London reparation conferences:
- Louvain, German contributions to University, 524, 525.
- Lumber, transit on Niemen River, 663.
- Luxembourg, 144–148.
- Lytton Committee, 76.
- Machinery, reparation deliveries in kind, 504–508.
- Mainz, evacuation by Allies, 725.
- Majority vote, provisions for, 80, 81, 87, 105, 624, 640, 661, 671, 701, 705–706, 713, 734, 759, 801, 814–815.
- Malmédy:
- “Manchukuo”, 77.
- “Manchuria Incident”, 76.
- Mandated territories, 93–104.
- “A” mandates, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100, 102, 118, 283.
- Allocation, 94–95, 97–100, 101.
- “B” mandates, 93, 102–103, 282–283.
- “C” mandates, 93–94, 103–104, 282–283.
- Cameroons, 97, 101, 103.
- East Africa, 101, 103.
- Iraq (Mesopotamia), 94, 95, 98, 102.
- Islands, North Pacific, 98, 104.
- Islands, South Pacific, 98.
- Italian reservations, 96, 97.
- Lebanon, 98–99, 100, 101, 102.
- Mandatories. See Mandatory powers.
- Nauru, 98, 101.
- New Guinea, 98, 101.
- Palestine, 94, 95, 100, 101, 102.
- Religious commission, 96.
- Reports on, 94.
- Ruanda–Urundi, 98, 101, 103.
- Samoan Islands, 98, 101, 575.
- South-West Africa, 97, 101.
- Status, 93–94.
- Syria, 94, 95, 98–99, 100, 101, 102.
- Table, 101.
- Tanganyika, 97, 98, 101, 103.
- Texts of mandates, references, 100–101.
- Togoland, 97, 101, 103.
- Trans-Jordan, 100, 101.
- Turkish claims, renunciation, 96, 97.
- United States rights in, 101–104.
- Yap, 104, 278–279.
- Mandatory powers, 93–104, 277.
- Mannheim convention on navigation of Rhine (1868), 669–675.
- Maps:
- Marienwerder, 130–131, 231, 235.
- Marine insurance, 622–623.
- Maximalist government, Russia, 273.
- McKenna, Reginald, 385.
- Mediation, German-Polish dispute, 249–250.
- Memel, 237–241.
- Merchant marine, German, 276, 350.
- Merchant shipping. See Shipping.
- Mesopotamia. See Iraq.
- Metallurgical establishments, Alsace-Lorraine, 192.
- Meuse River, 136–137, 677–678.
- M.I.C.U.M., 787.
- Military, naval, and air clauses, Versailles, 301–365; German repudiation, 28.
- Military associations, clubs, etc., Germany, 331, 332.
- Military Inter-Allied Commission of Control (see also Inter-Allied Commissions of Control), 304, 327, 328, 332, 357–358.
- Military missions, Germany, 332–333.
- Military schools, Germany, abolishment, 331.
- Military service:
- Military training, German, 329–333.
- Military Tribunal, International, 28, 201.
- Military tribunals, 371, 376, 379.
- Miners, German, improvement of working conditions, 510.
- Mines:
- Mines (undersea), 349, 351.
- Minesweepers, 342, 349.
- Minorities:
- Missing persons, commissions of inquiry, 368–369.
- Missions, religious, 278, 734–735.
- Mixed arbitral tribunals, 423,
- Composition, 624, 625, 630.
- Connection with League Council, 624.
- Dissolution, 631–632.
- Establishment, 624.
- Functions, 639.
- German observations, 625–626.
- German property in transferred territories, 228.
- Jurisdiction, 624–625.
- Period of existence, 626–627.
- Procedures, 625, 630–632.
- Property, rights and interests, 599, 601, 602, 608.
- Redress from decisions of German courts, 632.
- Remuneration of members, 625.
- United States, non-participation, 627.
- Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany:
- Mixed Commission on War Criminals, Inter-Allied, 378.
- M’Kwawa, skull of, 523–524.
- Monaco:
- Monroe Doctrine, validity, 92.
- Montreux convention (1937), 296.
- Monuments Commission, American Battle, 370.
- Moratorium:
- Moravia, 809.
- Moresnet, 139–140.
- Morgan, J. P., 389.
- Morocco, 280–281, 292–295.
- Moscow Conference, declaration re Austria, 202.
- Moselle River, 678.
- Most-favored-nation treatment:
- Mules, restitution by Germany, 446.
- Munich agreement (1938), 203, 557.
- Munitions. See Arms, munitions, and war material.
- Münster, Treaty of, 57.
- Mutual aid:
- Narev River, 804.
- National Socialist Party:
- Nationality:
- “A” mandates, 283.
- Agreements concerning, 116, 143, 224–225, 261, 271.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 196–198.
- Belgium, 143.
- Czechoslovakia, 206–207, 811–812.
- Danzig, 260–261.
- Double, military obligations in case of, 1930 agreement, 116.
- Memel, 238, 241.
- Poland, 220–224, 798–799.
- Saar Basin, 176–177.
- Schleswig, 270–271.
- Upper Silesia, 214, 222.
- Nationals:
- Natives, mandated territories, status of, 282–283.
- Natural resources:
- Nauru, mandate, 98, 101.
- Naval armament, 337–351.
- Naval clauses, Versailles, 337; German repudiation, 28.
- Naval Committee for Destruction of ex-Enemy Ships, Inter-Allied, 328.
- Naval Inter-Allied Commission of Control (see also Inter-Allied Commissions of Control), 272, 303, 328, 345, 358.
- Navigation, 650–680.
- Aerial (see also Aviation), 351–355, 642–646.
- Czechoslovak use of areas in Hamburg and Stettin, 678–680.
- Free zones in ports, 654–655, 678–680.
- Freedom of, 653–654.
- German objections to treaty provisions, 650–653.
- International rivers, 655–678.
- Suez Canal, 297.
- Treaties concerning, 108–109, 137, 678, 679, 680.
- Navy. See Naval armament; Naval Inter-Allied Commission of Control.
- Navy, German:
- Netherlands:
- Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty of (1919), 33–34, 117.
- Neutral states:
- Neutralization:
- Newfoundland, reparation percentages, 442.
- New Guinea, mandate, 98, 101.
- New (Young) Plan (1930), 388–394, 401, 402–403, 412, 419–425, 427, 490, 503, 544, 722.
- New Zealand:
- Niemen River, 239, 650, 655, 658, 662–663, 664.
- Norway, naval armament limitation agreement re, 340.
- Noyes, Pierrepont B., 774.
- Occupation armies, 762–769, 776–778.
- Accommodations and recreation facilities, 766–767.
- Account, 882, 883.
- Costs, 388, 390, 438, 528, 529, 532–534, 724, 725, 766, 776–778, 871–878, 883–884, 905–906, 907, 913–914, 916, 919–920, 924–926, 942–946, 947–948.
- Currency, 882, 884.
- France:
- Italy, costs, 879.
- Requisition rights, 765–766.
- Taxes and duties, freedom from, 767.
- Telecommunications, 767–768.
- Transportation, 767.
- United Kingdom:
- United States:
- Costs, 388, 390, 776–778, 880–886, 906–907, 942–948.
- American priority, 882, 883–884.
- Amounts to be paid, 881, 943–944.
- Bonds, 943, 944, 945, 947–948.
- Deductions from payments due, 885.
- Execution of payments, 881–884.
- Exemption from taxation, 945–946.
- Method of payment, 944–945.
- Payments before maturity, 945.
- Postponement of payment, 945.
- Security, 945, 947.
- Text of treaty (1923), 880–886.
- Text of treaty (1930), 942–948.
- Strength, 776, 777.
- Costs, 388, 390, 776–778, 880–886, 906–907, 942–948.
- Occupation expenses:
- Occupied territories:
- Alsace-Lorraine, 377.
- Customs regime, 560.
- Palatinate, 377.
- Rhineland. See Rhineland: Occupation.
- Ruhr. See Ruhr: Occupation.
- O.C.R.W., 445, 460, 461.
- Oder River, 650, 652–653, 655, 658, 660, 661–662, 664.
- Oder, International Commission of, 661–662, 663–664.
- Olds, Robert E., 467.
- Opium:
- O.R.C.W., 445, 460, 461.
- Osnabrück, Treaty of, 57.
- Ottoman Empire, German recognition of disposition, 727.
- Ottoman Public Debt, gold deposits in Reichsbank, 538–540.
- Pacific islands, mandates, 98, 104.
- Pacific settlement of international disputes, 110, 274, 311, 557, 723, 843, 892.
- Pact of Paris, 1928: 90.
- Palatinate, occupation, 377.
- Palestine:
- Panzerschiffe, 348.
- Paris, Treaty of (1815), 727–733.
- Paris, Treaty of (1856), 665–666.
- Paris Peace Conference (1919). See Peace Conference, Paris.
- Paris reparation conference (1921), 429.
- Passage, freedom of, 353.
- Patents:
- Patijn, Rudolf J. H., 790.
- Peace guarantees, 719–726, 727, 728.
- Peace, maintenance, treaties concerning, 92, 110–111.
- Peace, treaties of:
- Austria. See Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of.
- Austria–United States (1921), 26, 630.
- Brest-Litovsk (1918), 273, 540, 578.
- Bulgaria. See Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty of.
- Central Powers–Rumania (Bucharest, 1918), 540, 579.
- China-Germany (1921), 64, 286.
- Finland-Germany (1918), 579.
- France-Germany (1871), 145, 183, 549.
- Germany. See Versailles, Treaty of.
- Germany–United States (1921), 70, 103, 123, 134, 275, 283, 301, 302, 366, 380, 530, 546, 627, 628, 642, 647, 692–693, 942.
- Greece (1920, 1923), 118.
- Hungary. See Trianon, Treaty of.
- Hungary–United States (1921), 26, 630.
- List of peace treaties and related agreements, with United States action, 29–35.
- Paris (1856), 665–666.
- Poland–Soviet Republics (1920, 1921), 794–795.
- Russia-Turkey (1878), 668.
- Tables of corresponding articles, 36–38.
- Turkey. See Lausanne, Treaty of.
- Turkey (Sèvres, 1920), 7, 95–96.
- United States relationship, 9–13, 29–35.
- Peace Conference, Paris (1919), 3–8.
- Peking, German public and private property, 287.
- Penalties, Versailles, 371–380.
- Pensions:
- Perkins, Thomas Nelson, 467.
- Permanent Advisory Committee for Military, Naval, and Air Questions, 363.
- Permanent Court of International Justice:
- Austro-German customs union, 200.
- Czechoslovak minority disputes, 815.
- Czechoslovak-Polish boundary, 205.
- Danzig opinions, 254, 256, 260.
- Dissolution, 86.
- Establishment, 86.
- European Commission of Danube, jurisdiction, 666.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan, jurisdiction, 901.
- French-Swiss customs questions, 732–733.
- German minorities in Poland, 223.
- German reparation, 891–892, 893–894, 896, 897.
- Instruments concerning, references, 115–116.
- Insurance funds, transfer, 642.
- International labor conventions, 714–715.
- International Labor Organization, 716.
- International law, questions relating to, 85.
- International obligations, breaches, 85.
- Interpretation of treaties, 85.
- Jurisdiction, 86.
- Memel dispute, 240.
- New (Young) Plan, disputes under, 936, 937, 940.
- Oder Commission, jurisdiction, 662
- Polish minority disputes, 801.
- Statute of, 86.
- Transit disputes, 686.
- United States.
- Senate rejection, 86.
- Upper Savoy and Gex, customs, 732–733.
- Upper Silesian minority problems, 215.
- Wimbledon decision re Kiel canal, 690.
- Permanent Mandates Commission, 282–283.
- Peru:
- Pharmaceutical products, 516–517.
- Photographic apparatus, delivery by Germany to Allies, 354.
- Pilot licenses, 352.
- Plebiscite:
- Allenstein, 231–233.
- Alsace-Lorraine, German proposals, 183–184.
- Belgian-German territory, 140–142.
- Costs of occupation, 910.
- East Prussia, 230–234.
- German-Polish communes, 130.
- German proposals, 122.
- Marienwerder, 233–235.
- Saar Basin, 163, 164, 166, 167, 179–182.
- Schleswig, 262–269.
- Upper Silesia, 210–214, 216–219, 231.
- Plebiscite commissions:
- “Pocket battleships”, 348.
- Poland, 208–230.
- Austro-Hungarian territories:
- Boundaries, 208–216.
- British guaranty, 245–247.
- Claims against Germany, 274, 474.
- Consuls, 802.
- Curzon line, 793–794.
- Customs:
- Danzig, relations, 241–250, 254, 256–260.
- Debt assumption, 228, 229, 535, 536, 807, 828.
- Debts, war relief, 401.
- Diplomatic and consular representation, 801–802.
- France:
- Gdynia, port of, 260, 556.
- German observations and Allied reply, 39, 49–50.
- German property, payment for, 537.
- Germany:
- Incorporation of German vessels, 347.
- Independence, treaty of 1919, 119; (text), 791–808.
- Inhabitants, undertakings re, 798–801.
- Insurance funds transferred by Germany, 641–642.
- Invasion (1939), 227, 557–558.
- Jewish communities, 800–801.
- Language, 799, 800.
- Minorities, 222–227, 230, 246, 250, 800–801.
- Mutual-assistance agreements (1939), 248.
- Nationality in transferred territory, 220–224.
- Nationals, 798–799.
- Naval-armament limitation, agreement re, 340.
- Peace treaties and related agreements, list, 29–35.
- Property liquidation, 228.
- Property protection, 804–805.
- Recognition, 795.
- Religious freedom, 798, 799, 800.
- Reparation:
- Reparation agreements, 388, 393, 404–407, 420–424.
- Restitution arrangements, 445–447.
- River tonnage delivered by Germany, 660.
- Russia, boundary controversy, 794.
- Schools, 800.
- Shipping, most-favored-nation treatment, 803.
- Tariffs for transit traffic, 803.
- Territorial extent, 792–793.
- Transit, freedom of, 803.
- Treaty undertakings, 804–805.
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, agreements inoperative (1939), 795.
- Upper Silesia:
- Polish Corridor, 130, 133, 246, 250.
- Political clauses for Europe, 134–275.
- Pomerania, 209, 210.
- Ports, 647–680, 687–689.
- Portugal:
- Posen, 209.
- Postal service:
- Postal Union, Universal, 571, 572, 819.
- Potash mines, Alsace-Lorraine, 192.
- Poultry, restitution by Germany, 504.
- Prescriptions, 613–615.
- Principal Allied and Associated Powers, definition, 4, 57–58.
- Prisoners of war, 365–371.
- Private debts, 581–596.
- Private property, 596–612.
- Prize courts, 736.
- Property, 596–612.
[Page 989]
- Accounts and documents, delivery of, 611.
- Agreements concerning, 279, 420, 447, 574, 575, 586, 587, 599, 603, 627.
- Allied, most-favored-nation treatment in Germany, 562, 563.
- Allied colonies, 598, 611.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 194.
- Austria-Hungary, transfer to acquiring states, 411–412, 836–838, 878–880.
- Belgium, 143.
- Bureaus of Private Property and Interests, 603.
- “Cash assets”, 610–611.
- Ceded territories, 420, 439, 536–538.
- Claims of Allied nationals, 608.
- Compensation, 459, 470–475, 599, 600, 602, 604, 605; chart (1932), 604.
- Conservation by Germany of Allied rights, 609.
- Currency, property settlements, 611.
- Czechoslovakia, 423, 818–819.
- Danish-German frontier zone, 267, 268.
- Danzig, 261.
- Documents of title, 610.
- Enemy:
- “Exceptional war measures”, 607.
- German:
- German colonies, 277, 279, 538, 639–640.
- German objections to Versailles provisions, 596–597.
- German-Siamese relations, 289, 600–601.
- Industrial. See Industrial property.
- Interest rate, property settlements, 611.
- Liquidation, 228, 393, 582, 598, 601–602, 602–603, 608–611, 741.
- Literary and artistic (see also Industrial property), 632–640, 804–805, 818–819.
- Measures of transfer, 607.
- Mixed arbitral tribunals, 599, 601, 602, 608.
- Most-favored-nation treatment in Germany, 653–654.
- Poland, 228, 229, 804–805.
- Prisoners of war, restoration to, 369.
- Private, 596–612.
- Proceeds and cash assets, to whom credited or paid, 601–602.
- Rate of exchange, property settlements, 611.
- Reconstruction costs, 478.
- Restitution, 443–449, 599–600, 603, 609–610.
- Restoration, 369, 533, 598, 605.
- Rhineland, 783, 784, 786, 787.
- Rights and interests, 596–612.
- Ruhr, 783, 784.
- Saar Basin, 171, 174, 175, 177.
- Schleswig, 270–271.
- Siam, relations with Germany, 289, 600–601.
- Strasbourg-Kehl, 189.
- Taxes levied, restoration to owners, 602.
- Transfer of, 882–883.
- Transfer of German rights in, 541–543.
- Value in ceded territories, 439.
- Vesting orders, 605–606.
- Protectorates, British:
- Egypt, 295.
- Protectorates, French:
- Protocols, Versailles, 740–748.
- Prussia. See East Prussia.
- Public-utility undertakings:
- Public works in German colonies, 280.
- Quinine salts, 519.
- Radio-broadcasting convention (1936), 115.
- Railways, 647–649,
- Agreements concerning, 109, 131, 566, 567, 681, 682, 683, 686, 689, 804, 805–806, 818, 819–820.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 192, 195.
- Armistice provisions re, 360.
- Austria-Hungary, 828.
- Bridges, value, 439.
- Cessions of, 124, 145, 683–684.
- Construction, Czechoslovakia-Germany, 685.
- Czechoslovakia, 685.
- Danzig, 259, 260.
- Germany, 647–649, 655, 680–689.
- International transport through Germany, 655, 680–683, 685–686.
- Polish Corridor, 236.
- Rates, 680, 682–683.
- Reparation contribution, 386, 404.
- Restitution of stationary material and rolling stock, 444–446, 448, 537–538, 683–684, 741, 743.
- Rhineland, 161, 767, 783, 786, 787.
- Rolling stock:
- Ruhr, 783.
- Saar Basin, 170, 174, 175.
- Saar Railways Defense Force, 167.
- St. Gothard, 686.
- Strasbourg-Kehl, 189, 190.
- Transitory provisions of Versailles Treaty, 686.
- Treaties concerning, 109, 131, 566, 567, 681–683, 686, 689, 804–806, 818–820.
- Troop transportation, 686.
- Tsingtao-Tsinanfu, 298, 300.
- Rapallo, Treaty of (1922), 531.
- Rate of exchange, pre-war, definition, 583.
- Rathbone, Albert R., 463, 466.
- Reconstruction, German proposals (1919), 42.
- Reconstruction materials, reparation deliveries in kind, 504.
- Records, transfer, 143, 184, 268.
- Recruiting and military training, Germany, 329–333.
- Red Cross organizations, League promotion, 105.
- Refugees, treaties concerning, 120–121.
- Reichsbank, 385, 944–945.
- Relief Union, International, 121.
- Religion, freedom of, 177, 226, 230.
- Religious missions, German, 278, 734–735.
- Renunciation of war, Russian violation of treaty, 90.
- Reparation (see also
Reparation Commission):
- Austria:
- Austro-Hungarian territories ceded, effect on reparation claims of acquiring states, 823–824, 830, 832–833, 835, 836–837, 878–880.
- Belgian priority agreement (1919), text, 849–851.
- Bulgaria:
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan. See Experts’ (Dawes) Plan.
- Finance Ministers’ Agreements. See Finance Ministers’ Agreement (1922) and (1925).
- Germany, 380–526, 528–529.
- “Abrogation” of Versailles provisions, 27
- Aeronautical material, 354, 747.
- Agent-General for Reparation Payments, 897–898.
- Agricultural material, 444, 446, 507–508, 745–746.
- Allied legislation, 867.
- Allied seizure of goods in Rhineland and Ruhr, 783.
- Amount, 428–438, 852.
- Annuities (see also Experts’ (Dawes) Plan), 193–194, 385–386, 387, 390, 394, 398–399, 401.
- Applications re defaults, 900.
- Arbitral commissions, 892–894, 900.
- Arbitral Tribunal of Interpretation, 187, 193–194, 386, 445.
- Arbitration, provision for (see also Arbitration), 891–892, 896–897.
- Art, works of, 444–446, 448, 522, 524–525, 744–745, 908.
- Australian claims, 442, 471.
- Belgium. See Belgium: Reparation.
- Bolivian claims, 474.
- Bonds, 387, 409–410, 435–436, 439, 476–480, 862–870, 876, 877, 879–880, 943, 944, 945, 947–948.
- Series “A”, text, 868–869.
- Brazilian claims, 473.
- Cables, 276, 278, 298, 300, 455, 520–522.
- Canadian claims, 442, 471.
- Cash payments, 439–440, 500–501, 875, 876, 892.
- Changes in system, 381.
- Civilian population, compensation for damage to, 425, 457–459, 470–475.
- Claims. See Claims, Allied; Claims, German; Claims, United States.
- Coal, 162–164, 169, 170, 422, 440, 485, 486, 508–515, 782, 875, 876, 895.
- Collection of payments, 867, 897–898.
- Commercialization, 386, 390.
- Concerted financial maneuvers, 897.
- Control of securities, 897–898.
- Creditors, 276.
- Credits, 164, 170, 190, 207, 262, 271, 288, 294, 300, 328, 329, 369, 408–410, 437, 439, 454–455, 512, 521–522, 529, 533–534, 537, 541, 658–659, 660, 675, 684, 741, 777, 846, 862, 867, 872, 874, 875, 877, 878, 881–882, 883, 884.
- Cruisers, 747.
- Cuban claims, 474.
- Customs duties, 479.
- Czechoslovakian claims, 473.
- Debts, intergovernmental, 394–400.
- Defaults, 430–431, 433, 434, 439, 482–488, 510, 511, 743, 745–746, 772, 773, 780, 781–782, 900.
- Deliveries, program of, 892–896.
- Deliveries in kind, 422, 440, 488, 489, 490–520, 785, 867, 873, 874, 875, 876, 892–898, 911–912, 913, 934.
- Dependents, compensation for, 457–459, 470–474.
- Destroyers, 747.
- Determination of total amount due, 852.
- Dirigibles, 355.
- Distribution of payments (1922), 870–880.
- Division, 440–442.
- Dyestuffs and drugs, 440, 515–520, 885, 895.
- Economic resources, 440.
- Equatorial Africa, 281.
- European Commission of Danube, 475, 668, 910.
- Execution of Versailles provisions, 381, 867.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan. See Experts’ (Dawes) Plan.
- Exports, 451, 479, 501.
- France. See France: Reparation.
- German proposals and Allied replies, 40, 42, 52, 455–457, 528–530.
- Greek claims, 473.
- Haitian claims, 474.
- Hoover moratorium, 400–404.
- Index of prosperity, 387, 391.
- Inflation, effect of 381, 382, 451–453, 487.
- Initial payment, 438–440.
- Interest (see also Interest rates), 482, 867, 914.
- Investigations, 741.
- Italian agreement (1919), 859; text, 831–838.
- Italian claims, 471.
- Japanese claims, 472.
- Labor and material, 489.
- Lausanne settlement (1932), 404–407, 421–422, 423.
- Liberian claims, 474, 603.
- Livestock, 445, 446, 485, 504–507.
- Luxembourg, 513.
- Machinery, 504–508.
- Mixed Claims Commission. See Mixed Claims Commission, United States-Germany.
- Moratorium (1922), 381, 382, 452–453; (1932), 400–404.
- New (Young) Plan. See New (Young) Plan.
- New Zealand claims, 471.
- 1922-23 proposals, 382–383.
- Occupation-army costs. See Occupation armies.
- Out-payments, 394, 398–399, 401.
- Pensions, 457–458, 470–474.
- Percentages, 441–442, 852, 909.
- Permanent Court of International Justice, 891–892, 893–894, 896, 897.
- Peruvian claims, 474.
- Polish claims, 274, 474.
- Portuguese claims, 472.
- Priority in national economy, 530–532, 534.
- Prisoners of war:
- Property, 369, 443–449, 459, 470–475, 533, 598–600, 602–605, 609–610.
- Railways, 386, 404, 439, 444–446, 448, 537–538, 683–684, 741, 743.
- Reconstruction materials, 504.
- “Reparation” account, definition, 882.
- Responsibility, 413–419.
- Restoration of invaded areas, 503–504, 506, 866–867.
- Revenues assigned, 479–480.
- River tonnage, 445, 446, 497, 658–660, 675, 747.
- Ruhr accounts, 785–786, 911–912.
- Ruhr occupation, effect of, 486–487.
- Rumanian claims, 472, 540–541.
- Russian rights, 273.
- Sanctions, 487–488, 900–901.
- Scapa Flow, destruction of German fleet, 344, 345, 347, 744, 746–748.
- Schedule of payments:
- Serbian claims, 472.
- Shipping, 439, 440, 445, 446, 470–474, 490–499, 845–848, 856–858, 860–861.
- Siamese claims, 289, 473, 604.
- South African claims, 471.
- Spa agreement (1920). See Spa reparation agreement.
- Special Committee, 893, 895–896.
- Submarine cables, 276, 278, 298, 300, 455, 520–522.
- Submarine engines and motors, 747.
- Supervision of German legislation, 450–453.
- Tables, 408–412.
- Taxes imposed in occupied countries, compensation for, 459, 470, 472, 473, 602.
- Taxes in Germany, 386, 476, 479–480, 933.
- Timber, 485, 781.
- Total amount due, 428–438, 852.
- Transfer Committee, 892–893, 894, 896, 897, 898.
- Treaties, agreements, etc. See Treaties, agreements, etc.: Reparation.
- Tugs, 747.
- United Kingdom. See under United Kingdom.
- United States. See under United States.
- “War guilt” articles, 413–419.
- Hungary:
- Italy, payments to, treaty of 1919 and modifying declaration, 859; text, 831–838.
- Joint liability, 419–425.
- Lausanne settlement, 404–407, 421–422, 423.
- New (Young) Plan. See New (Young) Plan.
- Spa agreement (1920). See Spa reparation agreement (1920).
- Treaties, agreements, etc., re. See Treaties, agreements, etc.: Reparation.
- “Wilson-Lloyd George agreement” (1919), 491; text, 845–848.
- Reparation Commission:
- Alsace-Lorraine decisions, 186.
- Approval of agreements for deliveries in kind, 874–875.
- Austrian debts, pre-war, 825–826, 827.
- Austrian Section, 460.
- Austro-Hungarian Territories:
- Certificate of bond holdings, 482.
- Coal deliveries, 509–512.
- Collection of payments, 867, 897–898.
- Composition, 461–462, 467, 468.
- Confidential information, 741.
- Control of securities, 897–898.
- Cost, 904.
- Creation of committees of experts, 384.
- Damage to civilian population, decisions re, 458–459.
- Dates of belligerency, 426, 436.
- Debts, new states, 583.
- Denial of German claims re payments to German nationals, 605.
- Disposition of German war material, 327–328, 329, 332.
- Disputes, arbitration, 891–892.
- Distribution of payments (1922), 870–880.
- Equatorial Africa, 281.
- Establishment, 381, 428, 459, 463–464.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan. See Experts’ (Dawes) Plan.
- Foreign currencies, invoicing in, 550.
- French vote decisive, 468.
- Functions and powers, 428, 429, 433, 438, 443–445, 447, 450, 469–470, 475–480, 481–484, 505–506, 514–515, 518–519, 524, 530–532, 535–536, 541, 583, 846–847, 853–854, 857, 877, 881–882, 910, 911, 915, 917, 918, 925.
- German colonies, 280.
- German commercial regime, investigation, 546.
- German defaults, applications re, 900.
- German dyestuffs:
- German observations, 40, 469–470, 528;
- Allied reply, 52.
- German recognition, 449–450.
- Germany, termination of relations, 932.
- Hungarian reparation, 422.
- Liquidation, 390, 394, 480, 490.
- Majority vote, 481, 483.
- Maritime Service, 492.
- Meetings, 468.
- Memel, German property in, 238.
- Moratorium (1922), 452–453.
- Morocco, State Bank of, 294.
- Occupation army, United States, costs, 881.
- Organization chart, 460.
- Poland, property transferred to, 228, 229.
- Program of deliveries, 892–893, 895–896.
- Proof of claims, 475.
- Receipt of payments, 867, 897, 898.
- Responsibility of members, 489.
- Rules of procedure, 475.
- Saar coal mines, 169.
- Schedule of payments (1921), 862–870, 875.
- Shipping, 846–847.
- States entitled to reparation, 436.
- Superseded in part, 386.
- Trade secrets, 741.
- Unanimity requirements, 480–481, 490, 937–938.
- United States participation, 13, 25, 460–467, 546, 899–900.
- Voting procedure, 468, 480–487, 490, 937–938.
- Reparation conferences:
- Repatriation:
- Representatives, House of, peace with Germany, 15–19.
- Restitution, 443–449, 522–526.
- Restitution Services, 444.
- Restoration of invaded areas, 503–504, 506, 866–867.
- Revision Commission, Chinese customs, 286–287.
- Rhine-Meuse canal, 136, 677–678.
- Rhine River, 650–653, 669–678.
- Rhineland (see also
Rhineland High Commission):
- Administration, 159, 161, 765, 778–780.
- Armistice provisions re, 763–764, 771.
- Communications, 767–768.
- Courts, 765.
- Currency, 783–784, 787.
- Customs, 430–431, 559–560, 781, 786, 787.
- Demilitarization, 148–161, 333–334, 771–772.
- Entry of German troops (1936), 152–159.
- Evacuation by Allied forces, 391, 722–726, 773, 775, 777, 789–791.
- Evacuation by Germany, 763, 764.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan, 723.
- Extent of occupied area, 771–772.
- German commissioners, 775, 779.
- German concessions, 676–678.
- German troops in (1919), 772.
- German troops in (1936), 364, 791.
- Military occupation, Allied, 770–771.
- National Socialist Party, 791.
- Occupation, Allied, 430–431, 719–726, 762–791.
- Occupation, German, 364, 791.
- Police, 763.
- Postal service, 768.
- Property:
- Railways, 161, 767, 783, 786, 787.
- Separatist movement, 780.
- State of siege, 768, 769.
- United Kingdom guaranty to France pending demilitarization, unperfected, 761.
- United States guaranty to France pending demilitarization, unperfected, 758.
- Rhineland Commission (see also Rhineland High Commission), 771.
- Rhineland High Commission, 306, 352, 431, 533, 723, 773–775.
- Rhineland Navigation Commission, 362, 779–780.
- Rhineland Railway Commission, 779, 783.
- “Rights and interests”, definition, 542.
- River tonnage:
- Rivers:
- Boundary, 133.
- Bug, 804.
- Control by international commissions, 650–653, 662–671, 673, 676–678.
- Danube, 108, 475, 650, 652–653, 655, 658, 660, 664–669, 910.
- International (see also Waterways: International), 650–653, 655–678.
- Meuse, 136–137, 677–678.
- Narev, 804.
- Niemen, 239, 650, 655, 658, 662–663, 664.
- Oder, 650, 652–653, 655, 658, 660, 661–662, 664.
- Rhine, 126, 189–190, 650–653, 669–678, 780.
- Scheldt, 136–137.
- Vistula, 210, 234–235, 259, 650, 804.
- Roads, Armistice provisions re, 360.
- Rouher, Eugène, 522.
- Ruanda-Urundi:
- Ruhr:
- Rumania:
- Abrogation of German treaties, 578.
- Austro-Hungarian debt assumption, 825–828, 829.
- Austro-Hungarian territories:
- Claims against Germany, 472.
- Danube, condition for improvement, 668.
- Danube, dispute concerning, 666–667.
- Debts, war, 398–400, 401.
- League of Nations, membership, 76.
- Peace treaties and related agreements, list, 29–35.
- Property transfers, 423.
- Reparation:
- Reparation agreements, 388, 395, 404–407, 419–424, 467, 483, 484, 503, 504.
- Restitution arrangements, 445, 446.
- Treaty with Allied Powers (1919), 33, 119.
- Russia (see also Union of Soviet Socialist Republics):
- Russstrom-Memel-Niemen. See Niemen River.
- Ruthene territory, 809, 814.
- Saar Basin, 162–182.
- Administration, treaties concerning, 107.
- Boundaries, 165–166.
- Coal, French right to purchase, 182.
- Coal mines:
- Communications, 170–171.
- Courts, 176.
- Currency, 178.
- Customs duties, 177–178.
- Demilitarization, 177.
- Foreign relations, 174.
- German observations, 39, 162–163; Allied reply, 50.
- Government, 166–167, 173–179.
- Inhabitants, rights, 167, 175–176, 177.
- Insurance, social, 169–170, 176.
- Labor, 172, 175.
- League of Nations as trustee, 166–167, 173–174.
- Military forces in, 167.
- Military service, prohibition, 177.
- Nationality, 176–177.
- Plebiscite, 163, 164, 166, 167, 179–182.
- Property, 171, 174–175, 177.
- Railways, 167, 170, 174–175.
- Reparation, German credits, 454.
- Schools, 172–173.
- Taxation, 172, 176.
- Transfer to Germany, 180.
- Transportation, 175.
- Woman suffrage, 177, 180.
- Saar Basin Governing Commission, 166–167, 173–179.
- Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of, 30–31, 117, 809, 823–824, 832, 833, 835.
- Assumption of pre-war Austrian debts, 823–824; text, 825–828.
- Austro-German relations, 199, 200.
- Customs regime with Czechoslovakia and Hungary, 816.
- Insurance-contract provisions, 621.
- Italian reparation, 832, 833, 835.
- Patents, etc., time extensions, 637.
- Property transfers, text, 836–838.
- Reparation, 411, 415, 418, 859, 877.
- Restitution, works of art, 525–526.
- Supplementary agreements, 30–31.
- Table of articles corresponding to those in other peace treaties, 36–38.
- Timetable, 6.
- United States:
- Salt industry, Shantung, transfer to China, 300.
- Samoa:
- San Marino, question of admission to League of Nations, 734.
- Sanctions, 780–786.
- Sanitation, agreements re, 114–115, 569–570, 806, 820.
- Savoy, status, 727–733.
- Scapa Flow, 344, 345, 347, 744, 746–748.
- Schedule of Payments (1921), 387, 433–434, 435–438, 439–440, 450, 478, 862–870, 875.
- Schedule of Payments (1930), 412.
- Scheldt River, 136–137.
- Schleswig:
- Schools:
- Seaplanes, 351, 354.
- Secretariat, League of Nations, 78.
- Secretary General, League of Nations, 81.
- Securities:
- Self-determination, German contentions, 122.
- Senate, United States:
- Serb-Croat-Slovene State:
- Settlement of War Claims Act (United States, 1928), 629, 630, 943.
- Sèvres, Treaty of (1920), 7, 95–96.
- Shanghai, 288.
- Shantung:
- Sheep, restitution by Germany, 446, 504–507.
- Sherifian Empire. See Morocco.
- Shipping (see also
- Agreements re, 108, 491, 495, 568, 727, 845- 848, 856–858, 860–861, 914.
- Allied claims, 470–474, 847.
- Allied losses, 491.
- Allied retention of captured tonnage, 846–847.
- Allied vessels in German ports and waterways, 560, 647–649, 653–654.
- Austria-Hungary, distribution agreements, 727.
- Brazil, 491, 846.
- Certificates and documents, 560.
- Claims against Germany, 470–474, 847.
- Czechoslovakia, 817.
- Distribution of enemy tonnage (1919), text, 845–848.
- Fishing boats:
- Flag, recognition, 560, 689, 804, 818.
- German:
- German proposals (1919), 42, 276.
- Inspection and police rights, 560.
- Most-favored-nation treatment by Germany, 560.
- Neutral, German indemnity payments, 531–532.
- Poland, 803.
- Reparation, 439, 440, 445, 446, 470–474, 490–499, 845–848, 856–858, 860–861.
- Restitution, 445, 446, 490–491, 494–495.
- Rhine, freedom of navigation, 674.
- River tonnage:
- Spa agreement (1920), 856–858.
- Shipping amendment, 914.
- United States reservation, 860–861.
- Versailles economic provisions, 560–561.
- “Wilson-Lloyd George Agreement” (1919), 491; text, 845–848.
- Siam:
- Silesia (see also Upper Silesia), 203–204, 809.
- Silk, artificial, import duties on, 559.
- Skull of Sultan M’Kwawa, 523–524.
- Slesvig. See Schleswig.
- Slovakia, 809.
- Soldiers’ dependents, German compensation for allowances to, 458–459, 470–474.
- Soldiers’ graves, 371.
- South Africa. See Union of South Africa.
- South-West Africa, mandate, 97, 101.
- Sovereignty, Chinese, restoration in Tientsin and Hankow, 288.
- Sovereignty, German, alleged loss, 565.
- Sows, restitution by Germany, 507.
- Spa reparation agreement (1920), 329, 419, 427, 441–442, 455, 494, 509–511, 537, 778, 877, 878, 879, 880, 917. [Page 999]
- Spa reparation conference (1920), 438.
- Spain, reparation, 532.
- Special Committee on German reparation, 893, 895–896.
- Spitsbergen, treaty of 1920, 35.
- S.R.R.K., 445, 460, 461.
- Statutes of limitation, effect of war on, 613–615.
- Stettin, provision for free zone in, 678–679.
- Stock-exchange contracts, 618.
- Strasbourg:
- Stresemann, Gustav, 26, 418.
- Submarine cables, 276, 278, 298, 300, 455, 520–522, 566.
- Submarines:
- Sudeten Germans, 203.
- Suez Canal, 297, 568.
- Suffrage, universal, 177, 180, 217, 232, 238, 264.
- Sulphate of ammonia, reparation deliveries, 514.
- Supreme Council, 5.
- Supreme War Council, 58.
- Sweden:
- Switzerland:
- Syria:
- Tanganyika:
- Tangier Zone, 293–294.
- Tariffs (see also Customs):
- Tatra, international game reserve, 205.
- Taxes:
- Telecommunications:
- Telegraph stations, German, 351.
- Telephones, 327.
- Textile Alliance Incorporated, 517–518.
- Textile products, German, processed in Alsace-Lorraine, 191.
- Tientsin, German concessions, 287, 288.
- Timber:
- Timber products:
- Time-limits, Treaty of Versailles, 748–754.
- Tobacco monopoly, Danzig, 262.
- Togoland:
- Tonnage agreement (1919), text, 845–848.
- Tools, reparation deliveries in kind, 504–508.
- Trade. See Commerce.
- Trade-marks, 635.
- Trans-Jordan, mandate, 100, 101.
- Transfer Committee, German reparation, 892–893, 894, 896, 897, 898.
- Transit, freedom of, 688, 689.
- Transportation:
- Treaties, agreements, etc.:
- Aaland Islands:
- Abrogation of German, 577, 578–579.
- Act of Vienna (1815), 727–733.
- Aerial navigation:
- African trade:
- Aggression by Germany, France-United States (1919), text, 757–762.
- Agricultural machinery (1919), 745.
- Agricultural-mortgage credit (1931), 111.
- Agriculture:
- Alexandretta, France-Turkey (1939), 99.
- Allenstein (1920), 130, 131.
- Alliance:
- Alsace-Lorraine (1920), 186, 187.
- Amnesty:
- Anatolia (1920), 96.
- Anti-Comintern pact (Germany, Japan, and Italy, 1936 and 1937), 274.
- Applicable at end of World War I:
- Arbitration, 92.
- 1923: 111.
- 1927: 111.
- Germany-Poland (1924), 224.
- Locarno. See Locarno, treaties of.
- Armament reduction, German (1920, 1922, 1925, 1927, 1930, 1931), 302, 303–304.
- Armistice. See Armistice: Agreements.
- Arms and ammunition:
- Art, works of (see also Literary and artistic works, infra):
- Austria, financial restoration (1922), 111.
- Austro-Hungarian territories:
- Automotive traffic (1909), 566.
- Aviation:
- Austria-Germany (1925), 646.
- Belgium-Germany (1926), 646.
- Conference of Ambassadors-Germany (1926), 352.
- Czechoslovakia-Germany (1927), 646.
- Danzig-Germany, 645.
- Denmark-Germany (1922), 645.
- France-Germany (1926), 645–646.
- Germany-Italy (1927), 646.
- Germany-Netherlands (1922), 645.
- Germany-Norway (1929), 646.
- Germany-Poland (1929), 646.
- Germany-Saar Basin Governing Commission (1930), 646.
- Germany-Spain (1927), 646.
- Germany-Sweden (1925), 646.
- Germany-Switzerland (1920), 645.
- Germany-United Kingdom (1927), 646.
- Bank for International Settlements (1930), 932.
- Barcelona statute on freedom of transit (1921), 110, 239, 688–689, 804, 817–818.
- Barcelona statute on international waterways (1921), 108–109, 658, 663, 671, 680, 689, 804, 818.
- Bemelmans-Cuntze agreement (1922), 502, 504, 882.
- Berlin (1878), 666.
- Berlin, General Act of (1885), 281–282.
- Bonds, German (1920), 511.
- Bosnia-Herzegovina (Austria-Hungary and Turkey, 1909), 837.
- Boundary:
- 1920: 35, 202, 210.
- Belgium-Germany:
- Czechoslovakia, 202–203.
- Czechoslovakia-Germany:
- Czechoslovakia-Poland (1920-24), 204–205.
- France, frontiers (1815), 727–733.
- France-Germany (1925), 125.
- German and inter-Allied re Poland, 130–131.
- Germany-Poland, 130–131.
- Iraq, Turkey, United Kingdom (1926), 98.
- Poland-Soviet Russia (1922), 795.
- Saar Basin (1920), 166.
- Boxer Protocol (1901), 283–285.
- Brest-Litovsk (1918), 273, 540, 578.
- Brussels, General Act of (1890), 281–282.
- Brussels protocols (1919), 746.
- Bucharest (1918), 540, 579.
- Buoyage, maritime (1936), 108.
- Buoyage and lighting, coastal (1930), 108.
- Cables, submarine (1884, 1886, 1887), 566.
- Cameroons:
- Capitulations in Egypt (1937), 296.
- Ceded properties (1930), 420.
- Chinese customs:
- Civil procedure (1905), 575.
- Civil rights, Belgium-Germany (1867), 145.
- Claims:
- Coal, reparation (1919), 509.
- France-Germany (1921), 875.
- Coblenz occupation, amnesty (1926), 724.
- Collisions and salvage at sea (1910), 568.
- Commerce:
- Austria–United Kingdom, 201.
- China–United States (1903), 286.
- Czechoslovakia-Germany (1930), 680.
- Finland-Germany (1918), 579.
- France-Germany re Alsace-Lorraine (1920), 191.
- France-Germany re Saar Basin (1926, 1927), 178.
- Germany-Luxembourg:
- Germany-Poland:
- Iraq–United States (1938), 102.
- Unification of statistics (1913), 567.
- Communications, 108–110.
- Concert pitch (1885), 570.
- Conciliation (1929), 392.
- Consular jurisdiction, Egypt-Germany (1925), 296.
- Counterfeiting currency (1929), 112.
- Court, international criminal (1937), 116.
- Customs:
- Customs simplification (1923), 802, 816.
- Customs union, Belgium–Luxembourg (1921), 558–559.
- Czechoslovakia (1919), 118; text, 808–822.
- Danube:
- Danzig:
- Debts:
- Austria-Hungary (1923, 1931), 828–829.
- Belgium–France (1920), 584.
- Belgium–United States (1925), 427.
- Egyptian public (1885), 296.
- France–United States (1931), 401.
- Germany–Saar Governing Commission (1924), 584–585.
- Germany–United States (1930), 630, 778.
- Germany, various Clearing Offices (1921), 584.
- Hoover moratorium (1931), 401–402, 404; (1932), 403, 404.
- Liberation (1930), 420.
- Debts, private:
- Defaults, German (see also Defaults, German):
- Deliveries in kind (1921-30), 502–504, 874.
- Destruction of German fleet at Scapa Flow, reparation for (1920), 344–346.
- Dirigibles (Germany and inter-Allied Powers, 1921), 355.
- Disarmament, German:
- Distribution of German reparation payments (1922), 885; text, 870–880.
- Drugs, 120:
- Dyestuffs (1919-22), 516, 517, 520.
- Economic, 111–114, 565–571.
- Eggs, marking of (1931), 562.
- Elbe (1922-23), 661.
- Electric power (1923), 108.
- Emigrants (1929), 119.
- Equatorial Africa (France-Germany, 1911, 1912), 280–281.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan. See Experts’ (Dawes) Plan.
- Extradition, Austria–United Kingdom, 201.
- Extraterritoriality:
- False indications of origin (1891, 1911), 561, 806–807, 821.
- Films (1933), 115.
- Finance, 111–114.
- Australia-Germany (1930), 587.
- Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ukraine (1918), 578.
- Bank for International Settlements (1930), 932.
- Belgium-Germany:
- Canada-Germany (1930), 587.
- China-Germany (1921), 531.
- Danzig-Poland (1935), 243.
- Debts. See Debts, supra.
- Estonian currency and banking reform (1926), 113.
- Finance Ministers’ Agreements. See Finance Ministers’ Agreement (1922) and (1925).
- Financial assistance (1930), 110.
- France-Germany:
- Funding agreements with United States (1923-28), 398, 427.
- German bonds (1920), 511.
- Germany-Italy (1930), 587.
- Germany-New Zealand (1930), 587.
- Germany-Poland (1929), 586.
- Germany-Reparation Commission:
- Germany-Russia (1918), 578.
- Germany–Saar Basin Governing Commission (1921-24), 169–170, 176.
- Germany–United Kingdom:
- Greek currency stabilization (1927), 113.
- Hungary, financial reconstruction (1924), 113.
- Loans. See Loans, infra.
- Rumania, technical advisory cooperation (1933), 113.
- Saar coal mines (1922), 170.
- “Standstill” (1931), 402.
- Finance Ministers’ Agreements. See Finance Ministers’ Agreement (1922) and (1925).
- Fisheries (1882, 1889), 573.
- Flag, right of states without seacoast (1921), 689, 804, 818.
- Food supply of German miners (1920), 511.
- Fortifications:
- France, frontiers (1815), 727–733.
- Friendship and alliance:
- Frontier zone:
- Gas, poison (1925), 110.
- German constitution, cancelation of art. 61 (1919), 33.
- German navy (Germany–United Kingdom, 1935), 339.
- German obligations under Versailles Treaty, duration, 564.
- German privileges re Samoa, termination, 575.
- Gillet-Ruppel agreement (1922), 502, 504, 882.
- Guaranty:
- Health. See Sanitation, infra.
- Heligoland (1890), 272.
- History teaching (1937), 115.
- Hospital ships (Hague, 1904), 568.
- Hydraulic power (1923), 108.
- Ifni, declaration concerning (1925), 110.
- Inapplicable, review by League Assembly, 92.
- Industrial property:
- Iraq (Iraq, United Kingdom, United States, 1930), 102.
- Judicial, France-Germany re Alsace-Lorraine (1920), 196.
- Kehl, status (France-Germany, 1920), 189, 190.
- Kiaochow (China-Germany, 1898), 298, 299.
- Lausanne. See Lausanne, Treaty of.
- Lausanne settlement (1932), 404–407, 421–422, 423.
- Law, codification of international, 116.
- Laws of war (Hague, 1907), 443, 766.
- Lebanon (France–United States, 1924), 102.
- Legal matters (Germany-Rumania, 1918), 579.
- Leticia, transfer to Colombia (1934), 111.
- Liberation debt (1930), 420.
- Liquor traffic:
- List, Paris Conference, 29–35.
- Literary and artistic works:
- Loans:
- Locarno. See Locarno, treaties of.
- Mandated territories, U. S. rights in, 101–104.
- Mannheim (1868), 669–675.
- Maritime ports (1923), 689.
- Matches (1906), 569, 806, 820.
- Memel (1924), 237–240.
- Metric system (1875), 570.
- Military (Austria-Hungary and Germany, 1918), 577.
- Military obligations in case of double nationality (1930), 116.
- Minorities, 116–119.
- Albania (1921), 117.
- Austria (1919), 117.
- Austria-Czechoslovakia (1920), 117.
- Bulgaria (1919, 1924), 116–117, 118.
- Czechoslovakia (1919), 118.
- Danzig-Poland (1920), 118.
- Estonia (1923), 118.
- Finland (1921), 118.
- Finland-Sweden, concerning Aaland-ers (1921), 117.
- Germany-Poland:
- Greece:
- Hungary (1920), 118.
- Iraq (1932), 118.
- Latvia (1923), 118–119.
- Lithuania (1922), 119.
- Memel (1924), 119.
- Poland (1919), 119, 222, 223–224, 225, 230.
- Rumania (1919), 119.
- Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (1919), 119.
- Turkey (1923), 119.
- Upper Silesia (Germany-Poland, 1922), 119.
- Minors, protection of (1902), 571.
- Mixed Claims Commission, Germany–United States (1930), text, 942–948.
- Monaco, relations with France (1918), 733.
- Montreux convention (1937), 296.
- Monument sites (France-United States, 1927), 370.
- Morocco:
- Most-favored-nation treatment:
- Munich (1938), 203, 557.
- Münster, 57.
- Mutual aid:
- Nationality:
- Nauru, administration (Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, 1919), 98.
- Naval armament limitation:
- Bilateral:
- Multilateral:
- Naval ratios (Germany–United Kingdom, 1935), 364.
- Navigation, inland:
- Navigation, maritime (1921, 1923), 109.
- Neuilly-sur-Seine. See Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty of.
- Neutralization:
- New (Young) Plan. See New (Young) Plan.
- Niemen (1921, 1924), 663.
- Non-aggression:
- North Pacific Islands (Japan–United States, 1922), 103–104.
- Occupation-army costs (1920-30), 532–533, 724, 725, 778, 880–886, 907, 942–948.
- Opium:
- Illicit traffic in dangerous drugs (1936), 120.
- International opium convention (1912), 120, 580.
- International opium convention (1925), 120.
- Limiting manufacture and regulating distribution of narcotic drugs (1931), 120.
- Suppression of manufacture, etc. (1925), 120.
- Suppression of opium-smoking (1931), 120.
- Osnabrück, 57.
- Pacific settlement of international disputes:
- Palestine (United Kingdom–United States, 1924), 102.
- Palestine declaration (1917), United Kingdom, 95, 100.
- Paris:
- Peace. See Peace, treaties of.
- Permanent Court of International Justice:
- Pharmaceuticals (1920), 520.
- Phylloxera (1881, 1889), 571.
- Plebiscite (France-Germany, 1920), 231.
- Poland (1919), 119; text, 791–808.
- Polish Corridor (1921, 1922, 1933), 236.
- Political:
- Postal Union:
- Property:
- Protectorates:
- Protocols to Treaty of Versailles (1919, 1920), 740–748.
- Publication by League of Nations, 92.
- Publications, obscene:
- Radio, broadcasting (1936), 115.
- Railways, 109, 131, 681.
- Rapallo (1922), 531.
- Records, transfer (Belgium-Germany, 1927), 144.
- Refugees, 120–121.
- Armenian, legal status (1928), 121.
- Armenian certificates of identity (1924, 1926), 121.
- Bulgaria, settlement in (1926), 121.
- German, status (1936, 1938, 1939), 121.
- Greece, settlement in (1923), 120.
- Greece–Refugees Settlement Commission (1930), 121.
- International status (1933), 120.
- League of Nations high commissioner for refugees, functions (1928), 121.
- Russian, legal status (1928), 121.
- Russian certificates of identity (1922, 1926), 120, 121.
- Registration, League of Nations, 92.
- Renunciation of war (1928), 90.
- Reparation:
- Art, works of:
- Australia-Germany (1930), 931.
- Belgian priority (1919), text, 849–851.
- Belgium-Germany:
- Bulgarian payments (1923), 917.
- Canada-Germany (1930), 931.
- Coal:
- Deliveries in kind (1922-30), 502–504, 874.
- Destruction of German fleet (1920), 344–346.
- Division of (1919-29), 441–442.
- Dyestuffs (1919-22), 516, 517, 520.
- Experts’ (Dawes) Plan. See Experts’ (Dawes) Plan.
- Finance Ministers’ Agreements. See Finance Ministers’ Agreement (1922) and (1925).
- France-Germany:
- Germany-Italy:
- Germany–New Zealand (1930), 931.
- Germany-Poland (1929), 931.
- Germany-Siam (1922), 600.
- Germany–United Kingdom:
- Germany–United States:
- Italy, payments to (1919), 859; text of treaty and modifying declaration, 831–838.
- Lausanne settlement (1932), 404–407, 421–422, 423.
- Multilateral:
- 1919: 441, 450, 454, 491, 509, 516, 831–838, 845, 849–851, 859.
- 1920 (see also Spa reparation agreement), 344–346, 441, 517, 520.
- 1921: 429, 441, 517, 852, 882.
- 1922 (see also Finance Ministers’ Agreement, 1922), 382, 441, 494, 517, 913.
- 1923: 421, 917.
- 1924 (see also Experts’ (Dawes) Plan), 467, 481, 483, 484, 487, 929, 930, 934, 935.
- 1925 (see also Finance Ministers’ Agreement, 1925), 388, 441.
- 1926: 504.
- 1927: 504.
- 1928: 389.
- 1929: 393, 503.
- 1930 (See also New (Young) Plan), 392–395, 399–400, 420–425, 427, 490, 503, 585.
- 1931: 424, 425.
- 1932: 404–407, 421–423.
- New (Young) Plan. See New (Young) Plan.
- Serb-Croat-Slovene percentage (1921), 852.
- Shipping. See Shipping, infra.
- Spa (1920). See Spa reparation agreement (1920).
- United States participation (1924), 467.
- Wiesbaden (1921), 882.
- “Wilson–Lloyd George agreement” (1919), 491, 845–848.
- Repatriation of securities and documents (Germany-Reparation Commission, 1926), 280.
- Restitution (1918-22), 444–449.
- Review by League Assembly, 92.
- Revival of agreements with Germany, 575–577.
- Rhine:
- Rhineland, evacuation (1929), 391–392.
- Rhineland, occupation:
- Road traffic (1931), 109–110.
- Ruanda - Urundi (Belgium–United States, 1923, 1924), 103.
- Ruhr occupation:
- Ruhr occupation amnesty (1924), 724.
- Rumania (1919), 33, 119.
- Saar Basin:
- Saint-Germain-en-Laye. See Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of.
- Samoa (1899), 575.
- Sanitation:
- Bilateral:
- Multilateral:
- Schedule of payments (1921), text, 862–870.
- Schleswig, 130–131.
- Serb-Croat-Slovene State (1919), 31–32, 119.
- Settlement, Germany-Turkey (1917), 577.
- Sèvres, Treaty of (1920), 7, 95–96.
- Shantung, China-Japan (1915, 1922), 299, 300.
- Shipping:
- Austria-Hungary, distribution agreements, 727.
- Buoyage, maritime (1936), 108.
- Buoyage and lighting, coastal (1930), 108.
- Collisions and salvage at sea (1910), 568.
- Distribution of enemy tonnage (1919), 491; text, 845–848.
- Germany-Poland (1920), 498.
- Italy–United Kingdom (1919, 1921), 848.
- Japan–United Kingdom (1919), 848.
- Spa agreement (1920), 856–858, 860–861, 914.
- Tonnage measurement (1898), 568.
- United States acquisition of tankers (1920), 495.
- “Wilson-Lloyd George Agreement” (1919), 491; text, 845–848.
- Social insurance:
- Spa (1920). See Spa reparation agreement (1920).
- Spitsbergen (1920), 35.
- “Standstill” (1931), 402.
- Statelessness (1930), 116.
- Suez Canal:
- Syria, France–United States (1924), 102.
- Tanganyika, United Kingdom–United States (1925), 103.
- Tangier Zone (1923, 1928), 293.
- Telecommunications, 571–573.
- Terrorism (1937), 116.
- Togoland:
- Tolls (1857, 1861, 1863), 567–568.
- Tonnage measurement (1898), 568.
- Trade-marks:
- Trans-Jordan (1928), 100.
- Transfer of territory:
- Transit, freedom of (1921), 110, 239, 688–689, 804, 817–818.
- Trial of war criminals (1920), 378.
- Trianon. See Trianon, Treaty of.
- Tsingtao-Tsinanfu Railway, China-Japan (1922), 300.
- Upper Savoy and Gex, France-Switzerland (1921), 732.
- Upper Silesia, 130–131.
- Validity, Covenant provision, 92.
- Versailles. See Versailles, Treaty of.
- Versailles Treaty, execution of (1920), 344.
- Veterinary questions (1935), 114.
- Vienna, Act of (1815), 727–733.
- Violations, German:
- Violations, Soviet, 90.
- Vistula River, Danzig-Poland (1922), 259.
- War, prevention of (1931, 1933, 1934), 111.
- War damages, Germany–Soviet Republic (1922), 273.
- War debts. See Debts, supra.
- War graves:
- War on land (Hague, 1907), 443, 766.
- Waterways, international:
- Whaling (1931), 114.
- Whang Poo (1905, 1912, 1916), 285
- Wheat (1933),
- White slave traffic (1904, 1910), 569, 806, 820.
- Wilson–Lloyd George (1919), 491; text, 845–848.
- Women in industry (1906), 568, 806, 820.
- Yap, Island of, Japan–United States:
- Treaty Series, League of Nations, 92.
- Trials, war crimes, 28, 201, 371, 376, 379;
- Trianon, Treaty of (1920), 34,
118, 823, 824.
- Application of Austro-Hungarian territories agreement, 822.
- Insurance-contract provisions, 621.
- Italian reparation, 833, 834.
- Patents, etc., time extensions, 637.
- Property cession, 423, 424.
- Reparation, 411, 415, 418, 422, 859, 877.
- Table of articles corresponding to those in other peace treaties, 36–38.
- Timetable, 6.
- United States:
- Tribunals:
- Tripartite Claims Commission, 630.
- Triptychs, restitution by Germany, 525.
- Troops (see also Occupation armies):
- Trophies, restitution by Germany, 522.
- Trusteeships, Saar Basin, 166–167.
- Tsingtao, transfer of customhouse to China, 300.
- Tsingtao-Tsinanfu Railway, 298, 300.
- Turkey:
- Abrogation of German treaties, 577–578.
- Alexandretta, transfer of, 99.
- German rights and interests, 298.
- Gold deposits in Reichsbank, 538–540.
- Peace conference, United States representation, 97.
- Territorial claims, renunciation, 96.
- Treaty of peace. See Lausanne, Treaty of; Sèvres, Treaty of.
- Ukraine, boundary with Poland, 794–795.
- Ultimatum of Allies to German delegation, 54.
- Unanimity provisions in voting, 80, 87, 90, 480–481, 490, 937–938.
- Unfair competition, German responsibility regarding, 561–562.
- Union of South Africa:
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see also Russia):
- United Kingdom:
- Aeronautical material, delivery by Germany, 354.
- Armament reduction, proposals, 315.
- Assistance to France, unperfected treaty of 1919, text, 760–762.
- Austro-German union, attitude toward, 201–202.
- Belgium, guaranty, 138.
- Bulgaria, relations, 365.
- Cemeteries in France, 370.
- Claims against Germany, 470, 604.
- Committee of Three re Danzig, 243, 244.
- Concession at Canton, 288.
- Conference for Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (Geneva, 1932), 310–311.
- Debts, private, chart, 588, 589.
- Debts, war, 397–402.
- Declaration of war against Germany, 295.
- Egypt, 295–296.
- German-Polish dispute, 248–250.
- Germany, revival of bilateral treaties, 576–577.
- Incorporation of German vessels, 347.
- Locarno pact. See Locarno, treaties of: Guaranty.
- Mandatory, 93–104.
- Mobilization, 247–248.
- Naval armament limitation, 338, 340, 342.
- Naval policy (1920-21), 337–338.
- Naval ratios (1935), 364.
- Occupation armies:
- Occupation costs, 871–875.
- Peace treaties and related agreements, list, 29–35.
- Poland:
- Polish-Russian armistice proposal, 794.
- Reparation:
- Reparation agreements, 382, 388–389, 391, 393–394, 395, 404–407, 420–424, 427, 429, 467, 481, 483, 484, 503.
- Reparation Recovery Act, 501, 502, 503, 532, 867, 873, 874, 875, 882, 883, 913, 934.
- Restitution arrangements, 445, 446.
- Rhineland High Commission, 764.
- Rhineland occupation. See Rhineland: Occupation, Allied.
- Ruhr occupation (1921), 780–781.
- Ruhr occupation (1923-24), non-participation, 782.
- Shipping. See Shipping.
- Shipping captured in World War I, distribution agreement of 1919, text, 845–848.
- Shipping losses, 491.
- Suez Canal, 297.
- War crimes trials, tribunal, 371, 379.
- United Nations:
- United States:
- Acquisition of tankers, 1920 agreement, 495.
- Aeronautical material, delivery by Germany, 354.
- Arbitral commission, participation, 894.
- Armament reduction, proposals, 315.
- Austria:
- Austro-German union, attitude toward, 201–202.
- Belgian war debt, 388, 398–400, 401, 427.
- British war debt, 397–402.
- Bulgaria, signature of peace treaty, 9.
- Cameroons, rights in, 103.
- Claims, 19, 23, 628–630.
- Commercial provisions of Versailles Treaty, interest in, 546, 548.
- Communication facilities, Island of Yap, 278.
- Conference for Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (Geneva 1932), 310–311.
- Contracts, exemption from Versailles provisions, 613, 617.
- Czechoslovakian war debt, 401.
- Estonian war debt, 401.
- Finnish war debt, 401.
- France:
- Germany:
- Commercial regime, 546, 548.
- Diplomatic relations, 68.
- Payments, 944–945.
- Peace, 13–26. See also Peace, treaties of: Germany–United States (1921).
- Greek war debt, 398–401.
- Haiti, interpretation of Versailles property provisions, 602.
- Hoover moratorium, 400–404.
- Hungary:
- Incorporation of German vessels, 347.
- International Labor Organization, membership in, 693–695, 703.
- Iraq, rights in, 102.
- Italian war debt, 398, 401.
- Latvian war debt, 401.
- League organizations, participation in, 21, 24, 70, 309.
- Lebanon:
- Lithuanian war debt, 401.
- London Reparation Conference (1924), participation, 887.
- Mandated territories, rights in, 101–104.
- Mixed arbitral tribunals, non-participation, 627.
- Mixed Claims Commission. See Mixed Claims Commission, United States-Germany.
- Most-favored-nation treatment as condition of peace, 19, 23.
- Naval-armament limitation, 338, 340.
- Neuilly-sur-Seine, Treaty of, signature, 9.
- Occupation army:
- Pacific Islands, rights in, 103–104.
- Palestine, rights in, 102.
- Peace:
- Peace conferences, participation in, 3–5, 11–13.
- Peace treaties and related agreements:
- Permanent Court of International Justice, rejection, 86.
- Polish war debt, 401.
- Portuguese war debt, 400.
- Property rights, exception from Versailles provisions, 638, 639.
- Reparation:
- Bonds, 876.
- Dirigibles, 355.
- Dyestuffs, 516–518, 885.
- Influence on, 382.
- Interest in, 382, 383–384, 388, 389–390, 391, 393, 394, 407, 432, 440, 450, 460–467, 483, 487, 491–492, 516–518, 521–522.
- Refusal to mediate, 432.
- Rolling stock, 534.
- Ruhr-occupation receipts, 487.
- Share in Dawes annuities, 906–907.
- Shipping, 491–492.
- Submarine cables, 521–522.
- Reparation agreements, 388, 393, 394.
- Reparation Commission, 13, 25, 460–467, 546, 899–900.
- Retention of enemy property, 18–19, 22–23.
- Rhineland commissions, relations with, 764, 774–775.
- Rhineland occupation, 769–770, 772, 773, 775.
- River-tonnage provisions of Versailles Treaty, appointment of arbitrator, 658, 659–660, 674–675.
- Ruanda-Urundi, rights in, 103.
- Rumanian war debt, 398–400, 401.
- Settlement of War Claims Act (1928), 629, 630, 943.
- Shipping captured in World War I, distribution agreement of 1919, text, 845–848.
- Shipping losses, 491.
- Supreme Council, relationship, 10–11, 13.
- Syria:
- Tanganyika, rights in, 103.
- Togoland, rights in, 103.
- Tripartite Claims Commission, 630.
- Turkish peace conference, representation at, 97.
- Versailles, Treaty of:
- War crimes trials, tribunal, 371, 379.
- War debts:
- Yap, Island of, rights in, 103–104, 278–279.
- Yugoslavia, war debt, 398–400, 401.
- Universal Postal Union, 572.
- Unknown soldiers, graves, 371.
- Upper Savoy, status, 727–733.
- Upper Silesia, 210–226.
- Administration, treaties concerning, 107.
- Coal, 212, 509–511.
- Frontier zone, 215, 220.
- German contentions, 212.
- German observations, 39; Allied reply, 50.
- Map, inside cover.
- Mines, 215, 220.
- Minorities, 214, 215.
- Nationality, 214, 222.
- Occupation costs, 219.
- Plebiscite, 210–214, 216–219, 231.
- Social-insurance funds, 641.
- Treaties re, 107, 130–131, 551, 554.
- Uruguay, diplomatic relations with Germany, 68, 735.
- Vegetable oils, import duties on, 559.
- Versailles, Treaty of, 55–754.
- Abrogations, 27.
- Aerial navigation, 642–646.
- Agreements in execution of, 809, 839–948.
- Air clauses, 351–355.
- Amendments:
- Armament, munitions, and war material, 323–329.
- Bilateral form, 57–58.
- Boundaries of Germany, 122–134.
- Constitution of International Labor Organization, 692–718.
- Covenant of the League of Nations, 69–122.
- Defaults, German:
- Depositary, 738.
- Economic clauses, 545–642.
- Enforcement of provisions, 741.
- Entry into force, 59, 70, 737.
- Execution, 301–309, 344, 867.
- Finance Ministers’ Agreement (1925), references in, 908, 909, 910, 911, 914.
- Financial clauses, 526–544.
- German assurances of compliance, 305–306.
- German attitude, 26–27.
- German compliance with terms of part V, summary, 306, 307–308.
- German objections, 39–44, 373, 526–530;
- Allied reply and ultimatum, 44–54.
- German rights and interests outside Germany, 275–300.
- German signature, 373, 416–419, 737.
- Graves, 369–371.
- Guaranties, 719–726.
- High contracting parties, 57, 60–67.
- Inter-Allied Commissions of Control. See Inter-Allied Commissions of Control.
- International Labor Organization, Constitution, 692–718.
- Italian reparation, 832.
- Labor, 692–718.
- Mandated territories, 93–104.
- Map of international waterways, inside cover.
- Military, naval, and air clauses, 301–365.
- Military clauses, 318–337.
- Status, 364–365.
- Military training, 329–333.
- Miscellaneous provisions, 726–754.
- Naval clauses, 337–351.
- New (Young) Plan, references in, 930, 931.
- Non-ratifying states:
- Penalties, 371–380.
- Political clauses for Europe, 134–275.
- Ports, waterways, and railways, 647–691.
- Preamble, 57–68.
- Prisoners of war, 365–371.
- Protocols, 740–748.
- Ratification, 736–738.
- Recruiting and military training, 329–333.
- Reparation, 380–526; superseded by New (Young) Plan, 394.
- Reparation responsibility, 411, 413.
- Repudiation by Germany of regulations re river navigation, 651–653.
- Signatories, 106, 373, 416–419, 737, 738–740.
- Table of articles corresponding to those in other peace treaties, 36–38.
- Text of May 7, excerpts:
- Covenant, 73, 83, 90, 91–92.
- Part II, 128–130, 131, 132.
- Part III, 173, 175, 180, 181, 185, 188, 190, 193, 195, 204, 208, 212, 219, 220, 221–222, 253, 261, 263, 265–266, 269, 270.
- Part IV, 282, 290, 292.
- Part V, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 330, 331, 333–334, 343, 348, 349.
- Part VII, 376.
- Part VIII, 461, 476, 477, 482, 440, 453–454, 524–525.
- Part IX, 531, 539, 544.
- Part X, 569, 573, 574, 576, 582, 584, 595, 598, 606, 607, 608, 611–612, 614, 616, 625, 631, 632, 634, 635, 636.
- Part XI, 644.
- Part XII, 650, 661–662, 665, 669, 676, 685, 691.
- Part XV, 728, 729, 730, 735.
- Preamble, 61, 63, 64, 67.
- Time limits, chart, 748–754.
- Timetable, 6.
- Treaties, provisions re, 565–580.
- Treaties abrogated, 576–577, 578.
- Treaties continued in effect or renewed, 565–576.
- Treaties inconsistent with, 92, 727–728.
- United States relationship:
- Violations, German, 28,
- Allied attitude, 305.
- Art. 43: 154–159, 161, 364.
- Arts. 159-180: 364.
- Arts. 159-213: 302, 304–305, 307–308, 315–316.
- Art. 160: 304, 307, 316, 321.
- Art. 162: 305, 307.
- Arts. 164-169: 305.
- Art. 174: 305.
- Art. 177: 307–308, 332.
- Art. 178: 308, 332.
- Art. 179: 333.
- Arts. 181-197: 342.
- Art. 198: 316.
- Arts. 198-202: 364.
- Art. 211: 305.
- Arts. 264-281: 546–548.
- Art. 297: 602.
- Arts. 323 and 325: 680–681.
- Council resolution, 317–318, 321.
- Part V: 302, 304–305, 307–308, 315–316.
- Part X, sec. I, 546–548.
- Violations, Soviet:
- Arts. 12 and 15: 90.
- “War guilt” article, 413–419.
- Vessels. See Shipping; Submarines; Warships; Naval armament.
- Vienna, Act of (1815), 727–733.
- Vistula River, 210, 234–235, 259, 650, 804.
- Voting procedure:
- Boundary commissions, 142, 166, 208, 270.
- Commissions established by Treaty of Versailles, 640, 734.
- Elbe, International Commission of, 660–661.
- Governing commissions, 174, 232, 234, 264.
- International Labor Organization, 700–701, 705, 706, 713.
- League Assembly, 79, 105.
- League Council, 80–81, 87, 90, 105, 759, 801, 814–815.
- Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, 624.
- Reparation Commission, 468, 480–487, 490, 937–938.
- Rhine, Central Commission of, 671, 673.
- Walloons, 141.
- War. See World War I; World War II.
- War, act of, under Covenant, 88–91.
- War, action of League in event of, 83–84.
- War, prevention, treaties concerning, 110–111.
- War crimes, 44–47, 375.
- War crimes trials, 28, 201, 371, 376, 379–380; German default, 434–435.
- War crimes tribunals, 371, 376, 379.
- War criminals, trial of, German default, 434–435.
- War debts. See Debts.
- War guilt:
- Warships. See Naval armament.
- Warships, German:
- Water power, French rights on Rhine, 651, 675–676.
- Waterways (see also Rivers), 647–680, 687–691.
- Weimar Constitution, 199–200.
- Westminster, Statute of, 62.
- Westphalia, Peace of, 57,
- Whang Poo, 285–286.
- Wiesbaden reparation agreement (1921), 882.
- William II of Hohenzollern:
- Wilson, Edwin C., 466.
- Wilson, Woodrow, 5, 46, 60, 847.
- “Wilson–Lloyd George Agreement” (1919), 491; text, 845–848.
- Wimbledon, S.S., case of, 689–690.
- Wine:
- Wireless apparatus, delivery by Germany to Allies, 354.
- Woman suffrage, Saar Basin, 177.
- Woman suffrage in plebiscites:
- Women and children, traffic in, League supervision of agreements, 104.
- Wool, import duties on, 559.
- Works and Mines, Inter-Allied Commission of Control, 787.
- World War I:
- World War II:
- World War Foreign Debt Commission, 396, 398.
- Yap, Island of:
- Young, Owen D., 389.
- Young Plan. See New (Young) Plan.
- Yugoslavia: